324 research outputs found

    Acquisition Activity in the United Kingdom: Parametric and Semi-Parametric Estimation

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    In this article we attempt to identify the nancial characteristics of takeover targets in UK using the period 1982-1990. The study analyses the relationship between bidders and targets, and targets and non-targets over two distinct sub-periods, 1982-1985 and 1986-1990 which are viewed as being homogenous. The rst period followed a deep recession which followed a distinct shift in Macroeconomic Policy after 1979. The second period was associated with nancial liberalisation in 1986 and the freeing up of Monetary policy that followed the Stock Market Crash in 1987. To facilitate this analysis, two bi-variate Logit models are estimated over each sub-period and over the period as a whole. The above models are used to test whether Merger and Acquisition behaviour has changed by under- taking a Likelihood Ratio based analogue of the Chow test. A General Modelling strategy is adopted to select variables as a mechanism for pre- cluding inconsistency and reducing the impact of collinearity. Comparison is also made with a semi-parametric estimator

    Pengaruh Penambahan FAME Terhadap Parameter CCR (Condradson Carbon Residu) Dan Sulfur Content Pada Produk Biosolar

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    The increasing number of vehicles in Indonesia causes the need for energy to increase. This situation has an impact on the decreasing availability of fuel oil. Currently, the Government of Indonesia has stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 12 of 2015 the use of FAME mixed fuel by 30% in diesel products (B30). But it does not rule out the possibility that Indonesia will increase the content of FAME. So this study aims to determine the effect of adding FAME to Biosolar products on CCR and Sulfur Content parameters. The methods used are CCR (condradson carbon residue) analysis using ASTM D-189 and Sulfur Content Analysis using ASTM D-4294. The results showed that the higher the FAME, the higher the residual carbon value and the results for B0, B30, B35, and B40 were 0.0257; 0.039; 0.063; 0.0787%. While the value of sulfur content is decreasing where the more FAME is added to biodiesel products, the sulfur content in these products decreases in B0, B30, B35, and B40, namely 0.181; 0.114; 0.104; 0.096%

    The prediction of takeover targets in UK

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.The aim of this thesis is to identify the financial characteristics of takeover targets in UK for the period 1982-1990. An examination of the financial characteristics of the target firms may bring about an immediate recognition of the motives of takeover activity. The present study attempts to identify the financial characteristics of takeover target firms both at an economy wide level and at an industrial level. The thesis has been motivated primarily by the fact that there is no comprehensive study examining mergers and acquisitions in the UK in the 1980s and particularly within an industrial classification framework. The present thesis provides a comprehensive study of merger and acquisition activity for the UK over the period 1982-1990. The sample selected includes an initial population of 314 target firms, 603 bidder firms and a sample of 236 non- target firms matched by industry with the target firms. The basic methodology is logit analysis. The novelty of the economy wide study of mergers and acquisitions is as follows: the use of multivariate logit for a study of the UK, the separation of the data into distinct estimation (1982-1985) and validation (1986-1990) periods and the binomial choice problem is differentiated into bidders versus targets and non targets versus targets. The industry by industry study examines the following sectors: chemicals, construction, food, electrical and electronics engineering and mechanical engineering. The present thesis suggests that the financial characteristics of target firms vary between different industries


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    ABSTRACT DPRD (Regional, Regency or City People's Representative Council) has several uses and one of them is for legislation as the main vehicle to reflect the aspirations and interests of the people (community) in the formulation of regional regulations. One of the recommendations in the context of implementing regional autonomy and assistance tasks is the formation of Regional Regulations. In other words, local regulations are juridical facilities for implementing regional autonomy policies and assistance tasks. In the universal statement of Law no. 23/2014 concerning Regional Government number 7, among other things states "The implementation of regional governments in carrying out their duties, powers, obligations and responsibilities and with greater powers of laws and regulations can determine regional policies that are formulated, among others. In regional regulations. . Keywords : Responsibility, Responsibility, DPRD, Institution, Legislators


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    ABSTRACTThe grant is a form of help within the framework of virtue among circleshuman and positive values. Giving is a form of transferring one's rights to another person or family without the responsibility of the recipient to return the property. A person who has the freedom to present gifts to anyone he wishes in any amount. However, if it is related to the interests of their family and their inheritance in Islamic law, it is ordered that each individual protect himself and his family from the torments of hellfire, automatically there is an obligation. for family welfare. If you give up all the assets that leave your brothers without property (poor), this is the same way that your siblings will fall into the door of kufr, because being poor is one of the triggers of kufr. Then the act is considered null and void because it does not fulfill the requirements to carry out the gift. Keywords: Process, Implementation, Making, Will, Grant


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    ABSTRAKSIAdanya wabah penyakit corona atau lebih dikenal Covid-19 di seluruh duniatermasuk Negara Republik Indonesia, memiliki dampak dalam terhadap program kerja.Banyaknya program kerja yang tidak berjalan diakibatkan ditunda beberapa program kerjayang memiliki risiko terjadinya penyebaran wabah penyakit Covid-19 dan adanyabeberapa sektor program kerja dibatalkan akibat dana telah terserap dalam penangananpencegahan penyebaran wabah Covid-19 ini. Desa Pondok Bungur juga terimbas pengaruhwabah penyakit Covid-19, hal ini berdampak pada pelaksanaan beberapa program kerjadesa yang ditunda atau dibatalkan akibat penanganan penyebaran wabah penyakit Covid-19. Pemerintah Desa Pondok Bungur tentunya adanya perubahan dalam APBDes padatahun 2020 ini, sesuai dengan peraturan diterbitkan Pemerintah Pusat. Permasalahandiangkat yaitu bagaimana pendayagunaan dana Desa Pondok Bungur akibat covid-19 danbagaimana Pemerintah Desa Pondok Bungur mendayagunakan dana desa akibat dampakcovid-19.Perubahan pengelolaan anggaran pendapatan dan belanja desa terlihat setelahdikeluarkan Peraturan Menteri Desa, PDTT Nomor 6 Tahun 2020 tentang Perubahan AtasPeraturan Menteri Desa PDTT Nomor 11 Tahun 2019 tentang Prioritas Penggunaan DanaDesa Tahun 2020 , perubahan ini dipertimbangkan adanya penyebaran corona virusdisease 2019 atau dikenal dengan nama covid-19 yang tentunya berdampak padakehidupan di masyarakat desa dan terbitnya Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 1 Tahun 2020tentang Kebijakan Keuangan Untuk Penanganan dan Penyebaran Pandemi Corona VirusDisease 2019 (covid-19) di desa. Dimana salah satu poin dari peraturan pemerintahtersebut yaitu bahwa Pemerintah Desa dapat menggunakan dana desa untuk memberikanbantuan tunai langsung kepada masyarakat miskin di desa. Untuk melaksanakanpencegahan dan dan penanganan penyebaran covid-19 dimana anggaran belanjaPemerintah Desa Pondok Bungur telah dilakukan perubahan maka Pemerintah DesaPondok Bungur membentuk tim Relawan Desa Lawan Covid-19 sesuai Lampiran IIPeraturan Menteri Desa PDTT Nomor 6 Tahun 2020. Pemerintah Desa Pondok Bungurbeserta elemen masyarakat bekerjasama untuk melakukan upaya pencegahan penyebarancorona virus disease 19 (covid-19) sesuai anjuran Pemerintah Pusat berupa pembentukanTim Penanggulangan Pencegahan Penyebaran covid-19, dengan membangun posko-poskodan juga melakukan penyemprotan desinfektan serta memantau keluar masuknya waegadan melakukan pemeriksaan suhu badan dengan menggunakan alat pendeteksi suhu panastubuh.Kata Kunci : Podok Bungur, covid-1