572 research outputs found

    A GIS based multi-modal multiple optimal path transit advanced traveler information system

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    A method for the design and use of a Transit Advanced Traveler Information System (TATIS) using an off-the-shelf Geographic Information System (GIS) is developed in this thesis. The research design included: 1) representing multi-modal transit networks in a digital form with schedule databases; 2) development of a multiple optimal path algorithm that takes into account walking transfers using published time schedules; 3) incorporating user preferences and penalties in the algorithm; 4) development of a user-interface with suitable output capabilities; 5) using the prototype for sample inquiries giving performance measures. This prototype was developed using the Arc/Info GIS developed by ESRI, Inc. The principal results of the research demonstrated the effectiveness and robustness of the TATIS prototype with respect to the five previously mentioned issues. Areas of future improvement and research focus on performance measures and added functionality

    Calculation of Indirect Electricity Consumption in Product Manufacturing

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    Electricity consumption has been analysed since 2016 at a Hungarian furniture company. At the beginning of the research, a cyber-physical system was created which is capable of storing and analysing data on energy consumption by the production machines. The speciality of the system is that it can collect not only data on energy consumption by the machines but also the system can compare the energy consumption with production data. The data is received from sensors, which are installed into the building management system via the company’s own computer network. In this building management system, calculations can also be performed. All the collected and calculated data are entered into the company’s big database. The data is analysed with a business intelligence system, and the results are presented to the management and the other employees of the company. With this cyber-physical system all equipment are followed up in terms of energy management. The measured data can be analysed together by manufacturing machines and time; this way production efficiency can be represented by indicators. The goal of this study is not only to aggregate the energy consumption of machines that directly produce, but also to relate the energy consumption of indirectly aggregated production support equipment to production data. To achieve this goal, a completely new sensor environment had to be built to provide data from the supporting devices. One of the key supporting equipment is the extractors. These devices consume a huge part of total annual energy consumption of the factory (~30%). Their energy consumption costs are indirectly related to production, but through research and development, consumption can already be managed directly and aggregate to the creating of a product.Supported by the UNKP-20-3-II new national excellence program of the ministry for innovation and technology from the source of the national research, development and innovation fund