81 research outputs found

    Single vortex states in a confined Bose-Einstein condensate

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    It has been demonstrated experimentally that non-axially symmetric vortices precess around the centre of a Bose-Einstein condensate. Two types of single vortex states have been observed, usually referred to as the S-vortex and the U-vortex. We study theoretically the single vortex excitations in spherical and elongated condensates as a function of the interaction strength. We solve numerically the Gross-Pitaevskii equation and calculate the angular momentum as a function of precession frequency. The existence of two types of vortices means that we have two different precession frequencies for each angular momentum value. As the interaction strength increases the vortex lines bend and the precession frequencies shift to lower values. We establish that for given angular momentum the S-vortex has higher energy than the U-vortex in a rotating elongated condensate. We show that the S-vortex is related to the solitonic vortex which is a nonlinear excitation in the nonrotating system. For small interaction strengths the S-vortex is related to the dark soliton. In the dilute limit a lowest Landau level calculation provides an analytic description of these vortex modes in terms of the harmonic oscillator states

    Virial theorems for vortex states in a confined Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We derive a class of virial theorems which provide stringent tests of both analytical and numerical calculations of vortex states in a confined Bose-Einstein condensate. In the special case of harmonic confinement we arrive at the somewhat surprising conclusion that the linear moments of the particle density, as well as the linear momentum, must vanish even in the presence of off-center vortices which lack axial or reflection symmetry. Illustrations are provided by some analytical results in the limit of a dilute gas, and by a numerical calculation of a class of single and double vortices at intermediate couplings. The effect of anharmonic confinement is also discussed

    Scattering of vortex pairs in 2D easy-plane ferromagnets

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    Vortex-antivortex pairs in 2D easy-plane ferromagnets have characteristics of solitons in two dimensions. We investigate numerically and analytically the dynamics of such vortex pairs. In particular we simulate numerically the head-on collision of two pairs with different velocities for a wide range of the total linear momentum of the system. If the momentum difference of the two pairs is small, the vortices exchange partners, scatter at an angle depending on this difference, and form two new identical pairs. If it is large, the pairs pass through each other without losing their identity. We also study head-tail collisions. Two identical pairs moving in the same direction are bound into a moving quadrupole in which the two vortices as well as the two antivortices rotate around each other. We study the scattering processes also analytically in the frame of a collective variable theory, where the equations of motion for a system of four vortices constitute an integrable system. The features of the different collision scenarios are fully reproduced by the theory. We finally compare some aspects of the present soliton scattering with the corresponding situation in one dimension.Comment: 13 pages (RevTeX), 8 figure

    Absence of Wavepacket Diffusion in Disordered Nonlinear Systems

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    We study the spreading of an initially localized wavepacket in two nonlinear chains (discrete nonlinear Schroedinger and quartic Klein-Gordon) with disorder. Previous studies suggest that there are many initial conditions such that the second moment of the norm and energy density distributions diverge as a function of time. We find that the participation number of a wavepacket does not diverge simultaneously. We prove this result analytically for norm-conserving models and strong enough nonlinearity. After long times the dynamical state consists of a distribution of nondecaying yet interacting normal modes. The Fourier spectrum shows quasiperiodic dynamics. Assuming this result holds for any initially localized wavepacket, a limit profile for the norm/energy distribution with infinite second moment should exist in all cases which rules out the possibility of slow energy diffusion (subdiffusion). This limit profile could be a quasiperiodic solution (KAM torus)

    Solitons, solitonic vortices, and vortex rings in a confined Bose-Einstein condensate

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    Quasi-one-dimensional solitons that may occur in an elongated Bose-Einstein condensate become unstable at high particle density. We study two basic modes of instability and the corresponding bifurcations to genuinely three-dimensional solitary waves such as axisymmetric vortex rings and non-axisymmetric solitonic vortices. We calculate the profiles of the above structures and examine their dependence on the velocity of propagation along a cylindrical trap. At sufficiently high velocity, both the vortex ring and the solitonic vortex transform into an axisymmetric soliton. We also calculate the energy-momentum dispersions and show that a Lieb-type mode appears in the excitation spectrum for all particle densities.Comment: RevTeX 9 pages, 9 figure

    Scattering of magnetic solitons in two dimensions

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    Solitons which have the form of a vortex-antivortex pair have recently been found in the Landau-Lifshitz equation which is the standard model for the ferromagnet. We simulate numerically head-on collisions of two vortex-antivortex pairs and observe a right angle scattering pattern. We offer a resolution of this highly nontrivial dynamical behavior by examining the Hamiltonian structure of the model, specifically the linear momentum of the two solitons. We further investigate the dynamics of vortices in a modified nonlinear sigma-model which arises in the description of antiferromagnets. We confirm numerically that a robust feature of the dynamics is the right angle scattering of two vortices which collide head-on. A generalization of our theory is given for this model which offers arguments towards an understanding of the observed dynamical behavior.Comment: 10 pages RevTeX, 9 figure
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