421 research outputs found

    Thermodynamic Calculations of Uranium Accumulation in Saline Lakes of West Mongolia

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    AbstractThe saline lakes are a unique geochemical barrier for the migration of uranium which forms oxides, hydroxides, carbonates, phosphates, fluorides and other minerals in lakes sediment. This article presents data of chemical composition of some salt lakes in Western Mongolia. The concentration U-238 in some lake waters up to 3mg/l. Uranium, in turn, forms complexes with carbonate-ions and migrate to the lakes, and precipitates in lake sediments by influence of evaporation and water-rock interaction time. There is shown that accumulation of uranium in lake water due to two main factors: first, localization of the lakes and their watersheds in potential provinces of U-bearing rocks and, second, uranium complexing with carbonate (bicarbonate) anions

    Anodic Stripping Determination of Pt (IV) Based on the Anodic Oxidation of Cu from the Intermetallic Phase of Cu[3]Pt

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    It is shown that platinum can be determined by anodic stripping voltammetry at the peak of selective electrooxidation of copper from intermetallic phase with platinum of Cu[3]Pt composition. The composition of intermetallic copper-platinum phase formed on the electrode during pre-electrolysis was calculated on the amount of potential displacement (delta Е) of copper electrooxidation

    Study of peculiarities of adaptation оf students to the educational and professional аctivities in the university

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    The paper presents the results of empirical studies of the adaptation of students to the educational and professional activities at the universityВ статье представлены результаты исследования особенностей адаптации студентов-первокурсников к учебно-профессиональной деятельности в вуз

    Anodic Stripping Determination of Pt (IV) Based on the Anodic Oxidation of Cu from the Intermetallic Phase of Cu[3]Pt

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    It is shown that platinum can be determined by anodic stripping voltammetry at the peak of selective electrooxidation of copper from intermetallic phase with platinum of Cu[3]Pt composition. The composition of intermetallic copper-platinum phase formed on the electrode during pre-electrolysis was calculated on the amount of potential displacement (delta Е) of copper electrooxidation

    Assessment of Phase Composition of Electrolytic Deposits by Stripping Voltammetry

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    This paper describes the method of assessing the composition of the intermetallic compounds in nanoscale electrolytic deposits. The formula was developed for calculating the deflection potential in the case of selective electrooxidation electronegative component of the alloy composition. The processes of electro binary electrolytic precipitation in mercury-rhodium chloride electrolyte by anodic stripping voltammetry were studied. It was established that an electrolytic precipitate contains rhodium, mercury and rhodium IC with mercury composition Hg[5]Rh

    A Study of Contextual Factors Influencing Mobile Personal Email Use

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    Email use, productivity, overload, and management in a work setting has been studied and researched since the creation of electronic mail in the early 1970s. Much of the existing literature studies in depth the impact of work email on the person’s everyday tasks, behavior, and other factors in relation to business. The findings of recent studies suggest that the spread and impact of mobile devices are changing the way modern society interacts with email. A major driver of this change is the convenience of having the ability to respond and check email from anywhere and at any time of day. With email now integrated in our everyday portable devices, such as smartphones and smartwatches, we are transforming the ‘how’ and ‘what for’ of email use, not just for work but also for personal purposes. The continuous growth of messaging applications on mobile devices for personal communication has shifted the original functionality of a personal email, initially intended for personal communication, to a business to consumer relationship. With this recent data it has been pointed out that the functionality and design of personal email applications has not yet adapted to accommodate these changes. To further explore how we can improve the functionality of personal email applications to better serve the needs of mobile email users, this research will focus on studying and analyzing the contextual factors associated with the use of personal email on a mobile device

    Functional Identification of Nucleus Tractus Solitarius (NTS) Barosensitive Neurons: Effect of Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia (CIH)

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    Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia (CIH) is a model used to study obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Previously, we showed that baroreflex control of heart rate (HR) (baroreflex sensitivity) is reduced in CIH rats. While afferent function and HR in response to vagal efferent stimulation are enhanced, the effect of CIH on the central components, in particular NTS, is still not completely understood. F344 rats (3-4 mo) were exposed either to CIH or room air (RA) for 35-50 days. Following CIH exposure, rats were anaesthetized with Ket/Ace. Using single-unit extracellular recording technique, we recorded NTS barosensitive neurons in response to arterial pressure (AP) changes induced by descending aorta occlusion. Our data indicated that 1) the mean arterial pressure and HR were similar in RA control and CIH groups. 2) The majority of neurons from RA and CIH NTS neurons increased firing rate, whereas other neurons decreased firing upon AP elevation. 3) In 27 RA and 31 CIH NTS neurons with increased firing rate, 15 RA and 15 CIH neurons were activated at a low ?MAP at the early phase of AP increase (early neurons); whereas 12 RA neurons and 16 CIH neurons were activated at a late phase of AP increase (late neurons). The early neurons rapidly increased their firing during the rising phase of MAP, whereas late neurons did not increase their firing until the ?MAP reached its peak. 4) Early neuron activity-?MAP relationship was further characterized by the logistic sigmoid function curve. CIH significantly increased the maximal gain of the neuron activity-?MAP curve and the range of the response. In addition, CIH early neurons had a significantly higher firing rate than RA early neurons, whereas CIH did not change the firing rate in late neurons. 5) For late neurons, HR reduction correlated with neuronal activity. HR reduction-neuronal activity increase curve was shifted to the right in CIH neurons, indicating that CIH decreased HR control in response to NTS firing increase. Collectively, our data suggest that NTS barosensitive neurons have both early and late neurons, CIH selectively enhances neuron activity in response to AP changes in NTS early neurons and attenuate the baroreflex bradycardia. Along our previous work that CIH-induced the cell loss in the nucleus ambiguus (NA), we conclude that CIH attenuates the functions of NA, whereas enhances the NTS functions to compensate for the loss of function in N

    Childhood cat bites and disorganized symptoms of schizotypy in adulthood

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    During recent years of schizophrenia research, many etiologies have been emphasized, some of them implicating infectious and autoimmune diseases. Many different infectious agents have been examined, but the root seems to stem from the secondary autoimmune deregulation, which can be caused by different infectious agents. Among the effects that autoimmune deregulation has on the body, one prominent effect is on the brain, resulting in either severe or mild encephalitis. The mild encephalitis that has been implicated as one of the causes of schizophrenia-spectrum disorders has been associated with different pathogens, many of which can be transmitted by the household cat. Thus in the present research we have used the schizotypy personality construct model as an analog for schizophrenia spectrum disorders, and the relationship between current schizotypy and childhood household cat interactions were examined. An online questionnaire was completed by 356 undergraduate students and assessed the current schizotypy using the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire Brief Revised (SPQ-BR), as well as questions about cat ownership and cat bites (puncturing skin) prior to age 13. While no significant relationship was found between childhood cat ownership and current schizotypy, individuals endorsing a cat bite prior to age 13 (N = 66) reported a significantly higher level of current overall schizotypy, which was largely driven by the Disorganized factor of the SPQ-BR.. This relationship should be explored further by examining the antibodies and sera of individuals with the schizophrenia spectrum disorder

    Determination of Gold by Stripping Voltammetry in Platinum Gold Ore Mineral Raw Materials on Grafite Electrode Modified by Bismuth

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    The paper considers the possibility of determining the gold (III) by stripping voltammetry on graphite electrode modified by bismuth. It is shown the modification of the graphite electrode by bismuth increases the sensitivity of detection of gold in 2 times. The comparison of the results of gold determination by stripping voltammetry and by atomic absorption is presented. The advantages of stripping voltammetry on a graphite electrode modified with bismuth for gold determination are given

    Símbolos geométricos en la cerámica de Izapa, Chiapas

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    El artículo aborda el conjunto de símbolos geométricos (puntos, líneas, triángulos, círculos, etcétera) elaborados sobre la cerámica proveniente del sitio arqueológico de Izapa, Chiapas. Dichos símbolos tienen una importancia especial para el entendimiento de la historia de los orígenes de la civilización en el sureste de Mesoamérica. El propósito final es dilucidar, con auxilio de diversas fuentes comparativas, los posibles significados "básicos" que los antiguos alfareros de Izapa otorgaban a los símbolos que imprimían en su cerámica