69 research outputs found

    Sugarcane bagasse based biorefineries in India: potential and challenges

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    Sugarcane bagasse (SCB) is one of the world's most abundant agricultural residues and in an Indian context, ∼100 million tonnes per annum is produced. The current use of SCB is restricted to the cogeneration of steam and power; however considering its potential, cogeneration is not the best valorisation route. Furthermore, with falling electricity prices and reducing global sugar prices due to excess sugar stock, it is inevitable that the waste generated (SCB) by sugar mills are utilised for generating revenue sustainably. With this background, this review aims to put forth a biorefinery perspective based on SCB feedstock. Biogas and bioethanol are the Government of India's current focus with policies and subsidies clearly pointing towards a sizeable future market. Therefore, alongside these biofuels, high-value chemicals such as xylitol, succinic acid and lactic acid were identified as other desired products for biorefineries. This review firstly discusses SCB pre-treatment options based on end applications (saccharification or anaerobic digestion, AD). Next, state-of-the-art for each of these aspects was reviewed and our perspective on a profitable biorefinery is presented. We propose an AD based biorefinery where vortex-based hydrodynamic cavitation was found to be the best choice for pre-treatment. AD is considered not only a bioprocess for energy production here but also a ‘pre-treatment’, where partial conversion of holocellulose leads to a digestate rich in a loosened fibre matrix. This digestate rich in cellulose can be enzymatically hydrolysed and further valorised biochemically. This approach would be cost effective and provide a sustainable waste management route for sugar mills

    Age, temperature, and parasitaemia predict chloroquine treatment failure and anaemia in children with uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria

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    The prevalence of chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium falciparum malaria has been increasing in sub-Saharan Africa and parts of South America over the last 2 decades, and has been associated with increased anaemia-associated morbidity and higher mortality rates. Prospectively collected clinical and parasitological data from a multicentre study of 788 children aged 6-59 months with uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria were analysed in order to identify risk factors for chloroquine treatment failure and to assess its impact on anaemia after therapy. The proportion of chloroquine treatment failures (combined early and late treatment failures) was higher in the central-eastern African countries (Tanzania, 53%; Uganda, 80%; Zambia, 57%) and Ecuador (54%) than in Ghana (36%). Using logistic regression, predictors of early treatment failure included younger age, higher baseline temperature, and greater levels of parasitaemia. We conclude that younger age, higher initial temperature, and higher baseline parasitaemia predict early treatment failure and a higher probability of worsening anaemia between admission and days 7 or 14 post-treatment

    Effect of zinc on the treatment of Plasmodium falciparum malaria in children: A randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Zinc supplementation in young children has been associated with reductions in the incidence and severity of diarrheal diseases, acute respiratory infections, and malaria. Objective: The objective was to evaluate the potential role of zinc as an adjunct in the treatment of acute, uncomplicated falciparum malaria; a multicenter, double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial was undertaken. Design: Children (n = 1087) aged 6 mo to 5 y were enrolled at sites in Ecuador, Ghana, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia. Children with fever and ≥ 2000 asexual forms of Plasmodium falciparum/μL in a thick blood smear received chloroquine and were randomly assigned to receive zinc (20 mg/d for infants, 40 mg/d for older children) or placebo for 4 d. Results: There was no effect of zinc on the median time to reduction of fever (zinc group: 24.2 h; placebo group: 24.0 h; P = 0.37), a ≥75% reduction in parasitemia from baseline in the first 72 h in 73.4% of the zinc group and in 77.6% of the placebo group (P = 0.11), and no significant change in hemoglobin concentration during the 3-d period of hospitalization and the 4 wk of follow-up. Mean plasma zinc concentrations were low in all children at baseline (zinc group: 8.54 ± 3.93 μmol/L; placebo group: 8.34 ± 3.25 μmol/L), but children who received zinc supplementation had higher plasma zinc concentrations at 72 h than did those who received placebo (10.95 ± 3.63 compared with 10.16 ± 3.25 μmol/L, P \u3c 0.001). Conclusion: Zinc does not appear to provide a beneficial effect in the treatment of acute, uncomplicated falciparum malaria in preschool children

    The entrepreneurial marketing management and commercialization arrangements of born-global bio-enterprises: the case of UK companies

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    Born global bio-enterprises are a unique “breed” of relatively small biotechnology enterprises operating in multiple countries. The companies are nimble and seemingly well-prepared for challenges that ephemeral markets such as the internationalised biotechnology sector brings. The international marketing management challenges they encounter appear to stimulate their entrepreneurial marketing and commercialisation instincts. Surprisingly, there is a dearth of studies that examine their entrepreneurial predispositions. As such, this study is an attempt to explain their entrepreneurial tendencies by investigating the marketing and commercialisation strategies adopted by born global bio-enterprises in the UK’s biotechnology industry. The study assumes a multi-case approach examining five archetypical born global bio-enterprises currently active in the UK. It contributes to the international entrepreneurship and marketing management literature. Specifically, it provides international business managers with new knowledge about various marketing manoeuvres they can apply in international networks for their marketing mileage. In doing so, the study proposes a theoretical framework mapping out entrepreneurial marketing and commercialisation arrangements in internationalised biotechnology markets. Its findings are useful to various stakeholders including: policy makers, managers of technology-based companies and business management researchers

    Evaluation of Convalescent Plasma for Ebola Virus Disease in Guinea

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    : In the wake of the recent outbreak of Ebola virus disease (EVD) in several African countries, the World Health Organization prioritized the evaluation of treatment with convalescent plasma derived from patients who have recovered from the disease. We evaluated the safety and efficacy of convalescent plasma for the treatment of EVD in Guinea. : In this nonrandomized, comparative study, 99 patients of various ages (including pregnant women) with confirmed EVD received two consecutive transfusions of 200 to 250 ml of ABO-compatible convalescent plasma, with each unit of plasma obtained from a separate convalescent donor. The transfusions were initiated on the day of diagnosis or up to 2 days later. The level of neutralizing antibodies against Ebola virus in the plasma was unknown at the time of administration. The control group was 418 patients who had been treated at the same center during the previous 5 months. The primary outcome was the risk of death during the period from 3 to 16 days after diagnosis with adjustments for age and the baseline cycle-threshold value on polymerase-chain-reaction assay; patients who had died before day 3 were excluded. The clinically important difference was defined as an absolute reduction in mortality of 20 percentage points in the convalescent-plasma group as compared with the control group. : A total of 84 patients who were treated with plasma were included in the primary analysis. At baseline, the convalescent-plasma group had slightly higher cycle-threshold values and a shorter duration of symptoms than did the control group, along with a higher frequency of eye redness and difficulty in swallowing. From day 3 to day 16 after diagnosis, the risk of death was 31% in the convalescent-plasma group and 38% in the control group (risk difference, -7 percentage points; 95% confidence interval [CI], -18 to 4). The difference was reduced after adjustment for age and cycle-threshold value (adjusted risk difference, -3 percentage points; 95% CI, -13 to 8). No serious adverse reactions associated with the use of convalescent plasma were observed. : The transfusion of up to 500 ml of convalescent plasma with unknown levels of neutralizing antibodies in 84 patients with confirmed EVD was not associated with a significant improvement in survival. (Funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program and others; ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT02342171.).<br/

    Lack of effective communication between communities and hospitals in Uganda: a qualitative exploration of missing links

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Community members are stakeholders in hospitals and have a right to participate in the improvement of quality of services rendered to them. Their views are important because they reflect the perspectives of the general public. This study explored how communities that live around hospitals pass on their views to and receive feedback from the hospitals' management and administration.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study was conducted in eight hospitals and the communities around them. Four of the hospitals were from three districts from eastern Uganda and another four from two districts from western Uganda. Eight key informant interviews (KIIs) were conducted with medical superintendents of the hospitals. A member from each of three hospital management boards was also interviewed. Eight focus group discussions (FGDs) were conducted with health workers from the hospitals. Another eight FGDs (four with men and four with women) were conducted with communities within a five km radius around the hospitals. Four of the FGDs (two with men and two with women) were done in western Uganda and the other four in eastern Uganda. The focus of the KIIs and FGDs was exploring how hospitals communicated with the communities around them. Analysis was by manifest content analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Whereas health unit management committees were supposed to have community representatives, the representatives never received views from the community nor gave them any feed back from the hospitals. Messages through the mass media like radio were seen to be non specific for action. Views sent through suggestion boxes were seen as individual needs rather than community concerns. Some community members perceived they would be harassed if they complained and had reached a state of resignation preferring instead to endure the problems quietly.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>There is still lack of effective communication between the communities and the hospitals that serve them in Uganda. This deprives the communities of the right to participate in the improvement of the services they receive, to assume their position as stakeholders. Various avenues could be instituted including using associations in communities, rapid appraisal methods and community meetings.</p

    Modélisation de paroi et injection de turbulence pariétale pour la Simulation des Grandes Echelles des écoulements aérothermiques

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    Lors du développement d un nouvel avion, l estimation des échanges d énergie entre l air ambiant et les parois est une donnée cruciale pour la conception aérothermique. Cette conception repose de plus en plus sur des simulations numériques mais certains phénomènes d aérothermique externe, comme le jet débouchant du système de dégivrage des nacelles moteur, montrent les limites des modèles RANS classiques. La simulation des grandes échelles (LES) se révèle bien adaptée à ce type de phénomène mais se heurte à un coût de calcul extrêmement élevé pour ces écoulements pariétaux à très grand nombre de Reynolds. Pour lever cette limitation, cette thèse propose l étude de deux briques fondamentales : la LES avec loi de paroi (WMLES) conjuguée à l injection d une couche limite turbulente à l entrée du domaine. Pour une meilleure compréhension et une utilisation fiable de l approche loi de paroi, on se concentre tout d abord sur les sources d erreur qui lui sont associées. Après les avoir identifiées, on propose une correction de l erreur de sous-maille ainsi qu une loi de paroi adaptée aux écoulements compressibles. Grâce à ces deux éléments, on obtient une estimation correcte du flux de chaleur pariétal sur des simulations WMLES de canal plan supersonique sur parois froides. Puis, pour préparer la transition vers des applications plus industrielles, on introduit un schéma numérique plus dissipatif ce qui nous permet d étudier l influence de la méthode numérique sur l approche loi de paroi. Dans une seconde partie dédiée à l injection de couche limite pour la WMLES, on sélectionne une méthode basée sur l injection de perturbations combinée à un terme de contrôle volumique. On montre que des simulations WMLES utilisant cette méthode d injection permettent d établir une couche limite turbulente réaliste à une courte distance en aval du plan d entrée, à la fois sur une plaque plane mais également sur un écoulement de jet débouchant à la géométrie plus complexe, représentative d un cas avion.During the design of a new aircraft, the prediction of energy exchanged between the ambient air and the aircraft walls is crucial regarding aerothermal design. Numerical simulations plays a role of increasing importance in this design. However classical RANS models reach their limits on some external aerothermal flows, like the jet-in-cross-flow from the anti-icing system oh the engine nacelles. The large eddy simulation (LES) is well suited to this kind of flow but faces an extremely large computational cost for such high Reynolds number wall-bounded flows. To remove this limitation, we propose two building blocks: the Wall Modeled LES (WMLES) combined with a turbulent inflow generation. For a better understanding and a reliable use of the WMLES, we first focus on the sources of error related to this approach. We propose a correction to the subgrid-scale error as well as a wall model suitable for compressible and anisothermal flows. Thanks to these two elements, we correctly predict the wall heat flux in WMLES computations of a supersonic isothermal-wall channel flow. Then, to allow the computation of more industrial flows, we introduce some numerical dissipation and study its effect on the wall modeling approach. The last part is dedicated to turbulent inflow generation for WMLES. We select a method based on synthetic perturbation combined with a dynamic control term. We validate this method on WMLES computations of a flat plate turbulent boundary layer and a hot jet-in-cross-flow representative of an industrial configuration. In both cases, we show that a realistic turbulent boundary layer is generated at a small distance downstream from the inlet plane.TOULOUSE-INP (315552154) / SudocSudocFranceF