83 research outputs found

    Development of internal control methodology by using statistical methods of variability assessment of material flow business processes

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    Variability or instability is one of the key features of any process, including business processes of material flow internal control. Variability is a characteristic of all natural systems and technical processes. The objects which properties can be characterized via certain parameters arise at the output of any process. The article discloses the feasibility of using the statistical methods in the internal control system of business entities; in this case the focus is on the method of identifying the causes of variability using control charts of various types (Shewhart control charts) as a prime tool. The view points regarding variability of famous academic economists who researched the business process management issues are also considered. Authors’ classification of business process variation on types of material flow internal control with the allocation of controlled and uncontrolled variation is taken as the basis of the proposed application. The method of using control charts in estimating the efficiency of material flow internal control business processes is described in detail.peer-reviewe

    Hyperexpression of TLR2 and TLR4 in patients with ischemic stroke in acute period of the disease

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    Pathogenesis of ischemic stroke  is actively  involved  in the  system  of innate immunity. Under conditions of cerebral  ischemia, a number of biologically  active  substances are  released  that  interact with innate immunity receptors, in particular TLR2  and  TLR4, which  exacerbate inflammation in brain  tissue. Identification of predictor markers  at the level of the innate immunity system may foresee the clinical course of ischemic stroke and ensure timely treatment. Our objective was to study expression of TLR2 and TLR4 receptors in peripheral blood leukocytes  in patients with ischemic stroke in the dynamics of the disease. 27 people  were included in the study. The main  group consisted of patients with ischemic stroke of varying severity (n = 19). Patients of the main  group were divided into two subgroups:  with an NIHSS index value of < 10 (n = 10) and > 10 (n = 9). The control group included healthy  donors  with no history  of acute  and chronic inflammatory diseases (n = 8). Peripheral blood  leukocytes  were used as the  test material. To determine expression  of the TLR2  and TLR4  genes, RT-PCR in real time was used. Surface  expression  of TLRs was determined by flow cytometry. A study of the TLR2 and TLR4 gene expression showed that on the 1st, 3rd  and 7th  day post-stroke, the TLR4 gene expression  in patients was significantly  increased, when compared to the control group (p < 0.01), whereas TLR2 gene expression on the 3rd  day of the disease was not statistically different from the control group. A study of surface expression  of receptors showed that the average TLR2 fluorescence intensity on the patients’ peripheral blood monocytes was significantly  increased on the 1st  and 3rd  day of disease when compared to the control group.  The  surface  expression  of TLR4  on monocytes has a statistically significant  increase  only on day 7. Assessment  of surface expression  of TLRs in subgroups  with different  severity values by NIHSS showed that  patients with a NIHSS index > 10 had a significantly  higher  level of surface of TLR2  expression  over the observation period, while the largest difference in TLR4  expression  in the subgroups  was observed  on the 1st day of the disease (p < 0.05). Patients with ischemic stroke showed an increase  in TLR2 and TLR4 expression at the gene and protein level, compared to healthy  donors. These indices can be considered possible predictors for clinical  prognosis  of ischemic stroke

    Ubiquitous [Na+]i/[K+]i-Sensitive Transcriptome in Mammalian Cells: Evidence for Ca2+i-Independent Excitation-Transcription Coupling

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    Stimulus-dependent elevation of intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) affects the expression of numerous genes – a phenomenon known as excitation-transcription coupling. Recently, we found that increases in [Na+]i trigger c-Fos expression via a novel Ca2+i-independent pathway. In the present study, we identified ubiquitous and tissue-specific [Na+]i/[K+]i-sensitive transcriptomes by comparative analysis of differentially expressed genes in vascular smooth muscle cells from rat aorta (RVSMC), the human adenocarcinoma cell line HeLa, and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC). To augment [Na+]i and reduce [K+]i, cells were treated for 3 hrs with the Na+,K+-ATPase inhibitor ouabain or placed for the same time in the K+-free medium. Employing Affymetrix-based technology, we detected changes in expression levels of 684, 737 and 1839 transcripts in HeLa, HUVEC and RVSMC, respectively, that were highly correlated between two treatments (p<0.0001; R2>0.62). Among these Na+i/K+i-sensitive genes, 80 transcripts were common for all three types of cells. To establish if changes in gene expression are dependent on increases in [Ca2+]i, we performed identical experiments in Ca2+-free media supplemented with extracellular and intracellular Ca2+ chelators. Surprisingly, this procedure elevated rather than decreased the number of ubiquitous and cell-type specific Na+i/K+i-sensitive genes. Among the ubiquitous Na+i/K+i-sensitive genes whose expression was regulated independently of the presence of Ca2+ chelators by more than 3-fold, we discovered several transcription factors (Fos, Jun, Hes1, Nfkbia), interleukin-6, protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit, dual specificity phosphatase (Dusp8), prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2, cyclin L1, whereas expression of metallopeptidase Adamts1, adrenomedulin, Dups1, Dusp10 and Dusp16 was detected exclusively in Ca2+-depleted cells. Overall, our findings indicate that Ca2+i-independent mechanisms of excitation-transcription coupling are involved in transcriptomic alterations triggered by elevation of the [Na+]i/[K+]i ratio. There results likely have profound implications for normal and pathological regulation of mammalian cells, including sustained excitation of neuronal cells, intensive exercise and ischemia-triggered disorders

    Topographical and Biological Evidence Revealed FTY720-Mediated Anergy-Polarization of Mouse Bone Marrow-Derived Dendritic Cells In Vitro

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    Abnormal inflammations are central therapeutic targets in numerous infectious and autoimmune diseases. Dendritic cells (DCs) are involved in these inflammations, serving as both antigen presenters and proinflammatory cytokine providers. As an immuno-suppressor applied to the therapies of multiple sclerosis and allograft transplantation, fingolimod (FTY720) was shown to affect DC migration and its crosstalk with T cells. We posit FTY720 can induce an anergy-polarized phenotype switch on DCs in vitro, especially upon endotoxic activation. A lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced mouse bone marrow-derived dendritic cell (BMDC) activation model was employed to test FTY720-induced phenotypic changes on immature and mature DCs. Specifically, methods for morphology, nanostructure, cytokine production, phagocytosis, endocytosis and specific antigen presentation studies were used. FTY720 induced significant alterations of surface markers, as well as decline of shape indices, cell volume, surface roughness in LPS-activated mature BMDCs. These phenotypic, morphological and topographical changes were accompanied by FTY720-mediated down-regulation of proinflammatory cytokines, including IL-6, TNF-α, IL-12 and MCP-1. Together with suppressed nitric oxide (NO) production and CCR7 transcription in FTY720-treated BMDCs with or without LPS activation, an inhibitory mechanism of NO and cytokine reciprocal activation was suggested. This implication was supported by the impaired phagocytotic, endocytotic and specific antigen presentation abilities observed in the FTY720-treated BMDCs. In conclusion, we demonstrated FTY720 can induce anergy-polarization in both immature and LPS-activated mature BMDCs. A possible mechanism is FTY720-mediated reciprocal suppression on the intrinsic activation pathway and cytokine production with endpoint exhibitions on phagocytosis, endocytosis, antigen presentation as well as cellular morphology and topography

    Молекулярная диагностика онкологических заболеваний: перспективы разработки стандартного образца содержания гена HER2

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    Cancer is the leading cause of death in the world. The development of oncopathology is closely related to various changes in the genetic material that occur in malignantly transformed cells. Medical decision-making requires a clear differentiation between normal and pathological indicators, which are, among other things, the results of application of quantitative methods in laboratory medicine. Studies of DNA isolated from a patient’s biological material, identification and measurement of the content of nucleotide sequences acting as oncopathology biomarkers allow to solve the problems of determining the genetic prerequisites for cancer, its early diagnosis, determining the treatment strategy, monitoring, and confirming the patient’s cure.The purpose of this research is to develop the main approaches to the design of DNA reference materials (RMs) for metrological support of molecular diagnostics of oncopathology through the example of the RM for the HER2 gene sequence content in the human genome, with the value of «the number of copies of the DNA sequence» which is metrologically traceable to the natural SI unit «one».In the course of the research, a technique for measuring the HER2 gene amplification (the number of copies of the gene sequence per genome) was developed based on the use of the digital PCR method (dPCR). Comparability of measurement results for the method developed by the authors, and the results obtained using a commercial kit by the MLPA method on samples of human biological material is shown.Five permanent cell lines obtained from the CUC «Vertebrate Cell Culture Collection» were characterized in relation to the copy number ratios of HER2 gene sequence and CEP17 and RPPH1 genes sequences. A cell line with the HER2 gene amplification was identified. The results obtained will be used to create the RM for the copy number ratio of the HER2 gene sequences and the RPPH1 and CEP17 gene sequences. Creation of matrix DNA RMs based on human cell cultures certified using dPCR will allow transferring the unit of copy numbers of the DNA sequence to calibrators included in medical devices, thereby ensuring the required reliability and comparability of measurement results in the laboratory diagnostics of oncopathology, as well as the possibility of calibrating routine methods of DNA diagnostics and intralaboratory quality control.Онкологические заболевания являются основной причиной смертности в мире. Развитие онкопатологий тесно связано с различными изменениями генетического материала, возникающими в злокачественно трансформированных клетках. Принятие медицинских решений требует четкой дифференциации нормальных и патологических показателей, являющихся в том числе результатами применения количественных методов в лабораторной медицине. Исследования ДНК, выделенной из биологического материала пациента, выявление и измерения содержания последовательностей нуклеотидов, выступающих в роли биомаркеров онкопатологий, позволяют решать задачи определения генетических предпосылок развития рака, его диагностики на ранней стадии, определения стратегии лечения, его мониторинга, подтверждения излечения пациента.Целью данного исследования является выработка основных подходов к созданию стандартных образцов (СО) ДНК для метрологического обеспечения молекулярной диагностики онкопатологий на примере СО содержания последовательности гена HER2 в составе генома человека, значение величины «число копий последовательности ДНК» которого метрологически прослеживается к естественной единице SI «один».В ходе исследования разработана методика выполнения измерений копийности (числа копий последовательности гена на геном) гена HER2, основанная на применении метода цифровой ПЦР (цПЦР). Показана сходимость результатов измерений для разработанной авторами методики и результатов, полученных с использованием коммерческого набора, использующего метод MLPA на образцах биологического материала человека.Охарактеризованы пять постоянных клеточных линий из ЦКП «Коллекция культур клеток позвоночных» по отношению числа копий последовательностей гена HER2 и генов CEP17 и RPPH1. Выявлена клеточная линия с повышенной копийностью гена HER2. Полученные результаты будут использованы при создании СО отношения числа копий последовательностей гена HER2 и генов RPPH1 и CEP17. Создание матричных СО ДНК на основе культур клеток человека, аттестованных с применением цПЦР, позволит передавать единицу величины числа копий последовательности ДНК калибраторам, входящим в состав медицинских изделий, обеспечивая тем самым требуемую достоверность и сопоставимость результатов измерений в лабораторной диагностике онкопатологий, а также возможность калибровки рутинных методик ДНК-диагностики и внутрилабораторного контроля качества

    Emerging role of the calcium-activated, small conductance, SK3 K <sup>+</sup> channel in distal tubule function: Regulation by TRPV4

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    The Ca2+-activated, maxi-K (BK) K+ channel, with low Ca2+-binding affinity, is expressed in the distal tubule of the nephron and contributes to flow-dependent K+ secretion. In the present study we demonstrate that the Ca2+-activated, SK3 (KCa2.3) K + channel, with high Ca2+-binding affinity, is also expressed in the mouse kidney (RT-PCR, immunoblots). Immunohistochemical evaluations using tubule specific markers demonstrate significant expression of SK3 in the distal tubule and the entire collecting duct system, including the connecting tubule (CNT) and cortical collecting duct (CCD). In CNT and CCD, main sites for K+ secretion, the highest levels of expression were along the apical (luminal) cell membranes, including for both principal cells (PCs) and intercalated cells (ICs), posturing the channel for Ca2+- dependent K+ secretion. Fluorescent assessment of cell membrane potential in native, split-opened CCD, demonstrated that selective activation of the Ca2+-permeable TRPV4 channel, thereby inducing Ca2+ influx and elevating intracellular Ca2+ levels, activated both the SK3 channel and the BK channel leading to hyperpolarization of the cell membrane. The hyperpolarization response was decreased to a similar extent by either inhibition of SK3 channel with the selective SK antagonist, apamin, or by inhibition of the BK channel with the selective antagonist, iberiotoxin (IbTX). Addition of both inhibitors produced a further depolarization, indicating cooperative effects of the two channels on Vm. It is concluded that SK3 is functionally expressed in the distal nephron and collecting ducts where induction of TRPV4-mediated Ca2+ influx, leading to elevated intracellular Ca2+ levels, activates this high Ca2+- affinity K+ channel. Further, with sites of expression localized to the apical cell membrane, especially in the CNT and CCD, SK3 is poised to be a key pathway for Ca2+-dependent regulation of membrane potential and K+ secretion. © 2014 Berrout et al

    Knowledge of Future Doctors (Senior Students, Interns, Residents) on Breastfeeding: Cross-Sectional Study

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    The current system of state support for small business in the Tyumen region

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    Researchers of measures of state support and regulation of small businesses in the Tyumen region. The legal basis of the mechanism of state support for small businesses in the region is represented by documents of the Federal and regional level. The infrastructure of state support for small business in the Tyumen region includes regional authorities, as well as organizations of a commercial and non-commercial nature, whose operation is aimed at promoting the implementation of small business development programs, providing assistance to small businesses and providing conditions for their creation and development. The main measures of state support in relation to small businesses include regional investment support, the region's guarantee investment Fund, providing loans, providing subsidies, microloans, and legal support for small businesses. The authors conducted a study of the system of state support for small businesses in the Tyumen region allows us to evaluate it as a fairly balanced and diverse set of measures and forms of assistance to small businesses. However, despite this, the current system of small business support needs further improvement. In this regard, the authors propose specific measures to improve state support for small businesses, which can be directly implemented in the practice of the Tyumen region, namely: the system of rating candidates for state support from the point of view of socio-economic impact of their activities designed to reduce the level of bureaucracy; the system of obtaining insider information about activity of subjects of small business, designed to increase the efficiency of the state support; the response of the system of state registers in order to exchange regional experience of measures of state support and prevention of abuses


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    The paper for the first time analyzes regional literary material to be used in teaching Russian as a foreign language. The authors analyze fragments of the works by A.V. Koltsov, I.S. Nikitin, and I.A. Bunin. It is necessary for foreign students to read the works in order to expand their knowledge about Russian history and culture. These ideas are formed through analysis of obsolete words