10 research outputs found


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    <p>The Geospatial Semester is a geographical education activity focused on students in their final year of secondary schools in the U.S., acquiring specific skills in GIS, GPS and remote sensing. Through a methodology for project-based learning, students are motivated and involved in conducting research using geographic information systems and analyze, and even propose solutions, different processes, problems or issues spatial in nature. The Geospatial Semester university management not only ensures proper coaching, guidance and GIS training for teachers of colleges, but has established a system whereby students who pass this course of secondary education gain the recognition of certain credits from the University.</p


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    <p><strong>Resumen:</strong></p><p>El Semestre Geoespacial es una actividad de educación geográfica centrada en que los estudiantes del último curso de secundaria en los institutos norteamericanos, adquieran competencias y habilidades específicas en sistemas de información geográfica, GPS y teledetección. A través de una metodología de aprendizaje basado en proyectos, los alumnos se motivan e implican en la realización de trabajos de investigación en los que analizan, e incluso proponen soluciones, diferentes procesos, problemas o cuestiones de naturaleza espacial. El proyecto está coordinado por la Universidad James Madison y lleva siete años implantándose en diferentes institutos del Estado de Virginia, implicando a más de 20 centros educativos y 1.500 alumnos. Los alumnos que superan esta asignatura de la enseñanza secundaria obtienen la convalidación de determinados créditos académicos de la Universidad de referencia.</p><p><strong>Palabras clave:</strong><strong></strong></p><p>Sistemas de información geográfica, enseñanza, didáctica de la geografía, semestre geoespacial.</p><p><strong>Abstract:</strong></p><p>The Geospatial Semester is a geographical education activity focused on students in their final year of secondary schools in the U.S., acquiring specific skills in GIS, GPS and remote sensing. Through a methodology for project-based learning, students are motivated and involved in conducting research using geographic information systems and analyze, and even propose solutions, different processes, problems or issues spatial in nature. The Geospatial Semester university management not only ensures proper coaching, guidance and GIS training for teachers of colleges, but has established a system whereby students who pass this course of secondary education gain the recognition of certain credits from the University.</p><p class="ecxecxmsonormal"><strong>Key words</strong><strong>:</strong></p><p>Geographic information system, teaching, geographic education, geospatial semester<strong>. </strong></p><p><strong>Résumé</strong><strong></strong><strong>:</strong></p><p>Le semestre géospatial est une activité axée sur l'éducation géographique des étudiants en dernière année des écoles secondaires aux États-Unis,  pour l'acquisition de compétences spécifiques en matière de SIG, GPS et télédétection. Grâce à une méthodologie pour l'apprentissage par projet, les élèves sont motivés et impliqués dans la conduite de recherche utilisant des systèmes d'information géographique et analysent, et même ils proposent des solutions, des processus différents, des problèmes ou des questions spatiales. La gestion de Semestre géospatial par l’Université assure non seulement un bon encadrement, d'orientation et de formation sur le SIG pour les enseignants des collèges, mais a mis en place un système dans lequel les étudiants qui passent ce cours d'enseignement secondaire gagnent la reconnaissance de certains crédits de l'université.</p><p><strong>M</strong><strong>ots-Clés</strong><strong>:</strong></p><p>Systèmes d'information géographique, enseignement, didactique de la géographie, semestre géospatial.</p

    Bridging the Valley: Recruiting and Retaining STEM Majors

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    In the face of declining STEM enrollments, four neighboring institutions in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley came together to address the issue of STEM retention on their campuses with support from the National Science Foundation. James Madison University (JMU), Blue Ridge Community College (BRCC), Eastern Mennonite University (EMU), and Bridgewater College (BC) undertook a six-year project, with funding from National Science Foundation’s STEM Talent Expansion Program (STEP) grant (DUE-0756838), to enhance student retention in STEM on each campus. The partnership, dubbed Bridging the Valley (BTV), developed a set of interventions designed to actively improve student outcomes. A summer bridge workshop (SBW) and collaborative learning communities (CLC), implemented during the academic year, were two of the most substantive interventions included in the BTV program

    A Research Agenda for Geospatial Technologies and Learning

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    Knowledge around geospatial technologies and learning remains sparse, inconsistent, and overly anecdotal. Studies are needed that are better structured; more systematic and replicable; attentive to progress and findings in the cognate fields of science, technology, engineering, and math education; and coordinated for multidisciplinary approaches. A proposed agenda is designed to frame the next generation of research in this field, organized around four foci: (1) connections between GST and geospatial thinking; (2) learning GST; (3) curriculum and student learning through GST; and (4) educators’ professional development with GST. Recommendations for advancing this agenda are included