14 research outputs found

    The association of vertebrobasilar calcification with etiological subtypes, stroke recurrence and outcome in acute brainstem ischemic stroke

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    Arterial calcification (AC), a frequent finding on imaging studies, has been reported as a risk factor for ischemic stroke. However few studies have explored the association of AC with etiological subtypes and prognostic implications. The purpose of this study was to investigate the association of AC with demograhics, risk factors and etiological subtypes and to determine whether it predicts stroke recurrence and functional outcome in patients with acute brainstem ischemic stroke. We analyzed our database consisting of patients who were diagnosed as acute brainstem ischemic stroke admitted within 24hours of onset. Etiological classification of stroke was made based on The Trial of ORG in Acute Stroke Treatment (TOAST) Classification. AC in vertebral and basilar arteries were assessed from baseline brain CT. AC degree was categorized according to calcification along the circumference in the densest calcified segment of each vessel (0 point if no calcification in any of the CT slices, 1 point if calcification <50% of circumference and 2 points if calcification ≥50% of circumference). Three AC categories were defined according to the total AC score as follows: no AC (0 point), mild AC (1–2 points), severe AC (≥3 points). Recurrent stroke within the first 3 months of follow up and modified Rankin Score (mRS) at 3-month were reviewed. 42% of 188 patients had AC in at least of the vertebrobasilar arteries. Severe AC was related to age and the presence of diabetes mellitus and coronary artery disease. The prevalence of AC was significantly higher in large artery atherosclerosis subtype. The presence of AC was marginally associated with recurrent stroke but did not find to be related with functional outcome. Further studies with larger sample size are warranted to explore this topic

    The effect of iterative procedures on the robustness and fidelity of augmented lagrangian SPH

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    The Augmented Lagrangian Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (ALSPH) method is a novel incompressible Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) approach that solves Navier–Stokes equations by an iterative augmented Lagrangian scheme through enforcing the divergence-free coupling of velocity and pressure fields. This study aims to systematically investigate the time step size and the number of inner iteration parameters to boost the performance of the ALSPH method. Additionally, the effects of computing spatial derivatives with two alternative schemes on the accuracy of numerical results are also scrutinized. Namely, the first scheme computes spatial derivatives on the updated particle positions at each iteration, whereas the second one employs the updated pressure and velocity fields on the initial particle positions to compute the gradients and divergences throughout the iterations. These two schemes are implemented to the solution of a flow over a circular cylinder at Reynolds numbers of 200 in two dimensions. Initially, simulations are performed in order to determine the optimum time step sizes by utilizing a maximum number of five iterations per time step. Subsequently, the optimum number of inner iterations is investigated by employing the predetermined optimum time step size under the same flow conditions. Finally, the schemes are tested on the same flow problem with different Reynolds numbers using the best performing combination of the aforementioned parameters. It is observed that the ALSPH method can enable one to increase the time step size without deteriorating the numerical accuracy as a consequence of imposing larger ALSPH penalty terms in larger time step sizes, which, overall, leads to improved computational efficiency. When considering the hydrodynamic flow characteristics, it can be stated that two spatial derivative schemes perform very similarly. However, the results indicate that the derivative operation with the updated particle positions produces slightly lower velocity divergence magnitudes at larger time step sizes

    Feature-Driven Characterization of Microservice Architectures : A Survey of the State of the Practice

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    With the need for increased modularity and flexible configuration of software modules, microservice architecture (MSA) has gained interest and momentum in the last 7 years. As a result, MSA has been widely addressed in the literature and discussed from various perspectives. In addition, several vendors have provided their specific solutions in the state of the practice, each with its challenges and benefits. Yet, selecting and implementing a particular approach is not trivial and requires a broader overview and guidance for selecting the proper solution for the given situation. Unfortunately, no study has been provided that reflects on and synthesizes the key features and challenges of the current MSA solutions in the state of the practice. To this end, this article presents a feature-driven characterization of micro-service architectures that identifies and synthesizes the key features of current MSA solutions as provided by the key vendors. A domain-driven approach is adopted in which a feature model is presented defining the common and variant features of the MSA solutions. Further, a comparative analysis of the solution approaches is provided based on the proposed feature model

    Challenges and Solution Directions of Microservice Architectures : A Systematic Literature Review

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    Microservice architecture (MSA) is an architectural style for distributed software systems, which promotes the use of fine-grained services with their own lifecycles. Several benefits of MSA have been reported in the literature, including increased modularity, flexible configuration, easier development, easier maintenance, and increased productivity. On the other hand, the adoption of MSA for a specific software system is not trivial and a number of challenges have been reported in the literature. These challenges should be evaluated carefully concerning project requirements before successful MSA adoption. Unfortunately, there has been no attempt to systematically review and categorize these challenges and the potential solution directions. This article aims at identifying the state of the art of MSA and describing the challenges in applying MSA together with the identified solution directions. A systematic literature review (SLR) is performed using the published literature since the introduction of MSA in 2014. Overall, 3842 papers were discovered using a well-planned review protocol, and 85 of them were selected as primary studies and analyzed regarding research questions. Nine basic categories of challenges were identified and detailed into 40 sub-categories, for which potential solution directions were explored. MSA seems feasible, but the identified challenges could impede the expected benefits when not taken into account. This study identifies and synthesizes the reported challenges and solution directions, but further research on these directions is needed to leverage the successful MSA adoption

    Can collagenase be used in the treatment of adhesive capsulitis?

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    Background: The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of subacromial injections of collagenase and corticosteroid in rats with experimentally induced adhesive capsulitis. Method: Thirty adult Wistar albino male rats were distributed into 3 groups of 10 rats each after stabilization of their shoulders for 3 weeks: the first group received a single dose of 0.002 mg (0.25 mL) subacromial collagenase; the second group received a single dose of 1.60 mg (0.25 mL) subacromial steroid, and the third group received a single dose of 0.25 mL subacromial saline solution. One week later, we investigated shoulder range of motions, collagen content of the shoulder, and joint cartilage structure. Results: There was no statistically significant difference in the cartilage damage between the groups (p > 0.05). Fibrosis measurements were significantly lower in the collagenase group than in the steroid and saline groups. There was no significant difference in fibrosis between the steroid and saline groups (p > 0.05). Abduction measurements were significantly higher in the collagenase group than in the steroid and saline groups (p 0.05). Conclusion: We observed that subacromial injections of collagenase Clostridium histolyticum effectively treated adhesive capsulitis. The results suggest that this treatment could be considered for use in patients with an intact rotator cuff

    Development of smoothed particle hydrodynamics method for modeling active nematics

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    This article proposes a novel graphics processing unit-based active nematic flow solver based on the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method. Nematohydrodynamics equations are discretized using the SPH algorithm. Flow behavior, nematic ordering, topological defects, and vorticity correlation are calculated and discussed in detail. The spectrum of the kinetic energy with respect to the wavenumber is calculated at high particle resolution, and its slope at the different length scales is discussed. To exploit the SPH capabilities, pathlines of nematic particles are evaluated during the simulation. Finally, the mixing behavior of the active nematics is calculated as well and described qualitatively. The effects of two important parameters, namely, activity and elastic constant are investigated. It is shown that the activity intensifies the chaotic mixing nature of the active nematics, while the elastic constant behaves oppositely

    cKOLUKISA,Ş. M., ZİYAGİL,M.A., İMAMOĞLU,O.,N.F. KISHALI, (2004) 49. Avrupa Greko-Romen Güreş şampiyonası Müsabaka teknik Analizi . Atatürk Ünv. BESYO Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilim Dergisi, 2004, Cilt : 6, Sayı: 3, Erzurum KOLUKISA,Ş. M., ZİYAGİL,M.A., İMAMOĞLU,O.,N.F. KISHALI, (2004) 49. Avrupa Greko-Romen Güreş şampiyonası Müsabaka teknik Analizi . Atatürk Ünv. BESYO Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilim Dergisi, 2004, Cilt : 6, Sayı: 3, Erzurum ompetition Technigue Analysis of 49. Europan Greco-roman Wrestling Championship

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    Amaç: 2002 yılında Finlandiya'da yapılan 49. Avrupa Greko-Romen Güreş Şampiyonasında müsabakaların genel, klasman, ve Türk güreşçileri açısından teknik analizi ile başarıda etken kriterleri belirlemektir. Materyal ve metot: Bu çalışma için 49. Avrupa Greko-Romen Güreş Şampiyonasında toplam 219 güreş müsabakası kamera ile filme alınarak videoda analiz edildi. Şampiyonada klasman müsabakaları ve Türk Milli Takımının yaptığı müsabakalarda uygulanan teknik sayısı,puan, pasivite, müsabaka bitiş şekli ve süresi ortalama ve yüzde olarak sunuldu. Bulgular: Genel olarak maçların büyük çoğunluğu normal sürede ve sayı ile sonuçlanmıştır. En çok kullanılan teknikler sıralamasında; çırpma, saiio, künde ve ihtar+puan yer almıştır. Toplamda 1585 puan alınmış ve maç başına 7,23 puan düşmüştür. Türk güreşçileri yaptıkları müsabakalarda maç başına ortalama 4,04 puan alırken 2,28 puan vermiştir. Rus güreşçileri ise maç başına ortalama 4,90 puan alırken 1,25 puan vermiştir. Sonuç; Müsabakalarda en çok çırpma, suples ve künde uygulanmıştır. Güreşçilerin riske girmeden puan alma yolunu seçtikleri ve şampiyon olmak için ortalama yaklaşık maç başına 5 puan almak gerektiği görülmüştür.Purpose: The aim of this study was to analyze the competitions in 49. Europan Greco-Romen Championshı'p, in view of general, classiftcation and Turkish Wrestlers and determine active criterions in accomplishment. The Greco-Romen Styie Wrestling Championship was in İstanbul at 2002. Method: 219 Greco-Romen Style competitions in 49. Europan Greco-Romen Championship were recorded by video, and these records were analyzed. The way of winnings, the finishing times, the technique numbers, the points and the passivity numbers of the ciassifiying matches; the techniques that the Turkish Team exposed to and applied were presented as mean andpercentage. Findings: in this championship, most of the greco-roman competitions finished in offıciai time and by points in ali weight categories. The most using technigues was found as respectively gut wrench, tying salto, Crotch Lift and Warning Point. in the greco-roman wrestling, were taken total 1585 points, therefore mean of totai points was 7,23 permatch. During the whoie of matches Turkish wrestlers took 4.04 points, whıle they gave 2.24 points. During the whole of matches Russian wrestlers took 4.90 points. whıle they gave 1.25 points. Results: The most used technigues in comepetition by wrestiers were gut wrench, supless and Crotch Lift. Wrestlers choosed to take points wilhout risk and to be successful it vvas necessary to take 5 points in greco-roman for one competition

    Competition analysis of 46. World Greco-Roman And 35. World Freestyle Wrestling Championships

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    Amaç:2001 Dünya Greko-romen ve Serbest Güreş Şampiyonaları müsabaka teknik' analizi ve başarıda etken olan teknik kriterlerin karşılaştınlmasıdır. Materyal ve metot:Bu çalışma için 46. Dünya Greko-romen Güreş Şampiyonasında toplam 334 ve 35. Dünya Serbest Güreş Şampiyonasında toplam 311 güreş müsabakası kamera ile filme alınarak videoda analiz edildi. Şampiyonada tüm müsabakalar ve Türk Milli Takımının yaptığı müsabakalarda uygulanan teknik sayısı,puan, pasivite, müsabaka bitiş şekli ve süresi ortalama ve yüzde olarak sunuldu. Bulgular: Genel olarak maçların büyük çoğunluğu normal sürede ve sayı İle sonuçlanmıştır. Grekoromende en çok kullanılan teknikler çırpma, salto, supless ve satto paratı yer alırken, klasman grubunda çırpma, çırpma paratı, tekkol ve bele girme öne çıkmış ve supless hiç yapılmamıştır. Türklerin en çok uyguladığı oyunlar çırpma, supless ve künde iken maruz kalınan teknikler; çırpma, solto ve künde paratı olarak öne çıkıyor. Serbestte ise En çok yapılan oyumlar toplamda tek dalma, çırpma,boyunduruk ve çift dalma iken klasman maçlarında tek dalma, çırpma, boyunduruk ve çift dalma ve Türk takımında tek dalma, çırpma, boyunduruk ve çift dalma şeklindedir. Türk takımının maruz kaldığı oyunlar ise tek dalma, çırpma ve çift dalmadır. Grekoromende maç başına düşen teknik sayısı genelde 3,94 ve alınan puan sayısı 6,67 iken Serbest stilde maç başına düşen teknik sayısı 5,11 ve puan sayısı 7,64 bulunmuştur.Grekoromende Türklerin maç başına uyguladığı teknik 2,42 ve alınan puan 4.2 iken klasman grubunda teknik 3,37 ve alınan puan 5,50 dir. Serbestte ise Türklerin maç başına 2,91 teknik ve 4,75 puan ve klasman maçlarında maç başına 4.12 teknik ve 5,50 puan düşmüştür. Sonuç: Grekoromen müsabakalarda en çok çırpma , suples ve bele girme uygulanırken serbestte ise tek dalma, çırpma ve boyunduruk uygulanmıştır. Güreşçilerin riske girmeden puan alma yolunu seçtikleri ve şampiyon olmak için ortalama maç başına yaklaşık olarak Grekoromende 7 ve serbestte 8 puan düşmüştür. İhtar ve pasivite durumlarında yerde partner pozisyonu alınması yer tekniklerinin önemini ve sayısını artırmıştır. Türkiye uyguladığı tekniklerde etkisiz kalmıştır.The aim of this study was to anafyze the competitions in 46. World Greco-Roman and in 35. World Free-Style Championships, and to examine the technique values of the National Turkish Team. The Greco-Roman Championship was in the city of Patras in Greece at 6-9 December 2001 The Free-Styfe Championship was in Sofia at 21-25 December 2001. 334 greco-roman and 311 free-style comp.etitions were recorded and the analysis were done by these recordings. The way of winnings, the finishing times, the technique numbers, the points and the passivity numbers of the whole and the Cıassifying competitions; the techniques that the Turkish Team exposed to and applied were determined and signed on the competition analysis forms. For statisticaf anafysis, ratio for one competition (RDC) for each parameter was calcufated. In these championships, most of the greco-roman and the free-styfe competitions finished in official time and by points in af! weight categories. Same status is vafidity for the Turkish team and the classifying competitions. fn the greco-roman wrestling, totaf 1317 techniques (R. 3.94) were appfied and 2231 poin~s (RDC. 6.67) were taken; 593 passivity (RDC: 1.77) and 114 tying salto (RDe: 034) were performed. In the free-style 1590"techniques (RDC: 5.11) were applied and 2376 poinfs (RDC: 7.64) were faken, 296 passivity (RDC: 0.95) and 32 tying sa/to (RDC: 0.10) were performed. The Turkish Greco-Roman Wrestfing Team applied 51 fechniques (RDC: 2.42) took 84 points (RDC: 4.2) and exposed fo 37 techniques (RDC: 1.76) gave 62 points (RDC.· 3.1). The Turkish Free-Style Wrestling Team applied 70 techniques (RDC: 2.91) took 114 points (RDC.· 4.75) and exposed to 53 techniques (RDC: 291) gave 73 points (RDe.- 3.04). in the greco-roman and free-style classifying competitions, respectively 54 (RDC: 3.37) and 66 (RDe: 4.12) techniques were applied; 88 points (RDC: 5.50) were taken in both sty/e. Most executing techniques were gut wrench (29.62 %), tying salto (14.81 %) and counter to gut wrench (9-25 %) in the classifying greco-roman; leg tackle (36.36 %), gut wrench (16.66 %) and head drug (12.12 %) in the classifying free-styte wresWng. The Turkish Greco-Roman Wrestling Team executed mostly gut wrench (33.33 %) and warning point (11.76 %); mostfy exposed to gut wrench (21.62 %) and throw back (16.21 %). The Turkish Free-Style Wrestling Team executed mostly leg tackle (24.3 %) and gut wrench (20 %); exposed to mostly leg tackle (28.30 %), gut wrench (13.20 %) and double leg tackle (13.20 %). Wrestlers choosed to take points without risk and to be successful it was necessary to take 8 points in greco-roman and 7 points in free-style for one competition. To win a competition it's important to app/y and not expose to a technique. The National Turkish Greco-Roman Team was unsuccessfu/ to apply a technique. Nationat Turkish Free-Styte Team didn't wrestle as offensively as their successfu/ riva/s. For the coming championships; it's necessary to train right and teft offensive and defensive techniques. According to the posifion, advantages and disadvantages of the techniques have to be taught to the wrestlers. The trainers can regulate the wrestlers' training programs by considering the techniques used by the general, and also semifinalist and champion wrestlers in the championship