96 research outputs found

    Mode-locking in driven vortex lattices with transverse ac-drive and random pinning

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    We find mode-locking steps in simulated current-voltage characteristics of driven vortex lattices with {\it random} pinning when an applied ac-current is {\it perpendicular} to the dc-current. For low frequencies there is mode-locking only above a non-zero threshold ac force amplitude, while for large frequencies there is mode-locking for any small ac force. This is consistent with the nature of {\it transverse} temporal order in the different regimes in the absence of an applied ac-drive. For large frequencies the magnitude of the fundamental mode-locked step depends linearly with the ac force amplitude.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, .tar.gz fil

    Flux melting in BSCCO: Incorporating both electromagnetic and Josephson couplings

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    Multilevel Monte Carlo simulations of a BSCCO system are carried out including both Josephson as well as electromagnetic couplings for a range of anisotropies. A first order melting transition of the flux lattice is seen on increasing the temperature and/or the magnetic field. The phase diagram for BSCCO is obtained for different values of the anisotropy parameter γ\gamma. The best fit to the experimental results of D. Majer {\it et al.} [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 75}, 1166 (1995)] is obtained for γ≈250\gamma\approx 250 provided one assumes a temperature dependence λ2(0)/λ2(T)=1−t\lambda^2(0)/\lambda^2(T)=1-t of the penetration depth with t=T/Tct=T/T_c. Assuming a dependence λ2(0)/λ2(T)=1−t2\lambda^2(0)/\lambda^2(T)=1-t^2 the best fit is obtained for γ≈450 \gamma\approx 450. For finite anisotropy the data is shown to collapse on a straight line when plotted in dimensionless units which shows that the melting transition can be satisfied with a single Lindemann parameter whose value is about 0.3. A different scaling applies to the γ=∞\gamma=\infty case. The energy jump is measured across the transition and for large values of γ\gamma it is found to increase with increasing anisotropy and to decrease with increasing magnetic field. For infinite anisotropy we see a 2D behavior of flux droplets with a transition taking place at a temperature independent of the magnetic field. We also show that for smaller values of anisotropy it is reasonable to replace the electromagnetic coupling with an in-plane interaction represented by a Bessel function of the second kind (K0K_0), thus justifying our claim in a previous paper.Comment: 12 figures, revtex

    Driven vortices in 3D layered superconductors: Dynamical ordering along the c-axis

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    We study a 3D model of driven vortices in weakly coupled layered superconductors with strong pinning. Above the critical force FcF_c, we find a plastic flow regime in which pancakes in different layers are uncoupled, corresponding to a pancake gas. At a higher FF, there is an ``smectic flow'' regime with short-range interlayer order, corresponding to an entangled line liquid. Later, the transverse displacements freeze and vortices become correlated along the c-axis, resulting in a transverse solid. Finally, at a force FsF_s the longitudinal displacements freeze and we find a coherent solid of rigid lines.Comment: 4 pages, 3 postscript figure

    Mode-locking in ac-driven vortex lattices with random pinning

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    We find mode-locking steps in simulated current-voltage characteristics of ac-driven vortex lattices with {\it random} pinning. For low frequencies there is mode-locking above a finite ac force amplitude, while for large frequencies there is mode-locking for any small ac force. This is correlated with the nature of temporal order in the different regimes in the absence of ac drive. The mode-locked state is a frozen solid pinned in the moving reference of frame, and the depinning from the step shows plastic flow and hysteresis.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Static and dynamic coupling transitions of vortex lattices in disordered anisotropic superconductors

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    We use three-dimensional molecular dynamics simulations of magnetically interacting pancake vortices to study vortex matter in disordered, highly anisotropic materials such as BSCCO. We observe a sharp 2D-3D transition from vortex lines to decoupled pancakes as a function of relative interlayer coupling strength, with an accompanying large increase in the critical current remniscent of a second peak effect. We find that decoupled pancakes, when driven, simultaneously recouple and order into a crystalline-like state at high drives. We construct a dynamic phase diagram and show that the dynamic recoupling transition is associated with a double peak in dV/dI.Comment: 4 pages, 4 postscript figure

    Slow relaxations and history dependence of the transport properties of layered superconductors

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    We study numerically the time evolution of the transport properties of layered superconductors after different preparations. We show that, in accordance with recent experiments in BSCCO performed in the second peak region of the phase diagram (Portier et al, 2001), the relaxation strongly depends on the initial conditions and is extremely slow. We investigate the dependence on the pinning center density and the perturbation applied. We compare the measurements to recent findings in tapped granular matter and we interpret our results with a rather simple picture.Comment: 4 pages, 4 fig

    Transverse Phase Locking for Vortex Motion in Square and Triangular Pinning Arrays

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    We analyze transverse phase locking for vortex motion in a superconductor with a longitudinal DC drive and a transverse AC drive. For both square and triangular arrays we observe a variety of fractional phase locking steps in the velocity versus DC drive which correspond to stable vortex orbits. The locking steps are more pronounced for the triangular arrays which is due to the fact that the vortex motion has a periodic transverse velocity component even for zero transverse AC drive. All the steps increase monotonically in width with AC amplitude. We confirm that the width of some fractional steps in the square arrays scales as the square of the AC driving amplitude. In addition we demonstrate scaling in the velocity versus applied DC driving curves at depinning and on the main step, similar to that seen for phase locking in charge-density wave systems. The phase locking steps are most prominent for commensurate vortex fillings where the interstitial vortices form symmetrical ground states. For increasing temperature, the fractional steps are washed out very quickly, while the main step gains a linear component and disappears at melting. For triangular pinning arrays we again observe transverse phase locking, with the main and several of the fractional step widths scaling linearly with AC amplitude.Comment: 10 pages, 14 postscript figure

    Mode locking of vortex matter driven through mesoscopic channels

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    We investigated the driven dynamics of vortices confined to mesoscopic flow channels by means of a dc-rf interference technique. The observed mode-locking steps in the IVIV-curves provide detailed information on how the number of rows and lattice structure in the channel change with magnetic field. Minima in flow stress occur when an integer number of rows is moving coherently, while maxima appear when incoherent motion of mixed nn and nÂą1n\pm 1 row configurations is predominant. Simulations show that the enhanced pinning at mismatch originates from quasi-static fault zones with misoriented edge dislocations induced by disorder in the channel edges.Comment: some minor changes were made, 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Dynamic transition in driven vortices across the peak effect in superconductors

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    We study the zero-temperature dynamic transition from the disordered flow to an ordered flow state in driven vortices in type-II superconductors. The transition current IpI_{p} is marked by a sharp kink in the V(I)V(I) characteristic with a concomitant large increase in the defect concentration. On increasing magnetic field BB, the Ip(B)I_{p}(B) follows the behaviour of the critical current Ic(B)I_{c}(B). Specifically, in the peak effect regime Ip(B)I_{p}(B) increases rapidly along with IcI_{c}. We also discuss the effect of varying disorder strength on IpI_{p}.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Dynamic ordering and frustration of confined vortex rows studied by mode-locking experiments

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    The flow properties of confined vortex matter driven through disordered mesoscopic channels are investigated by mode locking (ML) experiments. The observed ML effects allow to trace the evolution of both the structure and the number of confined rows and their match to the channel width as function of magnetic field. From a detailed analysis of the ML behavior for the case of 3-rows we obtain ({\it i}) the pinning frequency fpf_p, ({\it ii}) the onset frequency fcf_c for ML (∝\propto ordering velocity) and ({\it iii}) the fraction LML/LL_{ML}/L of coherently moving 3-row regions in the channel. The field dependence of these quantities shows that, at matching, where LMLL_{ML} is maximum, the pinning strength is small and the ordering velocity is low, while at mismatch, where LMLL_{ML} is small, both the pinning force and the ordering velocity are enhanced. Further, we find that fc∝fp2f_c \propto f_p^2, consistent with the dynamic ordering theory of Koshelev and Vinokur. The microscopic nature of the flow and the ordering phenomena will also be discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure, submitted to PRB. Discussion has been improved and a figure has been adde
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