18 research outputs found

    Rom, Italien. Die Villa von Sette Bassi. Geomagnetische Untersuchungen 2018

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    In the course of the project to renew the investigation of the Villa of Sette Bassi in Rome the unit for Cultural Heritage and Site Management of the German Archaeological Institute conducted a one week field campaign in order to survey the site using a multi-sensor magnetometry system. The terrain offers complex conditions due to the volcanic rock bed resulting from the Vulcano Laziale and historic contaminations (Fig. 1). Details of the central substructions in the so called hippodrome as well as adjacent buildings have been detected (Fig. 2: A. Fig. 3). A new discovery shows a road lined by columns leading towards the villa (Fig. 2: B. Fig. 4). Intense additional structures indicate the site’s further utilization, most probably in late antiquity (Fig. 2: C. Fig. 5)

    Ohio, USA. Monumentale Zeremoniallandschaften der Hopewell-Kultur

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    A four-year collaboration between the German Archaeological Institute and the Hopewell Culture National Historical Park, Ohio, USA aims in a “fencelineto-fenceline” geomagnetic survey of all park property, and will permit additional survey at other native american Hopewell ceremonial earthworks such as the Ohio History Connection’s Newark Earthworks and Fort Ancient. The new magnetic data reveal multiple wooden post circles, ditched enclosures, plazas and avenues that were entirely unexpected. An extensive pit cluster may lead to the long-sought discovery of Hopewellian camp sites. The project will stimulate the sites’ development for public awareness and foster their candidacy for a listing as World Heritage Monument

    Vol. 1 Ch. 3 Between the Monuments: Landscape-Scale Geophysical Surveys at Hopewell Culture National Historical Park-Seip Earthworks

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    e-Jahresbericht 2023 des Deutschen ArchĂ€ologischen Instituts – Zentrale

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    Sarnevo, Bulgarien: Neolithische Tells in Nordthrakien

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    The German Archaeological Institute was conducting geomagnetical surveys using a large scale magnetometry system in the area of Sarnevo, Bulgaria in the years 2014 and 2015. During the construction of the so called Thracian Motorway the site became recently known for neolithic ritual places and tell settlements. The investigation successfully resulted in images showing dwellings on tells and satellite settlements surrounded by circled earthworks. The typical diameter of the enclosures is about 130 m. Casually recorded geological features add information to the reconstruction of ancient landscapes. Further, destruction of archaeological objects by recent unsupervised interventions become obvious

    Postęp technologiczny w badaniach geomagnetycznych nad dawnym krajobrazem

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    Recent development of geomagnetic devices for non-destructive landscape-scale surveys has responded to the challenge of actual archaeological research agenda and international regulations for the protection of cultural heritage.Obecny rozwój urządzeƄ do nieinwazyjnych badaƄ geomagnetycznych krajobrazu odpowiada celom i wyzwaniom wspóƂczesnej archeologii oraz międzynarodowym ustaleniom dotyczącym ochrony dziedzictwa kulturowego

    FĂŒrstensitz von Vix , Frankreich

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    The German Archaeological Institute is supporting the international project „Vix et son environnement“ by executing surveys applying a vehicle driven high resolution, large scale geomagnetic system. The aim is to investigate the surroundings of the princely site of Vix, dated to the Hallstatt and La Tùne era to get an idea of the contextual landscape. Establishing this method in the last three years, prehistoric and historic as well as recent and geological features were discovered. An area of nearly 200 ha was prospected. Detailed views of tumuli as well as new traces of further graves were identified. Among others, gallo-roman villae and even a small late roman settlement enhance the knowledge of greater Vix

    FĂŒrstensitz von Vix, Frankreich. Die geomagnetischen Prospektionen der Jahre 2016 bis 2017

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    Between 2013 and 2017 the German Archaeological Institute supported the international project „Vix et son environnement“ by conducting high resolution, large scale geomagnetic surveys, in order to investigate the landscape around the famous Hallstatt period site at Mont Lassois. In the course of this project, the methodology has been improved considerably, allowing a fast, GIS-based processing and interpretation of our geophysical data. By also including various other available types of survey data, we were able to generate a highly detailed picture of the archaeological landscape surround Vix. Within 5 years a total of 690 ha could be covered through geomagnetic surveys, revealing details of Iron Age burial and settlement sites as well as other archaeological features including Bronze Age burials, Gallo-Roman buildings and more recent mining activities