53 research outputs found

    Post-Tridentine liturgical books for the Polish Church : printed chant books from Kraków and their contexts

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    Post-Tridentine liturgical books printed in Poland have not attracted much attention from book historians. However, given their special, sacred, and confessionally unifying status, they provide interesting material for comparative study of printing in the large European cities (e.g., Antwerp, Venice), and smaller provincial centers such as Krakow. The paper presents as products of the printing press the Psalterium, Antiphonarium and Graduale Romanum printed in Krakow in 1599-1600 by Andrzej Piotrkowczyk as well as later editions of these works. The decision to commission them in a local print shop rather than abroad came after prolonged debates within the Polish Catholic hierarchy. Materials used by the printer (paper, type, ornaments etc.) and the results he achieved (typography) are analysed at the backdrop of European printing and related to more general problems involved with the production of complex and voluminous books in the economic and cultural realities of an Eastern European city

    Edytorstwo z historią w tle. (O książkach Ann Blair „Too Much to Know..” i Anthony’ego Graftona „The Culture of Correction...”)

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    EDITING WITH THE HISTORY IN THE BACKGROUND. (ANN BLAIR’S TOO MUCH TO KNOW... AND ANTHONY GRAFTON’S THE CULTURE OF CORRECTION...) The first review deals with Ann Blair’s very interesting book on managing scholarly information up to the early modern era. A concise summary of Blair’s most important ideas is accompanied by a brief commentary underscoring the book’s merits and shortly referring to some of its more debatable details. The second review contains a brief summary of Anthony Grafton’s fascinating new book covering the work of book correctors and editors in the first two and a half centuries of print. The work done by one of the best scholars in the field of intellectual history is based mainly on case studies and leads to a conclusion that five hundred years ago publishing posed almost exactly the same problems as it does today

    Seria Lubelska Biblioteka Staropolska

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    Recenzja: Seria „Lubelska Biblioteka Staropolska

    Editing against the background of history (Ann Blair’s Too much to know... and Anthony Grafton’s The culture of correction...)

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    The first review deals with Ann Blair’s very interesting book on managing scholarly information up to the early modern era. A concise summary of Blair’s most important ideas is accompanied by a brief commentary underscoring the book’s merits and shortly referring to some of its more debatable details. The second review contains a brief summary of Anthony Grafton’s fascinating new book covering the work of book correctors and editors in the first two and a half centuries of print. The work done by one of the best scholars in the field of intellectual history is based mainly on case studies and leads to a conclusion that five hundred years ago publishing posed almost exactly the same problems as it does today

    L.D. Reynolds, N.G. Wilson, „Skrybowie i uczeni. O tym, w jaki sposób antyczne teksty literackie przetrwały do naszych czasów”

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    Recenzja:L.D. Reynolds, N.G. Wilson, „Skrybowie i uczeni. O tym, w jaki sposób antyczne teksty literackie przetrwały do naszych czasów”Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa 200

    Self-Compassion during COVID-19 in Non-WEIRD Countries: A Narrative Review

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic impacted people’s mental health negatively worldwide, including in non-WEIRD (Western, Educated, Industrialised, Rich and Democratic) countries. Self-compassion, kindness and understanding towards oneself in difficult times have received increasing attention in the field of mental health. Self-compassion is strongly associated with good mental health in various populations. This narrative review aimed to synthesise the evidence on self-compassion and mental health in non-WEIRD countries during the COVID-19 pandemic. MEDLINE and PsycINFO were searched for empirical studies. Self-compassion was consistently associated with positive mental health in non-WEIRD countries too. However, how, and to what degree, each component of self-compassion impacts mental health remains to be evaluated across different cultures. Future research such as multi-national intervention studies, or component network meta-analysis, is needed to advance our understanding of how self-compassion improves mental health in different populations

    Prolegomena to edit the works of Piotr Skarga

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    Prolegomena do edycji dzieł Piotra Skargi powstały z myślą o przyszłych wydawcach Skargowskiej spuścizny. Pierwsze rozdziały mają charakter monograficzny i są próbą uporządkowania wiedzy o twórczości królewskiego kaznodziei. Autorka omawia dzieła Skargi z punktu widzenia historyka literatury, kreśląc sylwetkę kaznodziei jako pisarza - autora i tłumacza, a także redaktora własnych dzieł. Drobiazgowe badania źródłowe, a których opiera się niniejsze opracowanie, umożliwiły sformułowanie wniosków także na temat współpracy Skargi z drukarzami oraz typograficznych cech druków zawierających dzieła królewskiego kaznodziei. Prolegomena... zamyka refleksja nad głównymi problemami edytorskimi w Skargowskiej twórczości. Uzupełnieniem rozważań jest spis bibliograficzny edytorsko ważnych wydań dzieł Skargi. Prolegomena do edycji dzieł Piotra Skargi przeczytałem z ogromną satysfakcją nie tylko jako zapowiedź przyszłej edycji. Jest to również rozprawa niezwykle interesująca sama w sobie, jako kompetentna relacja z badań źródłowych, otwierająca kolejne pola dla filologicznych dociekań (z recenzji prof. dra hab. Adama Karpińskiego)

    The devil’s in the detail : transcription of particles in scholarly editions of the 16th- and 17th-century Polish texts

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    The article deals with the question of transcription of particles such as li, ci/-ć, że/-ż in the 16th- and 17th-century Polish texts. These tiny parts of speech are rarely used in the modern Polish language and tend to be misunderstood by younger users of the language. They can also pose a minor but very real problem for editors working on scholarly editions. Zasady wydawania tekstów staropolskich offer very limited guidance in this case and editors, often literary scholars not specialized in historical linguistics, have to look for their own solutions. The article offers a short survey of the newest research on particles and puts it in the context of goals and practices of modern scholarly editing