11 research outputs found

    Relationship between electrodiagnostic severity and neuropathic pain assessed by the LANSS pain scale in carpal tunnel syndrome

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    Azize Esra Gürsoy, Mehmet Kolukisa, Gülsen Babacan Yildiz, Gülsen Kocaman, Arif Çelebi, Abdülkadir KoçerDepartment of Neurology, Bezmialem Vakif University, Istanbul, TurkeyObjective: The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between the presence of neuropathic pain assessed by the Leeds Assessment of Neuropathic Symptoms and Signs (LANSS) scale and electrophysiological findings in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS).Methods: We studied 124 hands with idiopathic CTS with pain complaints involving hand and wrist. All hands were assessed by the LANSS with which a score of 12 or more is defined as pain dominated by neuropathic mechanisms. These hands were assigned to minimal, mild, moderate, severe, or extreme severe groups according to the results of the median nerve conduction studies.Results: A LANSS score ≥ 12, suggestive of pain dominated by neuropathic mechanisms, was defined in 59 (47.6%) CTS hands. Pain intensity was significantly higher in CTS hands with a LANSS score ≥ 12 (P < 0.001). Among electrophysiological findings, compound muscle action potential amplitude was significantly lower in hands with a LANSS score ≥ 12 compared with hands with a LANSS score < 12 (P = 0.020). Severity of CTS was not significantly different between LANSS ≥ 12 and LANSS < 12 groups. Electrophysiological severity was significantly higher in CTS hands with evoked pain (P = 0.005) and allodynia (P < 0.001) in LANSS subscore analysis.Conclusion: We suggest that the presence of pain dominated by neuropathic mechanisms in CTS is not related to electrophysiological CTS severity. Neuropathic pain should be assessed carefully in patients with CTS, and an appropriate treatment plan should be chosen, taking into account the clinical and electrophysiological findings together with the true pain classification.Keywords: electrodiagnostic evaluation, carpal tunnel syndrome, LANSS, neuropathic pai

    Competition Analysis of 2. Junior European Free-style And Grecoroman Championships

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    Bu çatışmanın amacı, 2001 yılında izmir'de yapılan 2. Yıldızlar Avrupa Serbest ve GrekoRomen Güreş Şampiyonasında erkek müsabakalarının analizini yapmak ve Türk Milli Takım güreşçilerinin teknik değerlerinin incelenmesidir. Serbest stilde toplam 229 müsabaka, grekoromen stilde toplam 278 müsabaka kameraya çekilmiş ve analizler bu kayıtlardan yapılmıştır. Müsabaka bitiş süreleri, maç kazanma şekilleri, elde edilen puanlar, Türk güreşçilerinin uyguladığı ve maruz kaldığı teknikler ile klasman maçlarında yapılan teknik sayısı ve alman puanlar geliştirilen müsabaka cetvellerine işaretlendi, istatistikset analizde, her bir parametre için yüzde ve maç başına düşen oran hesaplandı. Bu şampiyonada topiam ve klasman maçlarında hem serbest hem de grekoromen güreşte sayı ile maç kazanma şekli yüksek bulunmuştur. Serbest güreş müsabakalarında yapılan 1278 teknik ile toplam 1951 puan elde edilmiş olup maç başına 8.51 puan ve 5.58 teknik düşmüştür. Maç başına pasivite oranı 0.32 ve salto bağlama 0.17 oranında olmuştur. Grekoromen güreş müsabakalarında ise toplam 1262 teknik yapılarak 2114 puan elde edilmiş ve maç başına 7.60 puan ve 4.53 teknik düşmüştür. Maç başına Pasivite oranı 0,33 ve salto bağlama 1,22 şeklindedir. Klasman maçlarında serbest stilde en fazla tek dalma onu çırpma ve boyunduruk teknikleri yapılmış, grekoromen stilde ise en fazla çırpma ve onu ihtar puanı izlemiştir. Türk Yıldız Milli Takım güreşçileri serbest stilde toplam 241 puan alırken 144 puan vermiş, grekoromen stilde 329 puan alırken 162 puan vermiştir. Türk Milli Takımı güreşçileri serbest stilde uyguladıkları toplam 180 teknikten en fazla tek dalma tekniğini (%28.90) uygulamış yine en fazla tek dalma tekniğine (%33.64) maruz kalmıştır. Türk güreşçileri grekoromen stilde ise en fazla çırpma (%36.70) tekniğini uygulamış, yine en fazla çırpma tekniğine (36,36) maruz kalmıştır. Hem serbest hem de grekoromen stilde sayı ile maç kazanma şeklinin yüksek olduğu» görülmüştür. Maç başına düşen puan genele göre klasman maçlarında düşmüştür. Bu klasman maçlarına kalan güreşçilerin daha denk ve kontrollü güreştiklerinden kaynaklanabilir. Türklerin aldığı maç başına puan ortalaması verdiklerinden yüksektir. Bu sonuç Türklerin diğerlerine göre daha teknik ve etkili güreştikleri şeklinde açıklanabilir.The aim of this study vvas to analyse the male competitions in 2. European Junior Freestyle and Greco-Roman Wrestling Championship and to examine the technique values of National Turkish Wrestling Team. 278 greco-roman and 229 free-style competitions were recorded and the analysis were done by these recordings The finishing times, the way of vvinnings, the points, the pasivite numbers of competitions. and the techniques that the Turkish team applied and exposed to, and techniçues and points in the classifying competetions were determined and signed on the compelition analysis forms. For statistical analysis, ratio for one competıtion (ROC) for each parameter ıvas calculated. İn these championships, most of the greco-roman and the free-style competitions finished in official time and by points. İn the free-style wrestling, total 1278 techniçues (ROC: 5.58) were applied and 1951 points (ROC: 8.51) were laken: for one competition 0.32 pasivite and 0.17 tying salto were performed. İn the greco-roman vvrestling, 1262 techniques (ROC: 4.53) were applied and 2114 points (ROC: 7.60) were laken: for one competition 0.33 pasivite and 1.22 tying salto were performed. İn the classifying competitions, mostly leg tackte, gut wrench and head drug techniques were applied in free-style wrestling; gut wrench and warning point were applied in greco-romarı vvrestling. The National Turkish Free-Style Wresling Team took 241 points and gave 144 points; The National Turkish Greco-Roman Wrestling Team took 329 points and gave 432 points, The Turkish Free-Style Team applied 180 techniques and they mostly applied leg tackle techniçue (%28.90) and they mostly exposed to leg tackle technique (%33.64) too. The Turkish Greco-Roman Wrestling Team applied 179 techniques, they mostly applied gut wrench technique (%36.70) and they mostly exposed to gut vvrench technique (%36.36) too. İn the both wrestling styles, most of the competitions were finished by points. The points ratio for one competition decreased in the classifying competitions than whole competitions. This means, the wrestlers that wrestle in the classifying competitions were more simiiar. These wrestlers were more careful and gave less points to their rivals. The taken points of the Turkish teams were more than the given points. This result shows that the Turkish VVrestlers mest/e more techniqual and effective than their rivals

    An investigation into the nonlinear effects in the roll motion of 2-D bodies by SPH method

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    Nonlinear effects in the roll motion of a 2–D body in the free surface are investigated by utilizing the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method. The continuity and Navier–Stokes equations are solved by employing the Weakly Compressible SPH (WCSPH) approach and our in-house code, which relies on the accumulated development process through the authors’ previous works including the fluid–solid coupling modeling by viscous penalty technique, (Tofighi et al. (2015)), and a hybrid Velocity-Variance Free Surface (VFS) and Artificial Particle Displacement (APD) algorithm (Ozbulut et al., 2014, 2018, 2020; Kolukisa et al., 2020). In this work, the GPU parallelization of the code is performed, to mitigate the computational burdens of the relatively high number of particles due to the long wavelengths generated by the roll motion of the cylinder. Presently, an alternative and exact approach in reducing the equation of roll motion with quadratic damping term is introduced. In parallel to this approach, a quadratic regression equation approximating the hydrodynamic roll moment is also employed. Aside from hydrodynamic coefficients, with linear and quadratic damping coefficients, vortex flow characteristics are also presented, qualitatively and quantitatively. It is understood from the results that, with the present capability, the WCSPH approach introduced is able to disclose nonlinearities inherently exist in the roll motion of oscillatory bodies in the free surface

    One-year follow-up in patients with brainstem infarction due to large-artery atherothrombosis

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    Mehmet Kolukisa,1 Tugce Ozdemir Gültekin,1 Gozde Eryigit Baran,1 Ayse Aralasmak,2 Gülsen Kocaman,1 Azize Esra Gürsoy,1 Talip Asil1 1Department of Neurology, 2Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Bezmialem Vakif University, Istanbul, Turkey Background: Posterior circulation infarction accounts for approximately 25% of the ischemic strokes. A number of different conditions may be associated with the development of brainstem infarction. Prognosis and recurrence rate of brainstem infarction due to large-artery atherothrombosis is still controversial. Methods: A total of 826 patients with ischemic stroke were admitted to our clinic during a 15-month period. Patients with clinical and radiological evidence of brainstem infarction were comprehensively assessed with appropriate vascular imaging modalities and for cardiological causes. Subjects with an established diagnosis of large-artery atherothrombosis were followed up for 1 year in terms of prognosis and recurrence rates. Results: Of the 101 patients with an established brainstem infarction, the diagnostic work-up indicated the presence of large-artery atherothrombosis as the causative factor in 53. A recurrent stroke was detected in the posterior circulation within the first 3 months in 5.8% and within 1 year in 9.8% of these individuals. The 1-year mortality rate was 11.7%. All patients with recurrent stroke had intracranial vascular narrowing at baseline. Conclusion: Our findings demonstrate a particularly high rate of recurrence and mortality at 1 year among patients who have a brainstem infarction due to intracranial arterial stenosis. Keywords: posterior circulation, intracranial arteries, extracranial arteries, stroke, vertebral artery, basilar arter