40 research outputs found

    Development of creative abilities of students in the classroom with use infographics

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    This article describes how to use the method of infografiks as a means of development of creative abilities. It describes the essence of the method and principlesВ статье рассматривается использование метода инфографики как средства развития творческих способностей. Описывается суть метода, принцип

    System development of estimated figures of volume production plan

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    The relevance of this problem is primarily determined by a necessity of improving production efficiency in conditions of innovative development of the economy and implementation of Import Substitution Program. The purpose of the article is development of set of criteria and procedures for the comparative assessment of alternative volume production plans and choice of optimum alternative. The leading method of the study of the problem is economic-mathematical modeling, providing the variability of volume plan development on the basis of different factors and variables, which reflect actual operating standards of a particular study subject. The results of the study: In the article, economic-mathematical model for development of aggregate production plan was presented, on the basis of which alternatives was produced, estimated figures, characterizing efficiency of derived alternatives, were justified, the key factors, which determine a specific set of variables and constraints, were considered. The article materials can be useful for experts, which are specialized in planning of production and distribution of the production program in choosing optimum alternative of aggregate production plan. © 2016 Brazhnikov et al

    E-learning tools at vocational education teacher training

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    В статье представлена классификация цифровых средств профессионального обучения, приведены примеры цифровых дидактических средств по дисциплине «Методика профессионального обучения».The article presents the classification of vocational training e-learning tools, examples of using vocational training e-learning tools for teaching the subject «Methods of vocational training»

    Profile Specific Competencies of the Expert of the Metrological Service

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    В статье рассмотрены особенности деятельности специалистов метрологических служб. Проанализированы требования к подготовке специалистов, занятых в организации и проведении метрологической экспертизы. Особое внимание уделено определению профильно-специализированных компетенций экспертов-метрологов, рассмотрены примеры. В результате показана необходимость проектирования профильно-специализированных компетенций экспертов-метрологов посредствам образовательных программ дополнительной подготовки.In the article the features of activity of specialists of metrological services are considered. The requirements for training of specialists involved in the organization and conduct of metrological expertise have been analyzed. Special attention is paid to the definition of specialized competencies of metrology experts, examples are considered. As a result, the need to design specialized competencies of experts-metrologists through educational programs of additional training is shown

    How Neanderthals gripped retouchers: experimental reconstruction of the manipulation of bone retouchers by Neanderthal stone knappers

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    When studying bone retouchers, researchers pay close attention to the morphological characteristics of the tool’s active zone, and the lithic raw material processed. In our research, we found that the orientation of the bone retoucher in the hand and the grip employed to retain and manipulate it are crucial factors that affect the morphological characteristics of the retoucher’s active zone. By examining two alternative grips for manipulating bone retouchers ((1) Using all the fingers of one hand in a power grip; (2) Using only the first three digits of one hand in a pinch grip), we found that when the retoucher is held in the first manner, the active area is larger, as is the amount of bone removed by the retoucher. When the retoucher was pinched with only three fingers in a precision grip, retouch damage was more densely concentrated and less bone was removed. The orientation of the retoucher in the hand and the grip employed have a greater influence on the active area than the extent of retoucher use, which we assessed by measuring the number of stone tool edges processed. By gripping the retoucher with all the fingers of one hand, the knapper automatically applies greater force, which results in the removal of more bone. Comparison of experimental bone retouchers with those recovered from Middle Paleolithic archaeological contexts in Chagyrskaya Cave (Altai, Russia) revealed that Altai Neanderthals practiced two methods of grasping bone retouchers, with a three-finger pinch grip being dominant. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature

    Integrated health assessment of adolescents by results of prevention medical inspections

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    The article presents the results of preventive medical examinations of adolescents over a period of three years. Data analysis and conclusions were made on the health status of adolescents in Yekaterinburg.В статье приведены результаты профилактических медицинских осмотров детей-подростков в динамике за три года. Проведен анализ данных и сделаны выводы о состоянии здоровья детей-подростков г. Екатеринбурга

    Organization of medical care in Yekaterinburg on the eve of the revolutionaryevents of the XX century

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    The article discusses the organization of medical care in Yekaterinburg and Yekaterinburg countyon the eve of the revolutionary of the 20th century.В статье рассматривается организация медицинской помощи в городе Екатеринбурге и Екатеринбургском уезде накануне революционных событий XX века

    Comprehensive assessment of senior schoolchildren′s health

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    The article presents the results of a complex health diagnostic of senior school children living in Yekaterinburg city and attending school number 68. Complex health diagnostic and physical development in dynamics from 9 to 11 classes was carried out. Substantial physical health disorders like growth lag, overweighting and obesity were detected. A high pathological level of vision organs and significant increasing in diseases of nervous system and respiratory system was determined.В статье представлены результаты комплексной оценки здоровья детей старшего школьного возраста, проживающих в г. Екатеринбурге, посещающих МАОУ СОШ № 68. Проведена комплексная оценка здоровья и физического развития в динамике с 9 по 11 классы. Выявлены значительные нарушения физического развития в виде отставания роста, избыточной массы тела и ожирения. Определен высокий уровень патологии органа зрения и значимый рост заболеваемости по классам болезни нервной системы и органов дыхания в динамике роста

    Investigation of oncolytic potential of vaccine strains of yellow fever and tick-borne encephalitis viruses against glioblastoma and pancreatic carcinoma cell lines

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    Introduction. Flaviviruses, possessing natural neurotropicity could be used in glioblastoma therapy using attenuated strains or as a delivery system for antitumor agents in an inactivated form. Objective. To investigate the sensitivity of glioblastoma and pancreatic carcinoma cell lines to vaccine strains of yellow fever and tick-borne encephalitis viruses. Materials and methods. Cell lines: glioblastoma GL-6, T98G, LN-229, pancreatic carcinoma MIA RaCa-2 and human pancreatic ductal carcinoma PANC-1. Viral strains: 17D yellow fever virus (YF), Sofjin tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV). Virus concentration were determined by plaque assay and quantitative PCR. Determination of cell sensitivity to viruses by MTT assay. Results. 17D YF was effective only against pancreatic carcinoma tumor cells MIA Paca-2 and had a limited effect against PANC-1. In glioblastoma cell lines (LN229, GL6, T98G), virus had no oncolytic effect and the viral RNA concentration fell in the culture medium. Sofjin TBEV showed CPE50 against MIA Paca-2 and a very limited cytotoxic effect against PANC-1. However, it had no oncolytic effect against glioblastoma cell lines (LN229, T98G and GL6), although virus reproduction continued in these cultures. For the GL6 glioblastoma cell line, the viral RNA concentration at the level with the infection dose was determined within 13 days, despite medium replacement, while in the case of the LN229 cell line, the virus concentration increased from 1 × 109 to 1 × 1010 copies/ml. Conclusion. Tumor behavior in organism is more complex and is determined by different microenvironmental factors and immune status. In the future, it is advisable to continue studying the antitumor oncolytic and immunomodulatory effects of viral strains 17D YF and Sofjin TBEV using in vivo models