28 research outputs found

    Effect of feeding system and fermented sago waste on performance of broiler chicken

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    An experiment, with a split plot experimental design, was conducted to determine the effect of feeding system (full vs choice feeding) and fermented sago waste (AST 5 vs 0%) on the performance of broiler chickens. Complete feed was formulated tocontain 21% crude protein, 2900 kcal ME/kg, without or with 5% AST. Feed for choice feeding was formulated to contain 2900 kcal ME/kg, without or with 5% AST with crude protein 23 or 17%. Four hundreds DOC broilers were used for each treatment divided into 4 replicates (100 birds/replicate) on litter system. Feed and water were given ad lib. during the 4 weeks trial. Data collected included feed consumption (weekly), body weight (bi-weekly), feed conversion ratio (FCR) and protein efficiency ratio (PER) were calculated biweekly. Feeding system has no significant effect on total feed/energy consumption. Choice feeding reduced total protein consumption (P0.01; 323.5 vs 354.9 gram/head/4weeks), increased body weight gained (P0.01; 889.5 vs 835 gram/head/4weeks), improved FCR (P0.05; 1.90 vs 2.03), and PER (P0.001; 0.37 vs 0.43). Fermented sago waste (AST) had no significant effect on total feed/energy consumption (P0.05), reduced total protein consumption (P0.05; 333.6 vs 349.8 gram/head/4weeks), increased body weight gained (P0.05; 887.5 vs 837 gram/head/4weeks), improved FCR (P0.05; 1.88 vs 2.06) and PER (P0.05; 0.38 vs 0.42). It is concluded that broiler chicken had an ability to determine its protein requirement, and AST supplementation significantly improved performance of the birds.   Key words: Choice feeding, fermented sago waste, broiler, FCR, PE

    Effect of biofertilizer and chemical fertilizer on growth and production of Panicum maximum

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    A glass-house experiment was conducted to study the effect of biofertilizer, chemical fertilizer and their combinations on the growth and production of Panicum maximum. Four cultivars of Panicum maximum were used, namely cv. Riversdale, cv. Petrie, cv. Natsukaze and cv. Natsuyukata. The grasses were planted in Latosol soil. The treatments with 3 replicates were: (1) control, (2) urea 100 kg N/ha, (3) biofertilizer 10 l/ha and (4) urea 50 kg N/ha + biofertilizer 10 l/ha. The grass was harvested every 40 days for 10 times and data was polled. The average production of grass for cv. Riversdale was 20.0 pols, height was 77.2 cm, fresh weight was 40.5 g and dry weight was 9.0 g. The average production of grass for cv. Petrie was 36.4 pols, height was 63.9 cm, fresh weight was 42 g and dry weight was 9.2 g. The average production of grass for cv. Natsukaze was 28.6 pols, height was 67.2 cm, fresh weight was 40.7 g and dry weight was 9.2 g. The average production of grass for cv. Natsuyukata was 36.9 pols, height was 74.9 cm, fresh weight was 45.3 g and dry weight was 9.7 g. The average production of treatment (I) were 17.2 pols, height 59.7 cm, fresh 11.4 g and dry weight 2.6 g. The average production of treatment (2) were 22.8 pols, height 61.1 cm, fresh 19.3 g and dry weight 4.2 g. The average production of treatment (3) were 40.3 pols, height 82.5 cm, fresh 71.6 g and dry weight 14.9 g. The average production of treatment (4) were 41.4 pols, height 79.9 cm, fresh weight 66.1 g and dry weight 14.5 g. Biofertilizer significantly increased number of pols, height, fresh and dry weights grass production.   Key words: Biofertilizer, chemical fertilizer, production, Panicum maximu

    Pengaruh Dana Pihak Ketiga (DPK) dan Non-Performing Loan (NPL) Terhadap Penyaluran Kredit pada PT. Bank Perkreditan Rakyat Indonesia Periode 2011-2017

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    The aims of this research is to find out how the influence of Third Party Funds (DPK) and Non-Performing Loans on lending to PT. Rural Banks for the 2011-2017 period. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression with the SPSS for Windows application. The results of the analysis show that partially third party funds (DPK) have a positive and significant effect on lending and non-performing loans have a negative and significant effect on lending to PT. Rural banks

    Song Gede: Situs Gua Hunian Sejak Masa Pleistosen Akhir di Pulau Nusa Penida, Bali: Song Gede Site: Cave Dwelling Site Since Late Pleistocene Period in the Nusa Penida Island, Bali

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    Prehistoric archaeological research in Indonesia recently showed the existence of dwelling caves from the late Pleistocene, starting from Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi to East Nusa Tenggara. The Song Gede site is one of the dwelling caves from the late Pleistocene which was very interesting to be discused, especially when tracing the distribution of early modern humans in Southeast Asia. The location of the Song Gede site is considered to have a very strategic position because it was located at the eastern end of the Sunda Shelf towards Wallacea. The purpose of this paper is to study the chronology of the Song Gede Site and review the results of research at the Song Gede Site as an ocupation site that is on the migration route in the southern part of the Sunda Shelf to the Wallacea region or vice versa. The research method used was stratigraphic analysis, contextual and carbon dating methods. The results showed that the Song Gede Site has been inhabited since the late Pleistocene to the Holocene. The human living in the cave uses various natural resources to meet their daily needs, such as the use of rock materials, and the rest of the animal remains for tools and the use of animal and plants to fulfill their daily consumption

    Efektifitas pemberian kombinasi mineral zinc dan herbal sebagai imunomodulator

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    Suplemen as imunomodulator used to increase immune response, to prevent disease. Herb and Zinc (Zn) can function as imunostimulan. The aim of this experiment was (1) to studythe effect of Zn mineral and herb combination influence the healthy condition, performance and immunity responses, 2) to have blood biochemistry and organ function in broiler who given zinc mineral and herb combination, 3) to know the effectivity of herb and Zn to be treated by Colibacillosis condition One hundred broiler were used in this research, divided by 5 groups: RO (control), R1 (RO + 2.5% garlic powder+ 1.5% turmeric powder), R2 (R0+2.5% garlic powder+ZnO 120ppm), R3 (R0+1.5% turmeric powder+ZnO 120ppm), R4 (R0+2.5% garlic powder +1,5% turmeric powder and ZnO 120ppm). The parameters in this research are the erythrocyte count, hemoglobin, and pack cell volume and total leucocyte. Blood biochemistry are investigate protein total, albumin, alanine aminotransferase (AL T), aspartat aminotransferase (AST), creatinin and ureum. The research showed that the erythrocyte count, hemoglobin, and pack cell and blood biochemistry in normal value, that explain safety for organ function and health group showing health status and performance is good, tested in ability to attack Colibasilosis. The result of research show and hematologi in normal, The age of chicken was 3 weeks, all of groups were treated by innoculum of Eschericia coli (E. col!) bacteria with 108 CFU.mr1 doses per-ons. The parameter was based on performance, health condition, and immunity responses. The activity and the capacity of phagositosis for assessments immunity respons, the result showed to decerease the performance and healthy condition at the first week infection, then converse to improve at the second week. The amount of leucocyt cell, especially heterophyl cell was increased at 1 week after infection as being indicated by the appearance of innoculum E. coli bacteria. The amount of leaucocyt cell was decreased directly after 2 weeks post infection at the group that was fed by turmeric-Zn (P1) and gave antibiotic (K+) drug. This condition showed that the body defence fastly to eliminate the infected agent which was supported by increasing phagocyitosis capacity (327±111 bacteria) and phagocyitosis activity 97%±10%, was compared with the control group (without drug) activity value 85±15% and phagocytosis capacity (176±118 bacteria). Feeding by turmeric-Zn combination showed better result which was compared to Garlic-Zn combination and the ability to increase healthy condition, performance and immunuity responses

    Efektifitas pemberian kombinasi mineral zinc dan herbal sebagai imunomodulator

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    Suplemen as imunomodulator used to increase immune response, to prevent disease. Herb and Zinc (Zn) can function as imunostimulan. The aim of this experiment was (1) to studythe effect of Zn mineral and herb combination influence the healthy condition, performance and immunity responses, 2) to have blood biochemistry and organ function in broiler who given zinc mineral and herb combination, 3) to know the effectivity of herb and Zn to be treated by Colibacillosis condition One hundred broiler were used in this research, divided by 5 groups: RO (control), R1 (RO + 2.5% garlic powder+ 1.5% turmeric powder), R2 (R0+2.5% garlic powder+ZnO 120ppm), R3 (R0+1.5% turmeric powder+ZnO 120ppm), R4 (R0+2.5% garlic powder +1,5% turmeric powder and ZnO 120ppm). The parameters in this research are the erythrocyte count, hemoglobin, and pack cell volume and total leucocyte. Blood biochemistry are investigate protein total, albumin, alanine aminotransferase (AL T), aspartat aminotransferase (AST), creatinin and ureum. The research showed that the erythrocyte count, hemoglobin, and pack cell and blood biochemistry in normal value, that explain safety for organ function and health group showing health status and performance is good, tested in ability to attack Colibasilosis. The result of research show and hematologi in normal, The age of chicken was 3 weeks, all of groups were treated by innoculum of Eschericia coli (E. col!) bacteria with 108 CFU.mr1 doses per-ons. The parameter was based on performance, health condition, and immunity responses. The activity and the capacity of phagositosis for assessments immunity respons, the result showed to decerease the performance and healthy condition at the first week infection, then converse to improve at the second week. The amount of leucocyt cell, especially heterophyl cell was increased at 1 week after infection as being indicated by the appearance of innoculum E. coli bacteria. The amount of leaucocyt cell was decreased directly after 2 weeks post infection at the group that was fed by turmeric-Zn (P1) and gave antibiotic (K+) drug. This condition showed that the body defence fastly to eliminate the infected agent which was supported by increasing phagocyitosis capacity (327±111 bacteria) and phagocyitosis activity 97%±10%, was compared with the control group (without drug) activity value 85±15% and phagocytosis capacity (176±118 bacteria). Feeding by turmeric-Zn combination showed better result which was compared to Garlic-Zn combination and the ability to increase healthy condition, performance and immunuity responses

    Analisis dan Perbaikan Proses Bisnis Sistem Terintegrasi Pembayaran Uang Kuliah dengan Metode Business Process Improvement (BPI) pada Universitas X

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    Selama beberapa tahun terakhir, peran teknologi semakin berkembang pesat. Penerapan Sistem Terintegrasi Pembayaran Uang Kuliah telah membantu pengelolaan kampus yang terintegrasi. Namun, pada penerapan Sistem Terintegrasi Pembayaran Uang Kuliah ditemukan beberapa proses yang tidak sesuai dengan harapan. Hal ini disebabkan karena beberapa proses bisnis belum memiliki tujuan untuk mengefektifkan, mengefisienkan, serta mudah diadaptasikan dengan proses-proses lain dalam sistem. Perlu adanya perbaikan sistem serta proses bisnis yang menghasilkan proses bisnis rekomendasi untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut. Sebuah metode evaluasi diperlukan dalam analisa pemodelan proses bisnis pada suatu organisasi untuk membantu proses perbaikan pada organisasi tersebut. Business Process Improvement (BPI) merupakan salah satu metode yang diterapkan untuk melaksanakan Continuous Improvement. BPI dapat diartikan sebagai kerangka sistematis yang memiliki tujuan untuk membantu mewujudkan kemajuan yang signifikan dalam berjalannya proses bisnis pada suatu organisasi. Penerapan Metode BPI dalam dalam menganalisa proses bisnis menghasilkan proses bisnis kritis, yaitu Proses Bisnis Manajemen Laporan. Penelitian ini menghasilkan rekomendasi proses bisnis dengan waktu rata-rata untuk menjalankan proses yang lebih singkat dibandingkan proses bisnis saat dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengguna. Penerapan rekomendasi proses bisnis tersebut diharapkan dapat menjadikan kinerja Sistem Terintegrasi Pembayaran Uang Kuliah lebih optimal dan efektif.Abstract Over the past few years, the role of technology has grown rapidly. The implementation of the Integrated Tuition Payment System has helped the integrated campus management. However, in the implementation of the Integrated Tuition Payment System, several processes were found that were not as expected. This is because some business processes do not yet have a goal to make it more effective, efficient, and easily adapted to other processes in the system. It is necessary to improve systems and business processes that produce business process recommendations to solve these problems. An evaluation method is needed in the analysis of business process modeling in an organization to assist the improvement process in the organization. Business Process Improvement (BPI) is one of the methods applied to implement Continuous Improvement. BPI can be interpreted as a systematic framework that has the aim of helping to realize significant progress in the running of business processes in an organization. The application of the BPI method in analyzing business processes produces critical business processes, namely Business Process Management Reports. This research produces business process recommendations with an average time to run processes that are shorter than current business processes and according to user needs. The application of these business process recommendations is expected to make the performance of the Integrated Tuition Payment System more optimal and effective

    Effect of Yeast : Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Marine Yeast as probiotic supplement on performance of poultry

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    An experiment had been conducted to evaluate the effect of marine yeast and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Sc) as probiotic supplement on poultry performance. Marine yeast isolated from rotten sea-weed and commercial Saccharomyces cerevisiae were used. Evaluation was conducted by comparing performance of broiler chicken supplemented with marine yeast or Sc, which were given through drinking water (5 ml/l) to negative control (feed without antibiotic growth promotor/GPA), positive control (feed with GPA), and reference commercial probiotic. Forty DOC broiler birds were used for each treatment, divided into 4 replicates (10 birds/replicate) and raised in wire cages for 5 weeks. Body weight and feed consumption were measured weekly and mortality was recorded during the trial. The results showed that there were no significant difference on the birds performance among marine yeast, Sc, positive control and probiotic reference control treatments. However their effects on bird performance were better (P<0.05) than treatment of negative control. It is concluded that marine yeast or Saccharomyces cerevisiae could replace the function of antibiotic as a growth promotant

    Effect of Yeast : Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Marine Yeast as probiotic supplement on performance of poultry

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    An experiment had been conducted to evaluate the effect of marine yeast and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Sc) as probiotic supplement on poultry performance. Marine yeast isolated from rotten sea-weed and commercial Saccharomyces cerevisiae were used. Evaluation was conducted by comparing performance of broiler chicken supplemented with marine yeast or Sc, which were given through drinking water (5 ml/l) to negative control (feed without antibiotic growth promotor/GPA), positive control (feed with GPA), and reference commercial probiotic. Forty DOC broiler birds were used for each treatment, divided into 4 replicates (10 birds/replicate) and raised in wire cages for 5 weeks. Body weight and feed consumption were measured weekly and mortality was recorded during the trial. The results showed that there were no significant difference on the birds performance among marine yeast, Sc, positive control and probiotic reference control treatments. However their effects on bird performance were better (P0.05) than treatment of negative control. It is concluded that marine yeast or Saccharomyces cerevisiae could replace the function of antibiotic as a growth promotant.   Key words : Marine yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, probiotic, GPA, poultr