36 research outputs found

    Deletion of 4q28.3-31.23 in the background of multiple malformations with pulmonary hypertension

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    The 4q deletion syndrome shows a broad spectrum of clinical manifestations consisting of key features comprising growth failure, developmental delay, craniofacial dysmorphism, digital anomalies, and cardiac and skeletal defects. We have identified a de novo interstitial distal deletion in a 9 month-old girl with growth failure, developmental delay, ventricular septum defect in the subaortic region, patent foramen ovale and patent ductus arteriosus, vascular malformation of the lung, dysgenesis of the corpus callosum and craniofacial dysmorphism using array-comparative genomic hybridization. This de novo deletion is located at 4q28.3-31.23 (136,127,048 - 150,690,325), its size is 14.56 Mb,and contains 8 relevant genes (PCDH18, SETD7, ELMOD2, IL15, GAB1, HHIP, SMAD1, NR3C2) with possible contributions to the phenotype. Among other functions, a role in lung morphogenesis and tubulogenesis can be attributed to the deleted genes in our patient, which may explain the unique feature of vascular malformation of the lung leading to pulmonary hypertension. With the detailed molecular characterization of our case with 4q- syndrome we hope to contribute to the elucidation of the genetic spectrum of this disorder

    The role of next-generation sequencing in the diagnosis of lysosomal storage disorders

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    Next-generation sequencing (NGS) panels are used widely in clinical diagnostics to identify genetic causes of various monogenic disease groups including neurometabolic disorders and, more recently, lysosomal storage disorders. Many new challenges have been introduced through these new technologies, both at the laboratory level and at the bioinformatics level, with consequences including new requirements for interpretation of results, and for genetic counseling. We review some recent examples of the application of NGS technologies, with purely diagnostic and with both diagnostic and research aims, for establishing a rapid genetic diagnosis in lysosomal storage disorders. Given that NGS can be applied in a way that takes into account the many issues raised by international consensus guidelines, it can have a significant role even early in the course of the diagnostic process, in combination with biochemical and clinical data. Besides decreasing the delay in diagnosis for many patients, a precise molecular diagnosis is extremely important as new therapies are becoming available within the LSD disease spectrum for patients who share specific types of mutations. A genetic diagnosis is also the prerequisite for genetic counseling, family planning and the individual choice of reproductive options in affected families

    De novo SCN1A géndeletio terápiarezisztens Dravet-szindrómában

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    A Dravet-szindróma vagy régebbi nevén súlyos csecsemőkori myoclonusos epilepszia igen ritka formája az epilepsziának. Az autoszomális domináns öröklésmenetet mutató kórkép leggyakoribb oka a feszültségfüggő nátriumcsatorna alfa-1 alegységet kódoló SCN1A gén mutációja. Az esetek többségének hátterében de novo pontmutáció áll, azonban néhány betegben a gén kópiaszám-változása figyelhető meg. Az SCN1A gén által kódolt fehérje a neuronalis ingerület kiváltásában és vezetésében játszik szerepet. A génmutációk többsége következtében kialakuló funkcióvesztés a neuronalis hálózat fokozott ingerelhetőségéhez vezet, ami az epilepsziás görcsök kialakulását eredményezi. A szerzők intézetében 2013 óta elérhető az SCN1A gén kópiaszám-változásának (deletio/duplikáció) vizsgálata is a gén teljes szekvenálása mellett. Jelen közleményben egy 7 éves beteg esetét mutatják be, aki 2 éves betegút után került intézetükbe. A molekuláris genetikai vizsgálat, amely de novo SCN1A géndeletiót detektált heterozigóta formában, fényt derített a rendkívül terápiarezisztens görcsök hátterében az SCN1A gén asszociálta monogénes epilepszia szindrómára

    Schizophrenia and oral health: a literature review [Skizofrénia és szájhigiénia: irodalmi áttekintés]

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    Az általános betegségek közvetlenül vagy közvetve befolyásolhatják a fogak egészségét és a páciens szájhigiénéjét.A fogorvosi rendelőben megjelenő betegek körében a pszichiátriai kórképek a leggyakoribb rendellenességek közé tartoznak.A fogászati kezelések során az érintetteknek speciális igényeik vannak. A skizofrénia egy olyan krónikus mentálisbetegség, amely a személyes érzelmek és érzések zavaraival jár, illetve mentális és bizonyos tudati funkciók romlásáhozvezet. A tünetek közé tartoznak a téveszmék, a hallucinációk, a rendezetlen gondolkodás és a következetlenség.Amennyiben hasadásos elmezavarban szenvedő páciens jelentkezik kezelésre a fogorvosi rendelőben, pszichiátriaikonzultációt kell biztosítani. Az elektív fogászati beavatkozásokat el kell halasztani mindaddig, amíg a páciens tüneteikontroll alá kerülnek. A gyógyszerek mellékhatásai súlyosak lehetnek, ezért elengedhetetlen a beteg gondos és folyamatosellenőrzése

    Changes of plasma fasting carnitine ester profile in patients with ulcerative colitis

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    AIM: To determine the plasma carnitine ester profile in adult patients with ulcerative culitis (UC) and compared with healthy control subjects. METHOD: Using ESI triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry, the carnitine ester profile was measured in 44 patients with UC and 44 age- and sex-matched healthy controls. RESULTS: There was no significant difference in the fasting free carnitine level between the patients with UC and the healthy controls. The fasting propionyl- (0.331 ± 0.019 vs 0.392 ± 0.017 μmol/L), butyryl- (0.219 ± 0.014 vs 0.265 ± 0.012), and isovalerylcarnitine (0.111 ± 0.008 vs 0.134 ± 0.008) levels were decreased in the UC patients. By contrast, the level of octanoyl- (0.147 ± 0.009 vs 0.114 ± 0.008), decanoyl- (0.180 ± 0.012 vs 0.137 ± 0.008), myristoyl- (0.048 ± 0.003 vs 0.039 ± 0.003), palmitoyl- (0.128 ± 0.006 vs 0.109 ± 0.004), palmitoleyl- (0.042 ± 0.003 vs 0.031 ± 0.002) and oleylcarnitine (0.183 ± 0.007 vs 0.163 ± 0.007; P < 0.05 in all comparisons) were increased in the patients with UC. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest selective involvement of the carnitine esters in UC patients, probably due to their altered metabolism

    Sex differences in one-year recurrence and all-cause mortality following catheter ablation of ventricular tachycardia in structural heart disease

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    AimsWe aimed to establish sex-specific predictors for 1-year VT recurrence and 1-year all-cause mortality in patients with structural heart disease undergoing catheter ablation.MethodsWe analyzed data of 299 patients recorded in our structured registry. These included medical history, echocardiography parameters, laboratory results, VT properties, procedural data.ResultsOut of the 299 patients, 34 (11%) were female. No significant difference was found between women and men in terms of VT recurrence (p = 0.74) or mortality (p = 0.07). In females, severe mitral regurgitation (MR), tricuspid regurgitation (TR), presentation with incessant VT, and preprocedural electrical storm (ES) were associated with increased risk of VT recurrence. Diabetes, implanted CRT, VT with hemodynamic instability, ES and advanced MR were the risk factors of mortality in women. ACEi/ARB use predicted a favorable outcome in both endpoints among females. In men, independent predictors of VT recurrence were the composite parameter of ES and multiple ICD therapies, presentation with incessant VT, severe MR, while independent predictors of mortality were age, LVEF, creatinine and previously implanted CRT.ConclusionAccording to our investigation, there are pronounced sex differences in predictors of recurrence and mortality following VT ablation