1,638 research outputs found

    Type And Material of Fixed Prosthodontic Appliances in Patients Living in the Region of Metković

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the type and the aesthetic material in relation to age, gender, level of education, employment, socio-economic status and frequency of visits to the dentist. The examination was performed on 212 patients who had a fixed prosthodontic appliance for more than a year (55% males and 45% females, age 18-80 yrs.). The following conclusions were made: 1. The older patients and retired patients had significantly more bridges than crowns (p0.05). Patients who visit their dentist regularly have significantly more crowns than bridges than patients who visit their dentist irregularly or when in pain (p0.05). 2. Almost all fixed prosthodontic appliances older than 10 years were made of porcelain (98%), while acrylic veneer crowns were more frequent in appliances older than 10 or 15 years (p0.05). Patients older than 60 years had more acrylic material compared to younger patients. While patients younger than 39 years had almost exclusively ceramic appliances (p<0.01). Less educated patients had more acrylic veneer appliances. Employed patients had significantly more ceramic appliances than retired patients


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    Purpose: to analyze the dynamics of the most widespread sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) indicators in Vinnytsia region within 2014–2018. Materials and Methods. An epidemiological retrospective research of the summary and statistical documentation of the Vinnytsia Regional Clinical Dermatovenerologic Dispensary (according to the Report of the Therapeutic and Prophylactic Institution No. 20) was carried out using the data retrieval method for the five-year period starting from 2014 to 2018. The parameters of the most common STDs in the Vinnytsia region and the Ukraine wide (syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamidiosis, urogenital mycoplasmosis) were treated with the means of statistical processing, analysis and evaluation. Methods of research – epidemiological, medical and statistical. Results. The analysis of the five most common STDs indicators in the Vinnytsia region throughout 2014–2018 showed that four of them (syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamidiosis) have been decreasing annually, except for urogenital mycoplasmosis, whose visibility in 2018 in comparison with 2014 base was (+) 0.9%. The same trend (to decrease) for the period researched is typical for all of the mentioned diseases in Ukraine: syphilis – (-) 30.2 %, gonorrhea – (-) 32.6 %, trichomoniasis – (-) 31.9 %, chlamidiosis – (-) 16.7 %, urogenital mycoplasmosis – (-) 19.9 %. The annual growth (according to the growth rate) of the regional indicators of specific diseases by gender and place of residence is proven but the incidence rate of trichomoniasis, which was constantly decreasing in all cohorts.&nbsp; Conclusions. The most important reasons for the decrease in the incidence of STDs in Ukraine and in the Vinnytsia region for the period researched are the following: 1) the absence of registration of these diseases in: private clinics, the predominant treatment of patients is due to the avoidance of stigmatization, especially among the people of rural areas; specialists of other specialties (urologists, obstetrician-gynecologists, etc.) of public health institutions; 2) financial inaccessibility to expensive medicines.Мета: проаналізувати динаміку показників найбільш розповсюджених захворювань, що передаються статевим шляхом (ЗПСШ), у Вінницькій області за 2014–2018 рр. Матеріали і методи. Проведено епідеміологічне ретроспективне дослідження підсумково-звітної статистичної документації Вінницького обласного клінічного шкірно-венерологічного диспансеру (за даними звіту лікувально-профілактичного закладу ф. № 20) з використанням методу викопіювання даних за п’ятирічний період 2014–2018 &nbsp;рр. Статистичній обробці, аналізу та оцінці підлягали показники найбільш розповсюджених ЗПСШ захворювань, що передаються статевим шляхом (сифіліс, гонорея, трихомоніаз, хламідіоз, урогенітальний мікоплазмоз), у Вінницькій області та по Україні. Методи дослідження – епідеміологічний, медико-статистичний. Результати. Аналіз показників п’яти найбільш розповсюджених захворювань, що передаються статевим шляхом, у Вінницькій області за 2014–2018 рр. виявив, що чотири з них (сифіліс, гонорея, трихомоніаз, хламідіоз) щорічно знижувались, крім урогенітального мікоплазмозу, показник наочності якого у 2018 р. до базового 2014 р. склав (+)&nbsp;0,9&nbsp;%. Така ж тенденція (до зниження), за досліджуваний період, характерна для усіх вказаних захворювань по Україні: сифіліс – (-) 30,2 %, гонорея – (-) 32,6 %, трихомоніаз – (-) 31,9 %, хламідіоз – (-) 16,7 %, урогенітальний мікоплазмоз – (-) 19,9 %. Доведено річні темпи зростання регіональних показників виокремлених захворювань за статтю і місцем проживання, крім показника захворюваності на трихомоніаз, який постійно знижувався у всіх когортах. Висновки. Найбільш вагомими причинами зниження показників розповсюдження захворювань, що передаються статевим шляхом, в Україні й Вінницькій області за досліджуваний період є: 1) відсутність реєстрації цих захворювань у: приватних клініках, переважне звертання хворих до яких пов’язано з причиною уникнення стигматизації, особливо жителів сільської місцевості; фахівців інших спеціальностей (урологи, акушер-гінекологи та ін.) державних закладів охорони здоров’я; 2) фінансова недоступність до дороговартісної фармакотерапії

    Quasigroups, Asymptotic Symmetries and Conservation Laws in General Relativity

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    A new quasigroup approach to conservation laws in general relativity is applied to study asymptotically flat at future null infinity spacetime. The infinite-parametric Newman-Unti group of asymptotic symmetries is reduced to the Poincar\'e quasigroup and the Noether charge associated with any element of the Poincar\'e quasialgebra is defined. The integral conserved quantities of energy-momentum and angular momentum are linear on generators of Poincar\'e quasigroup, free of the supertranslation ambiguity, posess the flux and identically equal to zero in Minkowski spacetime.Comment: RevTeX4, 5 page

    Analysis of Occlusal Contacts in Different Types of Prosthodontic Appliances, Eichner Classifications, Presence RCP-ICP Slide and the Type of Occlusion

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    The aim of the study was to determine the number and the type of the occlusal contacts (strong, weak) with respect to the type of the prosthodontic appliance (fixed, removable, combined fixed-removable) and with respect to the Eichner classification in patients with their appliances being in a good function for a long time. The aim of the study was also to determine the number and the type of the occlusal contacts (strong, weak) with respect to the type of occlusion (canine guided, group function or balanced) and the presence of the RCP-ICP slide. A total of 440 patients with different types of prosthodontic appliances were examined for the antagonistic occlusal contacts using occlusal strips of 11 m and 50 m. The average number of occlusal contacts was 10.5 for the upper and 10.46 for the lower posterior teeth, approximately 5 on each side of the tooth arch. The results of the study suggest that the biggest number of occlusal contacts were recorded for the small span fixed appliances (2 on average), the greater span fixed and fixed-removable prosthodontic appliances exhibited 1.6 occlusal contacts, and the removable complete denture exhibited 1.2 contact per the tooth in the posterior region. The number of the hard occlusal contacts was significantly greater in fixed and fixedremovable prosthodontic appliances in comparison with the complete dentures (p < 0.05), while there was no significant difference between the prosthodontic appliances for the weak occlusal contacts (p > 0.05). The overall number of the occlusal contacts, as well as the number of the hard occlusal contacts was significantly greater in the Eichner class I cases (p < 0.05) in comparison with the Eichner classes II and III. The number of the weak occlusal contacts showed no significant differences with respect to the Eichner classification (p > 0.05). There was no significant difference in the number of occlusal contacts between the appliances with RCP-ICP slide and where ICP and RCP corresponded (p > 0.05)


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    The field of high-energy gamma-ray for the calibration of radiation protection devices can be obtained by capturing thermal neutrons from titanium target (to 7 MeV) and nickel target (to 10 MeV). The aim of this work was to determine the metrological characteristics of capture gamma-ray fields from titanium target and nickel target obtained at the AT140 Neutron Calibration Facility to provide dosimetry up to 10 MeV.We have chosen energy intervals in which we can calibrate dosimetry devices taking into account the accompanying generation of gamma-ray neutrons by the fast neutron source 238PuBe, the capture radiation of collimator materials and capture radiation from targets.We measured air kerma rate with the aid of the reference AT5350 dosimeter with the ionization chamber TM32002. Using the Monte-Carlo simulation, we obtained the energy distribution of the air kerma rate for targets. We determined the geometric dimensions of the uniform field and the interval of operating distances of the facility.We investigated the metrological characteristics of capture gamma-ray fields from titanium target and nickel target obtained at the AT140 Neutron Calibration Facility for dosimetric radiation protection devices. We showed that in such fields it is possible to calibrate dosimetry devices in the extended energy range up to 10 MeV

    Electromagnetic properties of non-Dirac particles with rest spin 1/2

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    We resolve a number of questions related to an analytic description of electromagnetic form factors of non-Dirac particles with the rest spin 1/2. We find the general structure of a matrix antisymmetric tensor operator. We obtain two recurrence relations for matrix elements of finite transformations of the proper Lorentz group and explicit formulas for a certain set of such elements. Within the theory of fields with double symmetry, we discuss writing the components of wave vectors of particles in the form of infinite continued fractions. We show that for Q20.5Q^{2} \leq 0.5 (GeV/c)2^{2}, where Q2Q^{2} is the transferred momentum squared, electromagnetic form factors that decrease as Q2Q^{2} increases and are close to those experimentally observed in the proton can be obtained without explicitly introducing an internal particle structure.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figure

    Gauging kinematical and internal symmetry groups for extended systems: the Galilean one-time and two-times harmonic oscillators

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    The possible external couplings of an extended non-relativistic classical system are characterized by gauging its maximal dynamical symmetry group at the center-of-mass. The Galilean one-time and two-times harmonic oscillators are exploited as models. The following remarkable results are then obtained: 1) a peculiar form of interaction of the system as a whole with the external gauge fields; 2) a modification of the dynamical part of the symmetry transformations, which is needed to take into account the alteration of the dynamics itself, induced by the {\it gauge} fields. In particular, the Yang-Mills fields associated to the internal rotations have the effect of modifying the time derivative of the internal variables in a scheme of minimal coupling (introduction of an internal covariant derivative); 3) given their dynamical effect, the Yang-Mills fields associated to the internal rotations apparently define a sort of Galilean spin connection, while the Yang-Mills fields associated to the quadrupole momentum and to the internal energy have the effect of introducing a sort of dynamically induced internal metric in the relative space.Comment: 32 pages, LaTex using the IOP preprint macro package (ioplppt.sty available at: http://www.iop.org/). The file is available at: http://www.fis.unipr.it/papers/1995.html The file is a uuencoded tar gzip file with the IOP preprint style include