2,159 research outputs found

    Spectral variability of planetary nebulae and related objects

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    The results of long-term spectral observations were used to search for changes in planetary nebulae and emission-line stars. Significant increase of excitation degree is found in two objects: M1-6 and M1-11

    Spectral variations of AeBe Herbig stars in the Mon R1 association

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    We present the change in the Halpha emission-line profile of the spectra of some AeBe Herbig stars. In the spectrum of VY Mon, Halpha may have one of three profile types: P Cyg, P Cyg III or single line in accordance with the brightness variations of the star. HD259431 now shows a double Halpha profile with the red component stronger than the blue component, while in the earlier observations the blue peak was higher than the red peak. Finally, the last Halpha profile of LkHalpha215 is very similar to that obtained by Finkenzeller et al.Comment: 4pages, 3figure

    Variability of the object M1-15 = SS73 6 during 45 years

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    Факторы, определяющие развитие Phytophthora infestans на томате в открытом грунте

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    Relevance and methods. For the Non-chernozem zone, the main factor for the active development of late blight is the low air temperature and its sharp fluctuations during the day, contributing to the formation of increased air humidity and drip-liquid moisture on the plants. In the Moscow region, the causative agent of late blight is manifested almost annually. Populations of Phytophthora infestans are represented by the To and T1 races. Epiphytotic development was observed periodically (1977-1979, 1982, 1986, 1996-1999, 2000, 2001, 2003-2004, 2008-2009, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019) and was provided by the virulent T1 race. Observations showed that epiphytotic situations arose in those years when the minimum air temperature was below long-term average values, and relative humidity and precipitation exceeded them. With a deviation from the norm in the direction of increasing temperature, decreasing rainfall and relatively low humidity, years were observed with a depressive (1992, 1994) or moderate development of the disease (1980, 1981, 1983, 1985, 1987-1991, 2002, 2005-2007, 2010-2012, 2018). Results. As a result of breeding work, a Grot tomato-tolerant tomato variety was obtained, on the basis of which varieties with high resistance Grand, Dubok, Gnom, Chelnok, Patris, Geya, Zolushka, Perst, Severyanka, Blagodatny were obtained. In the general collection of VIR as a source resistance to leaf spot pathogens were registered: Geya (v.k. 14839), Slavyanka (v.k. 14840), Patrice (v.k. 14841), Rossiyanka (v.k. 14842), Krepysh (v.k. 14843), Sibiryachka (v.k. 14444) and line 1079-94 (v.k. 14845) donors, in addition to their high resistance to late blight, have excellent economic characteristics.Актуальность и методика исследований. Для Нечерноземной зоны основным фактором для активного развития фитофтороза является низкая температура воздуха и резкие колебания ее в течение суток, способствующие образованию повышенной влажности воздуха и капельно-жидкой влаги на растениях. В Подмосковье возбудитель фитофтороза проявляется практически ежегодно. Популяции Phytophthora infestans представлены расами То и Т1. Эпифитотийное развитие наблюдалось периодически (1977-1979, 1982, 1986, 1996-1999, 2000, 2001, 2003-2004, 2008-2009, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019 годы) и обеспечивалось вирулентной расой Т1. Наблюдения показали, что эпифитотийные ситуации возникали в те годы, когда минимальная температура воздуха была ниже средних многолетних значений, а относительная влажность и осадки превышали их. При отклонении от нормы в сторону повышения температуры, уменьшения количества осадков и относительно низкой влажности воздуха наблюдались годы с депрессивным (1992, 1994 годы) или умеренным развитием болезни (1980, 1981, 1983, 1985, 1987-1991, 2002, 2005-2007, 2010-2012, 2018). Результаты. В результате селекционной работы получен толерантный к фитофторозу сорт томата Грот, на основе которого получены сорта с высокой устойчивостью Гранд, Дубок, Гном, Челнок, Патрис, Гея, Золушка, Перст, Северянка, Благодатный. В генколлекции ВИР им. Н.И. Вавилова в качестве источников устойчивости к возбудителям листовых пятнистостей зарегистрированы: Гея (вр.к.14839), Славянка (вр.к.14840), Патрис (вр.к.14841), Россиянка (вр.к. 14842), Крепыш (вр.к. 14843), Сибирячка (вр.к.14844) и линия 1079-94 (вр.к. 14845). Полученные нами доноры кроме высокой устойчивости к фитофторозу имеют прекрасные хозяйственные характеристики

    Заболеваемость сахарным диабетом 2-го типа и традиционные факторы риска нарушений углеводного обмена у больных ревматоидным артритом

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    Objective: to clarify the primary incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and to compare the prevalence of traditional risk factors (RFs) in groups of patients with and without carbohydrate metabolic disorders.Patients and methods. A retrospective analysis was carried out in 158 patients with RA (diagnosed at the age of 45 years and older; the disease duration was more than 12 months). The exclusion criteria were concomitant type 1 DM and type 2 DM that was diagnosed before or at the onset of RA. The patients' median age was 62 [57; 68] years. Most RA patients had moderate (41.8%) and high (39.9%) DAS28. New cases of type 2 DM and the presence of hyperglycemia were recorded at the time of the examination. The traditional RFs of type 2 DM were assessed using the Finnish Diabetes Risk Score (FINDRISC).Results and discussion. The incidence rates of type 2 DM was 9.3 per 1000 patient-years. The patients with developed type 2 DM versus those without DM had a larger number of RFs according to the the FINDRISC questionnaire (6 [5; 7] and 5 [4; 5]; p<0.01), had more frequently experienced myocardial infarction and undergone surgery for myocardial revascularization (27.3 and 2.7%; p<0.01), taken beta-adrenoblockers (72.7 and 33.3%; p<0.05) and calcium channel blockers (36.4 and 12.2%; p<0.05). Fasting hyperglycemia was detected in 10.1% of RA patients. The patients with hyperglycemia versus those with normal venous blood glucose levels more often had obesity (50.0 and 29.8%) and a history of hyperglycemic episodes (43.8 and 19.1%) and less frequently used glucocorticoids (18.8 and 47.3%; p<0.05 for all cases). Conclusion. The high incidence of type 2 DM in RA was associated with the presence of a set of traditional RFs and previous cardiovascular disease, while fasting hyperglycemia was with individual RFs for carbohydrate metabolic disorders. Цель исследования – уточнить первичную заболеваемость сахарным диабетом (СД) 2-го типа у больных ревматоидным артритом (РА) и сравнить распространенность традиционных факторов риска (ФР) в группах пациентов с нарушениями углеводного обмена и без них.Пациенты и методы. Проведен ретроспективный анализ 158 пациентов с РА (диагноз установлен в возрасте 45 лет и старше, длительность болезни более 12 мес). Критериями исключения были сопутствующий СД 1-го типа и диагноз СД 2-го типа, установленный до дебюта РА или одновременно с ним. Медиана возраста пациентов – 62 [57; 68] года. Большинство больных имели умеренную (41,8%) и высокую (39,9%) активность РА по индексу DAS28. Регистрировали новые случаи СД 2-го типа и наличие гипергликемии на момент обследования. Традиционные ФР развития СД 2-го типа оценивали по опроснику Finnish Type 2 Diabetes Risk Assessment Form (FINDRISK).Результаты и обсуждение. Заболеваемость СД 2-го типа составила 9,3 случая на 1000 пациенто-лет. Пациенты с развившимся СД 2-го типа по сравнению с больными без СД имели большее число ФР по опроснику FINDRISK  (6 [5; 7] и 5 [4; 5]; p<0,01), чаще переносили инфаркт миокарда и операции по его реваскуляризации (27,3 и 2,7%; р<0,01), принимали бета-адреноблокаторы (72,7 и 33,3%; р<0,05) и блокаторы кальциевых каналов (36,4 и 12,2%; р<0,05). У 10,1% больных РА выявлена гипергликемия натощак. Пациенты с гипергликемией чаще, чем больные с нормальным уровнем глюкозы в венозной крови, имели ожирение (50,0 и 29,8%) и эпизоды гипергликемии в анамнезе (43,8 и 19,1%) и реже принимали ГК (18,8 и 47,3%; р<0,05 для всех случаев).Выводы. Высокая заболеваемость СД 2-го типа при РА ассоциировалась с наличием комплекса традиционных ФР и предшествующей сердечно-сосудистой патологией, в то время как гипергликемия натощак – с отдельными ФР нарушений углеводного обмена


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    The article uses a clinical case of primary hyperparathyroidism in young patient with hyperplastic parathyroid gland localization in tissues of thyroid gland as an example to study the matters of cytological, histological, clinical and laboratory diagnostics of such pathology. It provides a literature reference on the difficulties of establishing a cytological and histological diagnoses, sets out the peculiarities of morphological pattern, discusses the tactical matters of primary hyperparathyroidism management, indications for surgical treatment and case follow-up of patients

    Evidence for Trapped Anomalous Cosmic Ray Oxygen Ions in the Inner Magnetosphere

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    A series of measurements of 5–30 MeV/nucleon oxygen ions made with track detector stacks on Cosmos satellites show isotropic angular distributions during solar energetic particle events. Solar-quiet times, on the other hand, have highly anisotropic distributions suggestive of a trapped-particle component. Detailed Monte Carlo simulations confirm this interpretation and allow us to measure the trapped and cosmic-ray contributions to the observed fluxes. Our data are fully consistent with anomalous cosmic-ray ions, rather than radial diffusion from the outer zone, as the source of the trapped particles

    Observation of Energetic Trapped Oxygen Ions in the Inner Magnetosphere

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    We report on a series of measurements of 5-30 Me V /nuc oxygen ions made with trackdetector stacks on Cosmos satellites. We find that the angular distributions during solar energetic particle events are isotropic, while solar-quiet times show highly anisotropic distributions suggestive of a trapped particle component. Detailed Monte Carlo simulations confirm this interpretation and allow us to separate the trapped and cosmic ray contributions to the quiet-time fluxes. Our data appear fully consistent with trapping of anomalous cosmic ray ions as the source of the trapped particles but inconsistent with radial diffusion from the outer radiation zone

    Microwave-Assisted Hydrothermal Synthesis and Annealing of DyF 3

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    The series of DyF3 nanosized samples was synthesized by the colloidal chemistry method. The microwave-assisted hydrothermal treatment was used for the first time for the modification of DyF3 nanoparticles. Transmission electron microscopy images show that the DyF3 nanoparticles have average particle size of about 16–18 nm and the size distribution becomes narrower during the microwave irradiation. The X-ray diffraction analysis shows the narrowing of the diffraction peaks versus microwave treatment time. The experimental data demonstrates restructuring of the nanoparticles and their crystal structure becomes closer to the ideal DyF3 regular structure during the microwave irradiation of colloidal solution. The defect-annealing model of the microwave-assisted hydrothermal modification process is suggested