144 research outputs found

    Secular trends in the prevalence of female genital mutilation/cuttings among girls: a systematic analysis

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    Background Current evidence on the decline in the prevalence of female genital mutilation or cutting (FGM/C) has been lacking worldwide. This study analyses the prevalence estimates and secular trends in FGM/C over sustained periods (ie, 1990–2017). Its aim is to provide analytical evidence on the changing prevalence of FGM/C over time among girls aged 0–14 years and examine geographical variations in low-income and middle-income countries. Methods Analysis on the shift in prevalence of FGM/C was undertaken using the Demographic Health Survey (DHS) and Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) data sets from Africa and Middle East. A random-effects model was used to derive overall prevalence estimates. Using Poisson regression models, we conducted time trends analyses on the FGM/C prevalence estimates between 1990 and 2017. Findings We included 90 DHS and MICS data sets for 208 195 children (0–14 years) from 29 countries spread across Africa and two countries in Western Asia. The prevalence of FGM/C among children varied greatly between countries and regions and also within countries over the survey periods. The percentage decline in the prevalence of FGM/C among children aged 0–14 years old was highest in East Africa, followed by North and West Africa. The prevalence decreased from 71.4% in 1995 to 8.0% in 2016 in East Africa. In North Africa, the prevalence decreased from 57.7% in 1990 to 14.1% in 2015. In West Africa, the prevalence decreased from 73.6% in 1996 to 25.4% in 2017. The results of the trend analysis showed a significant shift downwards in the prevalence of FGM/C among children aged 0–14 years in such regions and subregions of East Africa, North Africa and West Africa. East Africa has experienced a much faster decrease in the prevalence of the practice (trend=−7.3%, 95% CI −7.5% to −7.1%) per year from 1995 to 2014. By contrast, the decline in prevalence has been much slower in North Africa (trend=−4.4%, 95% CI −4.5% to −4.3%) and West Africa (trend=−3.0%, 95% CI −3.1% to −2.9%). Conclusion The prevalence of FGM/C among children aged 0–14 years varied greatly between countries and regions and also within countries over the survey periods. There is evidence of huge and significant decline in the prevalence of FGM/C among children across countries and regions. There is a need to sustain comprehensive intervention efforts and further targeted efforts in countries and regions still showing high prevalence of FGM/C among children, where the practice is still pervasive

    Factors Related to the Use of Waiting Honai Childbirth in the Asologaima Health Centre of Jayawijaya Regency

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    The maternal mortality rate and infant mortality rate, an indicator of public health and other indicators that affect life expectancy. This study aims to determine the factors associated with the utilization of waiting Honai childbirth conducted in Asologaima health centre of Jayawijaya in July-August 2015. The study was conducted by quantitative approach with applied a cross sectional study. In the independent variable of this research is the knowledge of the mother, mileage / access, family support, resources, attitudes while the dependent variable was the use waiting Honai childbirth. Population in this study were all mothers delivered in July-August 2015. Sampling technique using the total sample with a sample of 63. Results analysis showed no significant relationship between knowledge and utilization waiting Honai childbirth with p = 0.021 (p <0.05), no significant correlation between the mileage / access with the use of waiting Honai childbirth with p = 0.000 (p <0, 05), there is a significant relationship between family support with the use of waiting Honai childbirth with p = 0.000 (p <0.05), no significant association between the use of resources waiting Honai childbirth with p = 0.000 (p <0, 05), there is a significant relationship between attitudes to the use waiting Honai childbirth with p = 0.000 (p <0.05)

    Clinical and Imaging Features of Adults with Recurrent Pulmonary Tuberculosis - A Prospective Case-Controlled Study

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    BACKGROUND: Recurrent pulmonary tuberculosis (RPTB) is a growing, important and neglected problem affecting treated TB patients and TB health services across the world, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Analyses and identification of differences in clinical features between recurrent PTB and newly diagnosed PTB may lead to improved management recommendations. METHODS: Between September 1st 2019 and January 31st 2020, we performed a prospective case controlled study of clinical and imaging features of patients with recurrent pulmonary tuberculosis and compared them with those of newly diagnosed PTB cases. Recurrent PTB was defined as a patient with bacteriologically confirmed active PTB who was previously successfully treated for PTB and was cured. A control was defined as a patient who presents for the first time with bacteriologically confirmed PTB. Clinical and radiological features were assessed and documented. Chi-square and t-test were used to test the difference between proportion and continuous data, respectively. Logistic regression analysis was done to determine factors associated with RPTB using SPSS version 23 software. RESULTS: A total of 312 patients with PTB were enrolled (104 RPTB cases and 208 newly diagnosed controls). Clinically hemoptysis was more common in RPTB compared to controls 28/104 (26.9%) vs 35/208 (16.8%), P = 0.036. Chest pain was significantly less common among patients with RPTB compared to controls 33 (31.7%) vs 92 (44.2%), P = 0.034. A higher proportion of RPTB presented with cavitation 34/104 (32.7%) compared to control 44/208 (21.2%) P = 0.027. The median score for lung pathology was higher among patients with RPTB (50) compared to controls (30); P = 0.001. Lung function of patients with RPTB at diagnosis of index TB were more likely to show mixed restrictive and obstructive pattern 36/104 (34.6%) compared to controls 31/208 (14.9%). p<0.001. Multivariate analysis showed that patients older than 45 years of age (adjusted odds ratio [aOR]: 3.59, 95% CI: 1.38 - 9.32), those with hemoptysis (aOR 1.96, 95% CI: 1.04 - 3.69) p=0.04) and fibrosis on chest x rays (aOR 2.18, 95% CI: 1.16 - 4.10) were significantly associated with recurrent PTB. CONCLUSIONS: Hemoptysis, lung parenchymal damage, and patients being older than 45 years of age are significant features of RPTB. Management should focus on risk factors for recurrence, and a more holistic model of care to prevent long term lung injury

    Methodologies of the 4-beaches Survey and Stakeholder Workshops

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    As it is clearly indicated in the title of this book section, it overviews the methodologies used in the 4-beaches Survey and in the various Stakeholders' Workshops held in all the three riparian countries of the Lake Victoria

    A simple, collaborative prioritization process for wildlife-associated zoonotic diseases in northern Tanzania

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    Background and Aim: Zoonotic diseases are naturally transmissible infections between animals and humans. To address these cross-sectoral health issues holistic, transdisciplinary health approaches are required. The legalization of the game meat trade in Tanzania in 2020 has created a new value chain from wild habitats to registered game meat selling facilities in human settlements, thus creating new human–animal interfaces associated with potential risks of zoonotic disease transmission among wildlife, livestock, and human populations. This study aimed to apply a simple, collaborative prioritization process to identify important zoonotic pathogens associated with wild animal taxa harvested and traded for game meat consumption in northern Tanzania.Materials and Methods: A prioritization process was conducted to identify and rank zoonotic diseases associated with wildlife in the Arusha, Kilimanjaro, and Manyara regions of northern Tanzania to help determine the zoonotic disease risks associated with the game meat value chain. Two districts from each region were selected for this study. The prioritization process was conducted through an expert workshop that involved 41 participants, including a District Veterinary Officer, Public Health Officer, and District Game Officer from each district, as well as national One Health focal persons, zonal Veterinary and Laboratory Officers, scientific researchers, and a representative from the national Game Meat Selling Advisory Committee.Results: Experts identified 11 common zoonotic diseases reported in these regions, of which anthrax, rabies, brucellosis, Rift Valley fever, and bovine tuberculosis were considered the most important. This finding is broadly consistent with the national priority list for zoonotic diseases.Conclusion: This approach was time-efficient and cost-effective. In Tanzania, multi-sectoral planning, communication, and cooperation among human health, domestic animal health, wildlife health, and environmental protection have been strengthened. In the future, we recommend regular exercises using such an approach to update the information on important diseases and promote information sharing for epidemic and pandemic preparedness associated with the wild animal trade

    The Development of Teacher Professional Identity at the University of Dar es Salaam : Perceptions and Influencing Factors <Special Issue : Study results of the Africa-Asia university dialogue for educational development network second phase>

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    The success of quality assurance in higher education depends on how well it is organised and the extent to which the stakeholders accept and own it. Indeed, how academicians perceive themselves, their profession, and others in the profession is reflected in their practice which in turn affects the quality of education being provided. This research investigated how various categories of university lecturers perceived their identity, and how the inception of professional development program has influenced the construction of professional identities. To achieve its research objective, the study deployed a mixed methods research of interviews and questionnaire design to collect pertinent information from 67 faculty members of the University of Dar es Salaam. The study established that the formation of teacher professional identity (TPI) has largely been influenced by the level of training in pedagogy, academic training, and practical experience as an academician. Continuing professional development programs have had little impact because of their sporadic occurrences. Similarly, the monitoring and evaluation of teaching, learning and assessment that is undertaken under the name of quality assurance is negatively perceived by some respondents as an imposition and encroachment on teacher autonomy. Four of the five dimensions of teacher professional identity identified by Wenger (1998) were observed in the respondents' narratives, namely identity as negotiated experiences, identity as community membership, identity as learning trajectory, and identity as nexus of multi membership. The research findings suggest the need for more and systematic sensitisation of academic staff; sharing of a common understanding; use of professionals in curriculum, psychology and educational management; and systematic induction of newly-recruited staff

    Programmatic mapping and size estimation of key populations to inform HIV programming in Tanzania

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    INTRODUCTION:A programmatic mapping and size estimation study was conducted in 24 districts in 5 regions of Tanzania to estimate the size and locations of female sex workers (FSW) and men who have sex with men (MSM) to inform the HIV programming for Key Populations. METHODOLOGY:Data were collected at two levels: first, interviews were conducted with informants to identify venues where FSWs and MSM frequent. Secondly, the size of MSM and FSWs were estimated through interviews with FSWs, MSM and other informants at the venue. The venue estimates were aggregated to generate the ward level estimates. Correction factors were then applied to adjust for MSM/FSW counted twice or more, absent from the venues on the mapping day or remain online and hidden. The ward size estimates for mapped wards were extrapolated to non-mapped wards and aggregated to generate district and regional level estimates. RESULTS:A total of 4,557 level I interviews were conducted. Further, 3,098 FSWs and 1,074 other informants at the FSWs venues and 558 MSM and 210 other informants at the MSM venues were interviewed during level II. The mapping survey identified 6,658 FSW, 1,099 FSW and MSM and 50 MSM venues in 75 wards. A total of 118,057 (range: 108,269 to 127,845) FSWs and 23,771 (range: 22,087 to 25,454) MSM were estimated in the study regions after extrapolation and accounting for correction factors. It was estimated that 5.6% and 1.3% of the female and male population of reproductive age (15-49 years old) could be FSWs and MSM in the study regions, respectively. CONCLUSION:This study provides the baseline figures for planning, target setting and monitoring of the HIV intervention services in the study areas and geographic prioritisation of the response by allocating more resources to areas with a large number of FSWs and MSM

    Effectiveness of an integrated multilevel early child development intervention on caregiver knowledge and behavior: a quasi-experimental evaluation of the Malezi program in Tanzania

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    Background The quality of caregiving and the parent-child relationship is critical for early child development (ECD) and has been shown to be modifiable. This study evaluated an ECD project in Tanzania, assessing the effectiveness of radio messaging (RM) alone and a combined radio messaging/video job aids/ECD (RMV-ECD) intervention. Methods This two-arm pre-post evaluation study enrolled a cohort of caregivers of children 0–24 months in four districts of Tabora region, following them for 9 months. ECD radio messages were broadcast on popular stations at least 10 times/day reaching all study districts. In two districts, community health workers (CHW), trained in UNICEF’s Care for Child Development package, used ECD videos in home- and facility-based sessions with caregivers. We used McNemar’s testing (pre-post pairs) within intervention group to describe how the intervention was associated with change in five outcomes: ECD knowledge, early stimulation, father engagement, responsive care, and environment safety. Logistic regression was used to describe the relative benefits of the combined intervention package (RMV-ECD) compared to radio messaging (RM). Results In the RMV-ECD arm, all outcomes at endline except environment safety significantly improved after the intervention with the largest change seen in ECD knowledge (35.8% increase, p \u3c .0001) and the smallest in father engagement (6.7%, p = .015). In the RM arm, ECD knowledge (5.7%, p = .031) and environment safety (18.1%, p = \u3c.0001) improved. High measures of parenting stress were associated with lower likelihood of having good ECD knowledge (AOR 0.50, 95%CI: 0.35, 0.71), father engagement (AOR 0.72, 95%CI: 0.52, 0.99) and responsive care (AOR 0.31, 95%CI: 0.18, 0.54). Conclusions An intervention that includes mass media, educational video content and CHWs who counsel caregiv- ers in their homes and health facilities was associated with significant improvements in ECD parenting knowledge and behaviors but a relationship with responsive care could not be established. The less costly mass media-only intervention was associated with improved parenting knowledge and household environment safety. Parenting interventions targeting young children could be improved by incorporating more messaging and caregiver coaching in managing parental stress

    Multimodal imaging and spatial analysis of Ebola retinal lesions in 14 survivors of Ebola virus disease

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    Importance: Differentiation between Ebola retinal lesions and other retinal pathologies in West Africa is important, and the pathogenesis of Ebola retinal disease remains poorly understood. Objective: To describe the appearance of Ebola virus disease (EVD) retinal lesions using multimodal imaging to enable inferences on potential pathogenesis. Design, Setting, and Participants: This prospective case series study was carried out at 34 Military Hospital in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Ophthalmological images were analyzed from 14 consecutively identified survivors of EVD of Sierra Leonean origin who had identified Ebola retinal lesions. Main Outcomes and Measures: Multimodal imaging findings including ultra-widefield scanning laser ophthalmoscopy, fundus autofluorescence, swept-source optical coherence tomography (OCT), Humphrey visual field analysis, and spatial analysis. Results: The 14 study participants had a mean (SD) age of 37.1 (8.8) years; 6 (43%) were women. A total of 141 Ebola retinal lesions were observed in 22 of 27 eyes (81%) of these 14 survivors on ultra-widefield imaging. Of these, 41 lesions (29.1%) were accessible to OCT imaging. Retinal lesions were predominantly nonpigmented with a pale-gray appearance. Peripapillary lesions exhibited variable curvatures in keeping with the retinal nerve fiber layer projections. All lesions respected the horizontal raphe and spared the fovea. The OCT imaging demonstrated a V-shaped hyperreflectivity of the outer nuclear layer overlying discontinuities of the ellipsoid zone and interdigitation zone in the smaller lesions. Larger lesions caused a collapse of the retinal layers and loss of retinal thickness. Lesion shapes were variable, but sharp angulations were characteristic. Perilesional areas of dark without pressure (thinned ellipsoid zone hyporeflectivity) accompanied 125 of the 141 lesions (88.7%) to varying extents. Conclusions and Relevance: We demonstrate OCT evidence of localized pathological changes at the level of the photoreceptors in small lesions among survivors of EVD with retinal lesions. The relevance of associated areas of dark without pressure remains undetermined

    Predictors of HIV Among 1 Million Clients in High-Risk Male Populations in Tanzania

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    The World Health Organization identified men as an essential group to target with HIV testing and treatment strategies;: men who have sex with men (MSM) and male clients of female sex workers (CFSW) account for 35% of new HIV infections globally. Using a cross-sectional design from a community-based HIV prevention project in Tanzania (October 2015-September 2018) and multivariable logistic regression, we identified predictors of HIV seropositivity among men. Of 1,041,343 men on their initial visit to the project, 36,905 (3.5%) were MSM; 567,005 (54.5%) were CFSW; and 437,343 (42.0%) were other men living near hotspots (OMHA). Three predictors of HIV seropositivity emerged across all three groups: being uncircumcised, having sexually transmitted infection symptoms, and harmful drinking of alcohol before sex. Any reported form of gender-based violence among MSM and OMHA and inconsistent condom use among CFSW were associated with HIV seropositivity. These findings may inform community HIV strategies like self-testing, delivery of pre-exposure prophylaxis and antiretroviral therapy, and behavioral change communication targeting men at higher risk of infection
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