2 research outputs found

    Importance of plant virus research - a brief revisit

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    In this paper, we wish to comment on a recent essay on virus research that was published in The Economist (August 20, 2020). The essay is so well-written and informative that it serves as an excellent example of popularizing science to make it accessible to all segments of an inquiring society. Still, we would like to point out that the paper failed to cover one important area of virus research: the fundamental discoveries achieved by studies of the viruses of higher plants

    music-encoding/music-encoding: MEI 5.0

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    <p>About version 5.0</p><p>Release 5.0 of MEI focuses primarily on the guidelines, development infrastructure, and consistency, with only limited changes to the specifications. Perhaps the most important additions are the introduction of the MEI Basic customization, and the availability of an auto-generated PDF version of the Guidelines (<a href="https://music-encoding.org/guidelines/v5/content/introduction.html#aboutVersion">see the guidelines for more details</a>). The Release Managers for MEI 5.0 were the @music-encoding/technical-team-co-chairs, @bwbohl and @musicEnfanthen .</p><p><strong>Full Changelog</strong>: <a href="https://github.com/music-encoding/music-encoding/compare/v4.0.1...v5.0">https://github.com/music-encoding/music-encoding/compare/v4.0.1...v5.0</a></p><p>The Music Encoding Initiative schema and guidelines development repository at the time of the MEI 5.0 release.</p&gt