129 research outputs found

    Predicting the Strength of Leonid Outbursts

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    Abstract. A simple model is described that predicts the time of occurrences and peak activity of Leonid shower outbursts. It is assumed that the ejection speeds of escaping particles at each return of the parent comet near perihelion are very small, but solar radiation pressure acting differently on different particles causing a spread of particles into different period orbits. Earlier papers predicted the position of the resulting dust trails. This paper sets forth to better predict the strength of the expected outbursts by considering the role of non-isotropic effects in the interaction with the solar radiation on the dispersion of particles away from the dust trail center. This paper determines the approximate magnitude of the relevant effects. Predictions for the next few years are presented that include such considerations, for reasonable assumptions of particle properties. For example, earlier predictions for the 1999 storm of ZHR = 6,000–7,000 are now reduced by a factor of two, which is in better agreement with the observed ZHR ~ 4,000. The success of the technique, when applied to historic meteor storms and outbursts without need of additional free parameters, lends confidence to the soundness of the underlying model and to its application for future predictions. We predict that the best encounters of this return of the parent-comet will occur in the years 2001 and 2002


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    The articles describes the clinical follow-up and the data of one-year prospective follow-up of the patient suffering from the Brugada syndrome complicated by clinical death. Приведены клиническое наблюдение и данные одногодичного катамнеза пациента с синдромом Бругада, осложненным клинической смертью.

    Формирование регионального кластера бытовых услуг

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    This work consists of two parts. The first one is theoretical, presents a historical analysis of clusters in Russia and abroad. Here we consider the works of famous scientists who have made a significant contribution to the formation of clusters (I.e. Dahmen, M. porter, A. Marshall). Data for the study were collected from foreign and domestic sources. The article revealed and proven that the most effective factor in competitive economic development in the developed countries is the development of regional industry clusters. It should be noted that in Russia there are clusters of various industries and they are successfully operating in the market economy. The second part is practical, the author has developed a regional cluster of public services. The creation of the cluster was carried out in ten stages, after which, the end result was a cluster of household services, which is surrounded by elements of infrastructure. The author presents her own definition of a cluster of household services is a Union of services within the industry (region, country), which differ in the mode of origin, period of performance, load and volume of materials that operate for the common good – the needs of the population. In conclusion, I can conclude that the cluster is an innovative tool for developing countries, in particular in the region, which should develop in favorable conditions. Regional cluster consumer services is an integral part of a market economy, including organizational, financial, legal, and economic structures. The study showed a powerful engine in the industry are state, regional and local authorities.Данная работа состоит из двух частей. Первая – теоретическая, представляет собой исторический анализ кластеров в России и за рубежом. Здесь рассмотрены труды известных ученых, которые внесли значительный вклад в становление кластеров (Е. Дахмен, М. Портер, А. Маршал). Данные для исследования были собраны из зарубежных и отечественных источников. В статье выявлено и доказано, что наиболее эффективным фактором конкурентоспособного экономического развития в развитых странах является формирование территориально-отраслевых кластеров. Следует отметить, что в России существуют кластеры различных отраслей и они успешно функционируют в условиях рыночной экономики. Вторая часть – практическая, автором разработан региональный кластер бытового обслуживания населения. Создание кластера проводилось в десять этапов, после чего, конечным результатом стал кластер бытовых услуг, который окружен элементами инфраструктуры. Автором представлено собственное определение кластера бытовых услуг – это союз услуг внутри отрасли (региона, страны), отличающихся способом происхождения, сроком исполнения, величиной нагрузки и объемом материалов, которые функционируют для общего блага – удовлетворению потребностей населения. В заключении можем сделать вывод, что кластер является инновационным средством развития страны, в частности региона, который должен развиваться в благоприятных условиях. Региональный кластер бытовых услуг – это неотъемлемая часть рыночной экономики, включающий организационно-финансовые, правовые и хозяйствующие структуры. Исследование показало, мощным двигателем в данной отрасли выступают государственные, региональные и местные органы власти

    COVID-19 in cystic fibrosis patients

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    Since the beginning of the COVID-19 epidemic, the European cystic fibrosis society (ECFS) has decided to launch a special ECFS-COVID-19 program to collect information on the of COVID-19 characteristics in the patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). The results of the program should help timely and efficiently provide the patients with CF with the necessary care. Initially, it was assumed that COVID-19 would be severe in CF patients. The aim. Тo assess the prevalence and characteristics of COVID-19 in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) in the Russian Federation (RF). Methods. 6 cases (4 children and 2 adults) of COVID-19 in Russian CF patients were analyzed. Results. There are 405,843 infected with SARS-CoV-2 in Russia, the incidence of coronavirus infection in Russia was 1.4 cases per 1 thousand people. According to the Ministry of Health of the RF, as of December 2019, there were 3,931 patients with CF (2,823 children and 1,108 adults). The incidence of COVID-19 was 1.5 per 1000 patients with CF (1.4: 1,000 for children and 1.8: 1,000 for adults). The incidence was not higher than in the General population. The diagnosis of COVID-19 was confirmed in 4 boys and 2 women, 3 of the patients were infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa and 2 – with Achromobacter spp. Mild disease was seen in 5 patients including all the children. Pneumonia was registered in 3 patients. One child with COVID-19 had abdominal syndrome. 2 patients – 1 adult and 1 child – needed in-patient care. Additional antibiotics were given to 4 patients, 2 of them received i/v antibiotics. One adult patient was on the lung transplantation waiting list. This woman had long-term oxygen therapy and BiPAP noninvasive respiratory support before the infection with SARS-CoV-2, FEV was 24 % Conclusion. Despite the fact that patients with CF are at risk of severe COVID-19, to date, in the described cases, COVID-19 infection has not led to a significant deterioration of the symptoms of CF. Not a single fatal outcome in Russian patients with CF has been recorded. 1 pred

    Russia’s salt industry: Problems of development

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    The article shows the results of a study of pharmaceutical equivalence of generic suppositories using Dissolution test. Objects: rectal suppositories of ketoprofen, diclofenac, indomethacin, paracetamol. Materials and methods: the Dissolution test was performed according to the method of United States Pharmacopoeia on the device Erweka DT 6, paddle apparatus (100 rpm), in dissolution medium of phosphate buffer solution (volume 900 ml, pH=7,2). Samples were collected after 15, 30, 45, 60 min after the start of the experiment. The quantity of ketoprofen, diclofenac, indomethacin, paracetamol was determined spectrophotometrically at wavelengths of 260 ±2 nm, 276 ±2 nm, 318 ±2 nm, 243 ±2 nm, respectively. As the reference solution used phosphate buffer solution (pH=7,2). A comparative evaluation of the equivalence of dissolution profiles of the drugs was performed by using the coefficients of the difference (f1) and similarity (f2). The study established the equivalence of ketoprofen suppositories of two, diclofenac – four, indomethacin and paracetamol  – three manufacturers.В статье представлены результаты исследования фармацевтической эквивалентности воспроизведенных суппозиториев по тесту «Растворение». Объекты: ректальные суппозитории кетопрофена, диклофенака, индометацина, парацетамола. Материалы и методы: испытание «Растворение» проводили по методике Американской фармакопеи на приборе Erweka DT 6, аппарат «лопастная мешалка» (100 об/мин), в среде фосфатного буферного раствора объемом 900 мл при рН=7,2. Отбор проб осуществляли через 15, 30, 45, 60 мин после начала эксперимента. Количество перешедшего в среду растворения кетопрофена, диклофенака, индометацина, парацетамола определяли спектрофотометрически при длинах волн 260 ±2 нм, 276 ±2 нм, 318 ±2 нм, 243 ±2 нм, соответственно. Раствором сравнения служил фосфатный буферный раствор (рН=7,2). Сравнительную оценку эквивалентности профилей растворения препаратов проводили с помощью коэффициентов различия (f1) и подобия (f2). В результате исследования установлена эквивалентность суппозиториев кетопрофена двух, диклофенака – четырех, индометацина и парацетамола  – трех производителей

    Analysis of johnson polyhedra using projective geometry techniques ПРОЕКТИВОГРАФИЧЕСКИЙ АНАЛИЗ МНОГОГРАННИКОВ ДЖОНСОНА

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    The authors analyze the capabilities of projective geometry techniques based on the method of tracing for diagrams, as applied to problems of Johnson polyhedra and formation of convex polyhedral structures. Johnson polyhedra, known as Johnson solids, demonstrate a specific type of symmetry. Each polyhedron can serve as the core for varied shapes capable of preserving their properties. The authors believe that the research into clusters of Johnson solids have a stronger potential than any research into a single Johnson polyhedron. The paper shows how the change of parameters (rotation angles, axis of symmetry, and number of facets) can be preserved for a variety of shapes; this is a very lucrative property in terms of architecture and design. Specialized computer software is used for the practical implementation of the method.<br>Проведен анализ возможностей проективографического аппарата, основанного на методе следовых эпюров, в применении к многогранникам Джонсона в задачах формообразования выпуклых многогранных структур. Рассмотрены многогранники Джонсона, для которых указаны типы симметрии. Каждый многогранник может являться ядром одноэпюрной или многоэпюрной системы. Показано как при изменении параметров (углов поворота, осей симметрии, количества ядер) можно получать многообразие форм, интересных с точки зрения архитектуры и дизайна. Для практической реализации метода применена специально разработанная компьютерная программа

    On the use of polar coordinate system in the projective graphic drawings

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    Projective graphics is a polyhedra simulation method, which is based on the use of trace diagrams of initial polyhedron. Previously developed computer software allows using Cartesian coordinates. In some cases it is advisable to use polar coordinate system for description of projective graphics drawings. Using the example of icosahedron the authors analyzed the advantages of using projective graphics drawings in the polar coordinate system. The transition to the polar coordinate system is a tool that allows using certain patterns of projective graphics drawings in the process of calculation. When using polar coordinate system the search of Polar correspondence for the directs is simplified. In order to analyze the two lines in the polar coordinate system it is enough to compare the corresponding coefficients of the equations of these lines. The authors consider a diagram of the icosahedron in polar coordinates, and a corresponding fragment of calculation program in the Mathematica system. Some examples of forming based on icosahedrons are offered. Optimization of computer programs using polar coordinate system will simplifies the calculations of projective graphics drawings, accelerates the process of constructing three-dimensional models, which expand the possibilities of selecting original solutions. Finally, the authors conclude that it is appropriate to use the polar coordinate system only in the construction of projective graphics diagrams of the planes system having rich symmetry. All Platonic and Archimedean solids, Catalan solid possess this property