349 research outputs found

    Quantitative evaluation of dissolution profiles: From simple approaches to advanced chemometrics

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    Many forms of drugs are designed to undergo dissolution upon oral administration. The kinetics and efficiency of this process are critical parameters to be controlled. The methods of its evaluation are described in official guidelines issued by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), European Medicines Agency (EMA) and World Health Organization (WHO). Many approaches of comparison have been proposed, because these guidelines are not limited to a particular mathematical method. This review summarizes the current state of this topic, covering both model-dependent and model-independent methods, as well as multivariate ideas. The references have been chosen to be the most important papers in the field, so that they can be treated by the reader as the best possible recommendations for further reading

    Assessment of the Braking System Damage in the Public Transport Vehicles of a Selected Transport Company

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    This paper analyzes damage to safety systems over a five-year period for a group of vehicles. In the first step of analysis, descriptive statistics characterizing the analyzed variables were calculated and analyses related to the assessment of damage to the braking system. The analyses were carried out in order to examine the relationship between the mileage of vehicles and the number of defects quarterly and monthly and the fit of the obtained empirical results of the analysed variables to a normal or other theoretical distribution was checked. In order to check whether the observed differences in the mean values of the number of failures of the safety systems are statistically significant, a non-parametric analysis of variance was performed. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was applied, the distribution of the monthly sum of the braking system faults, distribution of the sum of the braking system faults from individual quarters, distribution of the monthly kilometrage of all vehicles and distribution of the quarterly kilometrage of all vehicles were presented. After describing previous correlation analyses, a linear regression analysis was conducted in which a model was built to predict the number of braking system faults based on monthly vehicle mileage and month of measurement. The last part of the analysis was to verify whether the number of the braking systems faults depends on the season of the year and it was checked whether the season makes any difference to the vehicle's quarterly kilometrage. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was carried out to this end

    Neoplatońskie poszukiwania zgodności między Platonem a Arystotelesem. Jan Filopon i problemy z arystotelesowską definicją duszy ("In De anima", 203,4 -230,25)

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    Fragment of the Commentary on Aristotle’s ‘On the Soul’ written by John Philoponus, which is analysed in this paper, is an example of neoplatonic method of establishing the agreement between Plato and Aristotle. Philoponus in his looking for this agreement is inspired by peripatetic tradition and tries to show many different aspects of Aristotle’s doctrine. He is deeply influenced by peripatetic tradition, using solutions and interpretations found in works of Alexander of Aphrodisias and Themistius, and trying to answer their questions on how it is possible that definition given by Aristotle (the soul is the first act of a natural body with organs) includes all kinds of souls. John Philoponus also tries to harmonize his own reading of this particular text with the whole Aristotelian doctrine. This method seems to be in agreement with the works in which John Philoponus criticizes Aristotle’s physics from a position of a thinker who knows this theory well and is able to indicate its weakness using the same premises and notions. On the other hand, he establishes the agreement between Plato and Aristotle and interprets Aristotle’s position, so that it could be understood as expressing Plato’s thought. He achieves this by a new interpretation of notions included in the definition of the soul and showing what kind of definition it is.Analizowany fragment komentarza Jana Filopona do O duszy Arystotelesa jest przykładem realizacji zasady interpretacyjnej stosowanej w komentarzach neoplatońskich – ustalania zgodnościmiędzy doktrynami Platona i Arystotelesa. W poszukiwaniu harmonii między tymi myslicielamiJan Filopon sięga do poprzedzającej go tradycji perypatetyckiej, co przejawia się w wykorzystaniu rozwiązań proponowanych przez Aleksandra z Afrodyzji i Temistiusza oraz próbie odpowiedzi na stawiane przez nich pytania, przede wszystkim, czy definicja duszy jako pierwszego aktu ciała naturalnego organicznego obejmuje wszystkie rodzaje dusz. Jan Filopon próbuje również uzgodnić swoją interpretację z całością doktryny Arystotelesa, co współgra z pracami, w których krytykuje fizykę Arystotelesa z pozycji tego, kto ją dobrze zna i potrafi wskazać jej słabe punkty operując tym samym aparatem pojęciowym i opierając się na tych samych założeniach. Z drugiej strony Filopon realizuje postulat zgodności między doktrynami Platona i Arystotelesa i nadaje sformułowaniom Stagiryty nowe znaczenie tak, aby mogły wyrażać myśl stricte platońską. Czyni to przez reinterpretację pojęć użytych w definicji duszy oraz poprzez dookreślenie statusu tejże definicji

    The effect of feeding culture media with biogenetic precursors on high production of depsides in agitated shoot cultures of black and red aronias

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    Agitated shoot cultures of two aronias, Aronia melanocarpa (Michx.) Elliott and Aronia arbutifolia (L.) Pers., were maintained on Murashige & Skoog medium (1 mg/l BA and 1 mg/l NAA), both with and without the addition of various biosynthetic precursors of phenolic acids and depsides (phenylalanine, cinnamic acid, benzoic acid and caffeic acid). Each substance was added in 5 concentrations (0.1-10 mmol/l), each concentration at two time points (at the beginning and on the 10th day of cultures). Twenty-four phenolic acids were determined in methanolic extracts of the biomasses collected after 20 days of growth cycles by means of HPLC method with DAD detection. The presence of seven compounds was confirmed in all the extracts-five depsides (neochlorogenic, chlorogenic, cryptochlorogenic, isochlorogenic and rosmarinic acids), and syringic and caffeic acids. The main metabolites in A. melanocarpa shoot extracts were isochlorogenic, chlorogenic and neochlorogenic acids (max. 249.88, 450.35, 192.16 mg/100 g DW). The main metabolites in A. arbutifolia shoot extracts were: chlorogenic, isochlorogenic and cryptochlorogenic acids (max. 361.60, 224.5, 526.2 mg/100 g DW). The largest total amounts of the compounds were confirmed in the cultures of both aronias after the addition of cinnamic acid (989.79 and 661.77 mg/100 g DW, respectively) and caffeic acid (854.99 and 1098.46 mg/100 g DW, respectively) at concentrations of 5 mmol/l on 10th day of growth cycles. These maximum amounts were 3.41, 3.42, 2.95 and 5.67 times higher, respectively, than in the control cultures. This is the first report documenting the high production of depsides in shoot cultures of black and red aronias after feeding with their biosynthetic precursors

    The influence of nasturtium officinale R. Br. Agar and agitated microshoot culture media on glucosinolate and henolic acid production, and antioxidant activity

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    This paper presents an optimization of conditions for microshoot cultures of Nasturtium officinale R. Br. (watercress). Variants of the Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium containing different plant growth regulators (PGRs): cytokinins—BA (6-benzyladenine), 2iP (6-γ,γ-dimethylallylaminopurine), KIN (kinetin), Zea (zeatin), and auxins—IAA (3-indoleacetic acid), IBA (indole-3-butyric acid), 2,4-d (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid), IPA (indole-3-pyruvic acid), NAA (naphthalene-1-acetic acid), total 27 MS variants, were tested in agar and agitated cultures. Growth cycles were tested for 10, 20, or 30 days in the agar cultures, and 10 or 20 days in the agitated cultures. Glucosinolate and phenolic acid production, total phenolic content and antioxidant potential were evaluated. The total amounts of glucosinolates ranged from 100.23 to 194.77 mg/100 g dry weight of biomass (DW) in agar cultures, and from 78.09 to 182.80 mg/100 g DW in agitated cultures. The total phenolic acid content varied from 15.89 to 237.52 mg/100 g DW for the agar cultures, and from 70.80 to 236.74 mg/100 g DW for the agitated cultures. Extracts of the cultured biomass contained higher total amounts of phenolic acids, lower total amounts of glucosinolates, a higher total phenolic content and similar antioxidant potentials compared to plant material. The analyses performed confirmed for the first time the explicit influence on secondary metabolite production and on the antioxidant potential. The significance was statistically estimated in a complex manner