6 research outputs found

    Civil aktivizm and attitude toward public men

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    Обобщаются результаты интервью об отношении к общественной работе и общественникам.The results of interview are summarized about attitude toward public work and public men

    Features and causes of gerontological ageism in the provision of medical and social assistance

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    Based on the data of the author’s sociological survey of medical and social workers, the article analyzes the prevalence of ageism in the activities of medical and social workers, its factors and prerequisite

    Immune pleiotropic effect of telmisartan in arterial hypertension

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    Arterial hypertension (AH) is among the life-threatening diseases and requires permanent antihypertensive therapy, including telmisartan. However, the effect of telmisartan upon systemic interleukin profile in elderly hypertensive patients requires further study, due to the limited data on previously analyzed interleukins. The aim of our study was to evaluate the immune pleiotropic effect of telmisartan upon miultiple pro- and anti-inflammatory blood interleukins in the patients with hypertension. The study included examination of 74 patients aged 60-74 years suffering from hypertension treated with telmisartan (80 mg/day in the morning time). The immune response to telmisartan assessed by the blood contents of different interleukins was evaluated following 6 months of treatment. These markers were determined by flow cytometry using “Becton Dickinson FACS Canto 2” device (USA). The pleiotropic immune effect of telmisartan upon the interleukin profile in hypertensive patients aged 60-74 was established by statistically significant changes in multiple pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory interleukins. Following 6 months of telmisartan therapy, the patients with arterial hypertension have shown a statistically significant decrease in blood cytokines, i.e., IL-1 в was reduced to 8.1±0.6 pg/ml vs initial 10.5±0.8 pg/ml; IL-2, to 8.6±0.8 pg/ml vs initial 11.8±1.1 pg/ml; IL-6, to 18.4±0.5 pg/ml vs initial 21.2±0.7 pg/ml; IL-8, to 3.5±0.6 pg/ml vs 5.4±0.5 pg/ml. We have also revealed a statistically significant decrease of blood TNFα levels to 5.3±0.5 pg/ml versus initial 6.8±0.4 pg/ml in the elderly patients with hypertension after 6 months of antihypertensive therapy with telmisartan. Moreover, the levels of pro-inflammatory systemic interleukins and, especially, IL-4 showed an increase from 4.6±0.5 pg/ml to 7.0±0.6 pg/ml in the course of telmisartan therapy in these patients. In summary, one may suggest that telmisartan exerts a significant immune pleiotropic effect in the patients with hypertension, confirmed by the systemic changes of interleukin contents. The pleiotropic effects of telmisartan have been established in patients with arterial hypertension, expressed as a significant decrease in IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, IL-8, TNFα levels, along with increased IL-4 and IL-10 contents. The results obtained showed a significant pleiotropic effect of telmisartan in the patients with arterial hypertension upon several interleukins, thus expanding the role of immune inflammation in this disorder, as well as its reversal with telmisartan therapy

    Trade unions' protection of social and economic interests of young people: Problems and limitations

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    The article considers factors that hamper the protection of social and economic interests of young people in trade unions and the development and performance improvement of trade unions. For this purpose, the authors analyze the data of their study which includes questionnaire surveys among trade unions' youth and experts, expert interviews and content analysis of the trade union newspaper. The study reveals that young people have high demand for help and assistance provided by trade unionsto protect their social and economic interests as at least one-third of the trade unions' young people get the help they need. The trade union's potential is mainly used to solve individual problems rather than to fulfill collective social and economic interests. The factors that hamper active practices among young people are bureaucracy, ineffective personnel policy, the merger of trade unions with the authorities and enterprises' administration, gaps in legislation, law percentage of young people in sectoral and territorial trade unions, and especially ineffective outreach and awareness-raising work. The authors prove that most of barriers are caused by paternalistic settings and expectations of young people who have law motivation to become members of trade unions, law awareness of their rights and trade union membership opportunities, as well as their failure to define their request to trade unions

    The effectiveness of social networks in a regional community

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    Data on the functioning of social networks in a Russian region show that they are formed primarily at the level of kinship and friendship ties and focus on everyday mutual assistance; they do not, however, become transformed into civic initiatives for the protection and advancement of social interestsyesBelgorod State Universit

    The effectiveness of social networks in a regional community

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    yesData on the functioning of social networks in a Russian region show that they are formed primarily at the level of kinship and friendship ties and focus on everyday mutual assistance; they do not, however, become transformed into civic initiatives for the protection and advancement of social interestsBelgorod State Universit