226 research outputs found

    Ostvarivanje prava na štrajk u Sloveniji: O nekim kontroverznim pitanjima i sukladnosti s Europskom socijalnom poveljom

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    The point of departure of this paper is that, in Slovenia, the implementation of the Strike Act, which was adopted still in former Yugoslavia requires profound changes as it is not in line with the constitutional concept of the right to strike or with the basic approaches of international norms and/or the interpretations of these norms made by the relevant supervisory bodies. The focus is placed exclusively on the European Social Charter and its supervisory body – the European Committee of Social Rights. The author briefly comments on certain (inadequate) solutions in the domestic legal regime and its implementation. She indicates possible changes de lege ferenda following the interpretations of the European Social Charter, derived from the case-law of the European Committee of Social Rights. Special attention is drawn to the inadequate legislation which determines limitations to the right to strike of workers in state bodies and public services.U radu se polazi od ideje da u Sloveniji primjena Zakona o štrajku, koji je donesen još u bivšoj Jugoslaviji, zahtijeva duboke promjene, s obzirom na to da nije usklađena s ustavnom koncepcijom prava na štrajk kao ni s pristupom koji proizlazi iz međunarodnih pravnih izvora i/ili tumačenja tih izvora od strane nadležnih nadzornih tijela. Isključivi naglasak pritom je stavljen na Europsku socijalnu povelju, primjenu koje nadzire Europski odbor za socijalna prava. Autorica se ukratko osvrće na pojedina (neprimjerena) rješenja u domaćem pravnom sustavu te na njihovu provedbu. Nadalje se skreće pozornost na moguće promjene de lege ferenda u skladu s tumačenjima odredaba Europske socijalne povelje koje proizlaze iz prakse Europskog odbora za socijalna prava. Posebice se upozorava na neodgovarajuću zakonsku regulativu kojom su utvrđena ograničenja prava na štrajk u državnim tijelima i javnim službama

    Use of CFD Codes for Calculation of Radiation Heat Transfer: From Validation to Application

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    In complex geometries, computational fluid dynamic (CFD) codes are commonly used to predict the heat and fluid transfer. To justify their use for the applications with dominant radiation heat transfer conditions, the implemented models need to be first appropriately validated on simple benchmark examples where the analytical solutions exist. The practical application discussed in this chapter considers the thermal radiation inside the vacuum vessel of the fusion reactor. Two representative benchmark examples are used to obtain the analytical solution and assess the accuracy of the real case simulations performed by CFD codes. The analytical solutions use the view factor method to calculate the net radiation heat flux on each radiating surface. Several numerical methods are available in the CFD codes to solve the thermal radiation problems. The discrete transfer method (DTM) is considered as one of the most efficient for solving the radiation fluxes between the surfaces in the case of radiatively non-participating fluid. Discussion includes description of fundamentals of analytical and numerical thermal radiation methods, validation of radiative heat exchange in simple enclosure problems, estimation of numerical errors and application to the practical case

    Physicians and chamber music in Zagreb in the 19th and 20th centuries

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    Cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je pronaći i identificirati što više liječnika koji su bili pojedinci - nositelji medicine u Zagrebu u 19. i 20. stoljeću te istovremeno aktivni glazbenici na (gudačkom) instrumentu u komornim sastavima, a potom odrediti i moguće utjecaje između tih dvaju prekrasnih životnih zvanja. Združeno proučavanje postojeće literature Antuna Goglie, Viktora Boića i Nade Bezić te istraživanje arhiva Hrvatskog glazbenog zavoda (HGZ) i Hrvatskog liječničkog zbora (HLZ) rezultiralo je mnoštvom pretežno neobrađenog teksta punog imena brojnih liječnika i njihovih životnih puteva – izazova u njihovoj medicinskoj karijeri kao i proba i nastupa u slobodno vrijeme obilježenima predanošću komornoj glazbi. Ovo se događalo uglavnom u njihovim vlastitim domovima koji su kronološki i zabilježeni te dvoranama Zavoda, ali ponekad također i na drugim, javnim mjestima. Pored toga, promotren je i opisan zanimljiv razvoj Društvenog orkestra HGZ-a. Razumljivo, postupno poniranje klasične glazbe u užem smislu s vremenom je prouzročilo zamjetno manji interes među slušateljima tako da je i broj sastava neprestano opadao. Međutim, posebna veza medicine i (klasične) glazbe i dalje ostaje neupitna, dok njihova zajednička humanost, virtuoznost i ljepota nastavljaju bezvremenski inspirirati.The core of this diploma paper was to find and identify as many physicians who were both important individuals as carriers of Zagreb medicine in the 19th and 20th centuries and as active musicians on (string) instruments in chamber ensembles. Furthermore, the aim was to determine possible influences between those two splendid life vocations. Combining a search of existing literature by Antun Goglia, Viktor Boić, and Nada Bezić plus exploring archives of the Croatian Music Institute and Croatian Medical Association has resulted in a lot of predominantly raw data full of names of various physicians and their life paths – challenges in their medical career as well as rehearsals and performances in their free time marked by dedication to chamber music. This was happening mainly in their own homes, which are chronologically arranged, and the Institute halls, but sometimes also in other, public locations. Also, an interesting development of Institute’s Amateur Orchestra has been observed and described. Reasonably, the deterioration of classical music in the narrow sense with time caused a significantly lower interest among the public and thus the number of ensembles has been decreasing. However, the special bond of medicine and (classical) music still remains unquestionable, and their common humanity, virtuosity, and beauty continue to timelessly inspire

    Značaj, principi i metodologija HL7 norme

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    U posljednih nekoliko desetljeća svjedoci smo iznimno značajnih dostignuća u znanju i tehnologijama u medicini, kao i primjeni različitih informacijsko-komunikacijskih (ICT) rješenja u svakodnevnoj liječničkoj praksi. Međutim, većina zdravstvenih informacijskih sustava ili aplikacija u svijetu danas rade na razini ordinacije ili bolničkih odjela, te iako u potpunosti zadovoljavaju lokalne potrebe, u sustavu u kojem je pacijent izuzetno pokretljiv ne mogu zadovoljiti zahtjeve moderne medicine. Podaci o pacijentima moraju se upravljati na visoko kvalitetan način, odnosno potrebne informacije moraju biti dostupne neovisno o mjestu i trenutku potrebe

    Pedagogical queries and her reception during study

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    Ovaj diplomski rad bavi se temom pedagoške upute i njezine recepcije tijekom studiranja. Izdvojeno je pet uputa za svaku akademsku godinu koje su se nadovezivale jedna na drugu te na kraju preklopile i kreirale moj sustav rada koji koristim pri svakom novom projektu. Kako bi svaki moj izričaj bio autentičan bilo je potrebno od mnogih dobivenih uputa napraviti selekciju i izabrati one koje sa mnom i mojim način funkcioniranja te glumačkim senzibilitetom korespondiraju.This graduate thesis deals with the topic of pedagogic instruction and its reception during the study. Five guidelines for each academic year were added, which complemented each other and eventually overlapped and created my work system that I use for each new project. In order for each of my expressions to be authentic, it was necessary for many of the instructions to make a selection and to choose the ones that correspond with me and my way of functioning and the acting sensitivity

    Vegetative-ecological research in permanent plots in National park Brijuni

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    Cilj ovog istraţivanja bio je usporediti strukturu šuma hrasta crnike na trajnim pokusnim plohama koje se nalaze u Nacionalnom parku Brijuni. Dvije trajne pokusne plohe (broj 56 i 57) su postavljene u sklopu UNESCO programa „Čovjek i biosfera“. Istraživanje se sastojalo od izmjere visina i prsnog promjera stabala hrasta crnike i drugih drvenastih vrsta na plohama, te se iz terenske izmjere izračunala struktura sastojina. Fitocenološko istraživanje vegetacije baziralo se na principima ciriško-monpelješke škole (Braun-Blanquet, 1964). Posljednje istraţivanje ovog tipa datira iz 1988. godine. Podaci su uspoređeni i dobiveni rezultati prikazuju sukcesiju vegetacije na ovim trajnim pokusnim plohama u zadnjih 29 godina.The aim of this research was to compare the forest structure of the permanent plots of evergreen oak forests in National Park Brijuni. These two plots (number 56 and 57) are included in the UNESCO programme ʺMan and Biosphereʺ (MAB). The research included measurement of height and diameter at breast height for evergreen oaks and for other woody species on the plot from which the forest structure was calculated. The phytocoenological survey of forest vegetation is based on the principles of the Zurch-Montpellier (Braun-Blanquet, 1964). The last research of this kind was carried out in 1988. Data was compared and the given results show vegetation succession on these permanent plots in the last 29 years

    Physicians and chamber music in Zagreb in the 19th and 20th centuries

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    Cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je pronaći i identificirati što više liječnika koji su bili pojedinci - nositelji medicine u Zagrebu u 19. i 20. stoljeću te istovremeno aktivni glazbenici na (gudačkom) instrumentu u komornim sastavima, a potom odrediti i moguće utjecaje između tih dvaju prekrasnih životnih zvanja. Združeno proučavanje postojeće literature Antuna Goglie, Viktora Boića i Nade Bezić te istraživanje arhiva Hrvatskog glazbenog zavoda (HGZ) i Hrvatskog liječničkog zbora (HLZ) rezultiralo je mnoštvom pretežno neobrađenog teksta punog imena brojnih liječnika i njihovih životnih puteva – izazova u njihovoj medicinskoj karijeri kao i proba i nastupa u slobodno vrijeme obilježenima predanošću komornoj glazbi. Ovo se događalo uglavnom u njihovim vlastitim domovima koji su kronološki i zabilježeni te dvoranama Zavoda, ali ponekad također i na drugim, javnim mjestima. Pored toga, promotren je i opisan zanimljiv razvoj Društvenog orkestra HGZ-a. Razumljivo, postupno poniranje klasične glazbe u užem smislu s vremenom je prouzročilo zamjetno manji interes među slušateljima tako da je i broj sastava neprestano opadao. Međutim, posebna veza medicine i (klasične) glazbe i dalje ostaje neupitna, dok njihova zajednička humanost, virtuoznost i ljepota nastavljaju bezvremenski inspirirati.The core of this diploma paper was to find and identify as many physicians who were both important individuals as carriers of Zagreb medicine in the 19th and 20th centuries and as active musicians on (string) instruments in chamber ensembles. Furthermore, the aim was to determine possible influences between those two splendid life vocations. Combining a search of existing literature by Antun Goglia, Viktor Boić, and Nada Bezić plus exploring archives of the Croatian Music Institute and Croatian Medical Association has resulted in a lot of predominantly raw data full of names of various physicians and their life paths – challenges in their medical career as well as rehearsals and performances in their free time marked by dedication to chamber music. This was happening mainly in their own homes, which are chronologically arranged, and the Institute halls, but sometimes also in other, public locations. Also, an interesting development of Institute’s Amateur Orchestra has been observed and described. Reasonably, the deterioration of classical music in the narrow sense with time caused a significantly lower interest among the public and thus the number of ensembles has been decreasing. However, the special bond of medicine and (classical) music still remains unquestionable, and their common humanity, virtuosity, and beauty continue to timelessly inspire

    Surrogate Model Applied for Analysis of Uncertain Parameters in Turbulent Mixing Flows

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    The water mixing experiment in the Generic Mixing Experiment (GEMIX) facility performed at the Paul Scherrer Institute is used as a benchmark case to investigate the influence of the main uncertain parameters on the turbulent mixing under isokinetic flow conditions. The benchmark experiment features two horizontal water streams with the same inlet velocity that merge together to form a mixing flow inside the larger horizontal square channel. The turbulence intensity and the velocity profile at the inlet were used as the main uncertain input parameters. The selected set of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations based on different combinations of values for uncertain parameters has been performed with the code NEPTUNE_CFD that solves the Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) equations with the k-ε turbulence model. To investigate the influence of the uncertain parameters over a wide range of values, the surrogate model called optimal statistical estimator (OSE) was used to generate the response surface of the results. It has been demonstrated that the OSE method can be successfully applied to build the response surface from a limited set of simulation points. For the two-parameter problem of the current study, only a few CFD simulation points are found sufficient to construct the quality response surface

    HL7 FHIR – nova zvijezda u području standardizacije u medicinskoj informatici?

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    U sklopu konferencije Hospital Days 2016, pod pokroviteljstvom HL7 Hrvatske, imali smo priliku ugostiti Rene Spronk-a, jednog od vodećih stručnjaka u području normizacije u medicinskoj informatici. Rene je dio globalne HL7 mreže, te je kroz pozvano predavanje upoznao javnost i stručnjake u regiji o najnovijim postignućima iz HL7 svijeta, konkretno novoj nadolazećoj normi, HL7 FHIR

    Dabar ( Casto fiber L.) u Parku prirode Lonjsko polje

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    U ovom će se završnom radu obraditi tema dabra (Castor fiber L.) u Hrvatskoj, a posebice u Parku prirode Lonjsko polje gdje je prvi put provedena reintrodukcija ove vrste nakon što je određeno vrijeme bila izumrla na našem području. U prvom će se dijelu navesti biološke karakteristike dabra kao vrste, a potom će se rad usredotočiti na nestanak dabra na području Republike Hrvatske te njegovu reintrodukciju u Park prirode Lonjsko polje 1996. godine. Navode se razlozi nestanka i motivacija za reintrodukciju vrste te ukratko opisuje postupak njegove reintrodukcije. Nakon toga daje se kratki pregled trenutne situacije populacije dabrova u Hrvatskoj i PP Lonjsko polje te u zaključku planovi za budućnost s obzirom na štetu koju dabrovi čine u svojem staništ