5 research outputs found

    Grupos de turismo e lazer como um mecanismo organizacional e econômico para controlar a formação e o desenvolvimento da capacidade inovadora do Distrito Federal do Norte do Cáucaso

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    This article highlights the importance of the strategic approach for managing the tourism and recreation sector at the regional level. This article analyzes a relevant topic not studied before, consisting of considering tourism and the recreational group as an organizational and economic mechanism to control the formation and development of innovative capacities in the Federal District of the North Caucasus. The original methodological approach has been designed for the evaluation of the formation and development of the tourist cluster. It can also be used to evaluate clustering in the sphere of tourism, the efficiency of the tourist cluster, the synergy effect, which is based on an integral method of measurement definition and heterogeneity indices. All these characteristics distinguish this method from the existing ones and allow to evaluate its implementation for the cluster policy in the tourist sphere. The management and economic proposals for the development of tourist groups are represented here: Organization of the group development center, design of the management structure and identification of the stages of development. The model of the North Caucasus Federal District for the tourism group has been designed and covers its specialization and functional directions of the companies defined by identifying a specific variety of the tourism industry. The authors affirm that the cluster policy is the key element to implement the objectives related to the development of the tourism industry in the regions with innovative capacity and economic development of the whole country.Este artículo destaca la importancia del enfoque estratégico para la gestión del sector del turismo y la recreación a nivel regional. En este artículo se analiza un tema relevante no estudiado antes, consistente en plantear el turismo y el grupo recreativo como mecanismo organizativo y económico de control de la formación y desarrollo de capacidades innovadoras en el Distrito Federal del Norte del Cáucaso. El enfoque metodológico original ha sido diseñado para la evaluación de la formación y el desarrollo del cluster turístico. También se puede utilizar para evaluar la agrupación en la esfera del turismo, la eficiencia del clúster turístico, el efecto de sinergia, que se basa en un método integral de definición de medida e índices de heterogeneidad. Todas estas características distinguen este método de los existentes y permiten evaluar su implementación para la política de cluster en la esfera turística. Las propuestas de gestión y económicas para el desarrollo de agrupaciones de turistas están representadas aquí: Organización del centro de desarrollo de agrupaciones, diseño de la estructura de gestión e identificación de las etapas de desarrollo. El modelo del Distrito Federal del Cáucaso Norte para el grupo de turismo ha sido diseñado y abarca su especialización y direcciones funcionales de las empresas definidas mediante la identificación de una variedad específica de la industria turística. Los autores afirman que la política de cluster es el elemento clave para implementar los objetivos relacionados con el desarrollo de la industria del turismo en las regiones con capacidad innovadora y desarrollo económico de todo el país.Este artigo destaca a importância da abordagem estratégica para a gestão do setor de turismo e recreação em nível regional. Este artigo analisa um tópico relevante não estudado anteriormente, que consiste em considerar o turismo e o grupo de lazer como um mecanismo organizacional e econômico para controlar a formação e o desenvolvimento de capacidades inovadoras no Distrito Federal do Norte do Cáucaso. A abordagem metodológica original foi concebida para a avaliação da formação e desenvolvimento do cluster turístico. Ele também pode ser usado para avaliar o agrupamento na esfera do turismo, a eficiência do cluster turístico, o efeito de sinergia, que é baseado em um método integral de definição de medida e índices de heterogeneidade. Todas essas características distinguem este método das existentes e permitem avaliar sua implementação para a política de cluster na esfera turística. As propostas econômicas e de gestão para o desenvolvimento de grupos de turistas são representadas aqui: Organização do centro de desenvolvimento do grupo, desenho da estrutura de gestão e identificação das etapas de desenvolvimento. O modelo do Distrito Federal do Norte do Cáucaso para o grupo de turismo foi projetado e abrange sua especialização e direções funcionais das empresas definidas pela identificação de uma variedade específica da indústria do turismo. Os autores afirmam que a política de cluster é o elemento chave para implementar os objetivos relacionados ao desenvolvimento da indústria do turismo nas regiões com capacidade inovadora e desenvolvimento econômico de todo o país

    Métodos para mejorar la economía basados en la industria del turismo

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    This study aims to deal with the actual problem of managing tourist destinations organization to increase the competitive potential of the domestic tourist market. In order to accomplish the goal, the authors studied the comparative advantages of the Stavropol Territory as a tourist destination that should become its competitive advantages if implemented through a comprehensive destination management system. The strategy taken into account on the opportunities to maximize the strengths and compensate for the current competitive weaknesses of tourism development in Stavropol. The complex tourist destination competitiveness model and the system of its management in the Stavropol Territory depend on creating a regional organization for tourist destination management that would coordinate practices of the key regional tourism actors, ensure their interests and develop their interaction. On the example of the Stavropol Territory, the authors propose an alternative model of the tourist destination management system, which is to be implemented through mechanisms and practices of planning, development and increasing competitiveness of the tourist destination and to be institutionalized in the form of a regional organization for the tourist destination management. This model can contribute significantly to the social and economic development of the given region.Este estudio tiene como objetivo abordar el problema real de la gestión de la organización de destinos turísticos para aumentar el potencial competitivo del mercado turístico nacional. Para lograr el objetivo, los autores estudiaron las ventajas comparativas del Territorio de Stavropol como destino turístico que deberían convertirse en sus ventajas competitivas si se implementan a través de un sistema integral de gestión de destinos. La estrategia tuvo en cuenta las oportunidades para maximizar las fortalezas y compensar las debilidades competitivas actuales del desarrollo turístico en Stavropol. El complejo modelo de competitividad del destino turístico y el sistema de gestión en el Territorio de Stavropol dependen de la creación de una organización regional para la gestión del destino turístico que coordine las prácticas de los actores clave del turismo regional, garantice sus intereses y desarrolle su interacción. En el ejemplo del Territorio de Stavropol, los autores proponen un modelo alternativo del sistema de gestión de destinos turísticos, que se implementará a través de mecanismos y prácticas de planificación, desarrollo y aumento de la competitividad del destino turístico y se institucionalizará en forma de organización regional para la gestión del destino turístico. Este modelo puede contribuir significativamente al desarrollo social y económico de la región dada

    Methods to Improve the Economy Based on the Tourism Industry

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    This study aims to deal with the actual problem of managing tourist destinations organization to increase the competitive potential of the domestic tourist market. In order to accomplish the goal, the authors studied the comparative advantages of the Stavropol Territory as a tourist destination that should become its competitive advantages if implemented through a comprehensive destination management system. The strategy taken into account on the opportunities to maximize the strengths and compensate for the current competitive weaknesses of tourism development in Stavropol. The complex tourist destination competitiveness model and the system of its management in the Stavropol Territory depend on creating a regional organization for tourist destination management that would coordinate practices of the key regional tourism actors, ensure their interests and develop their interaction. On the example of the Stavropol Territory, the authors propose an alternative model of the tourist destination management system, which is to be implemented through mechanisms and practices of planning, development and increasing competitiveness of the tourist destination and to be institutionalized in the form of a regional organization for the tourist destination management. This model can contribute significantly to the social and economic development of the given region

    Temperature- and Pressure-Reducing Regimes in the Growth Cell of HPHT Diamonds, Optimal for Preserving Crystal Integrity after Growth Completion

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    With its exceptional strength characteristics, diamond has some mechanical drawbacks, significant brittleness being among them. In particular, some HPHT-grown diamonds crack when the extreme parameters inherent to the diamond growth process gradually decrease. The cracking is caused by excessive stress due to the poor plastic properties of the diamond growth catalytic medium at certain stages of reducing the pressure and the temperature. An insulating container with the growth cell and heating circuit fragment inside can also make a significant contribution to the probability of cracking. This paper considers the possibility of minimizing the mechanical stress in the growth cell and, consequently, in the diamond crystal by choosing the optimal trajectory for the decrease in the pressure and temperature from diamond growth conditions to normal conditions

    Revolver Hollow Core Optical Fibers

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    Revolver optical fibers (RF) are special type of hollow-core optical fibers with negative curvature of the core-cladding boundary and with cladding that is formed by a one ring layer of capillaries. The physical mechanisms contributing to the waveguiding parameters of RFs are discussed. The optical properties and possible applications of RFs are reviewed. Special attention is paid to the mid-IR hydrogen Raman lasers that are based on RFs and generating in the wavelength region from 2.9 to 4.4 μm