298 research outputs found

    Triangular Gatzouras-Lalley-type planar carpets with overlaps

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    We construct a family of planar self-affine carpets with overlaps using lower triangular matrices in a way that generalizes the original Gatzouras--Lalley carpets defined by diagonal matrices. Assuming the rectangular open set condition, Bara\'nski proved for this construction that for typical parameters, which can be explicitly checked, the inequalities between the Hausdorff, box and affinity dimension of the attractor are strict. We generalize this result to overlapping constructions, where we allow complete columns to be shifted along the horizontal axis or allow parallelograms to overlap within a column in a transversal way. Our main result is to show sufficient conditions under which these overlaps do not cause the drop of the dimension of the attractor. Several examples are provided to illustrate the results, including a self-affine smiley, a family of self-affine continuous curves, examples with overlaps and an application of our results to some three-dimensional systems.Comment: 12 figures; v2: improved presentation, updated references, added a three-dimensional example and an Appendix. Results unchange

    Degrees and distances in random and evolving Apollonian networks

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    This paper studies Random and Evolving Apollonian networks (RANs and EANs), in d dimension for any d>=2, i.e. dynamically evolving random d dimensional simplices looked as graphs inside an initial d-dimensional simplex. We determine the limiting degree distribution in RANs and show that it follows a power law tail with exponent tau=(2d-1)/(d-1). We further show that the degree distribution in EANs converges to the same degree distribution if the simplex-occupation parameter in the n-th step of the dynamics is q_n->0 and sum_{n=0}^infty q_n =infty. This result gives a rigorous proof for the conjecture of Zhang et al. that EANs tend to show similar behavior as RANs once the occupation parameter q->0. We also determine the asymptotic behavior of shortest paths in RANs and EANs for arbitrary d dimensions. For RANs we show that the shortest path between two uniformly chosen vertices (typical distance), the flooding time of a uniformly picked vertex and the diameter of the graph after n steps all scale as constant times log n. We determine the constants for all three cases and prove a central limit theorem for the typical distances. We prove a similar CLT for typical distances in EANs

    First Passage Percolation on Inhomogeneous Random Graphs

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    We investigate first passage percolation on inhomogeneous random graphs. The random graph model G(n,kappa) we study is the model introduced by Bollob\'as, Janson and Riordan, where each vertex has a type from a type space S and edge probabilities are independent, but depending on the types of the end vertices. Each edge is given an independent exponential weight. We determine the distribution of the weight of the shortest path between uniformly chosen vertices in the giant component and show that the hopcount, i.e. the number of edges on this minimal weight path, properly normalized follows a central limit theorem. We handle the cases where lambda(n)->lambda is finite or infinite, under the assumption that the average number of neighbors lambda(n) of a vertex is independent of the type. The paper is a generalization the paper by Bhamidi, van der Hofstad and Hooghiemstra, where FPP is explored on the Erdos-Renyi graphs

    A perifériás verőérbetegséggel és a cukorbetegséggel összefüggő alsó végtagi amputációk. Epidemiológiai adatok bemutatása és a megelőző stratégia lehetőségeinek elemzése | Peripheral arterial disease and diabetes related lower limb amputations

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    Absztrakt Az alsó végtagi amputáció, mint a perifériás verőérbetegség és a cukorbetegség egyik legsúlyosabb következménye, kiemelt figyelmet érdemel. Az összefoglaló közlemény célja a magyar és a nemzetközi amputációs adatok összehasonlítása. Szembesülve azzal, hogy az előfordulásra, időbeni trendekre vonatkozó globális amputációs adatok rendkívül változékonyak, az összefoglaló elemzi a variabilitás lehetséges meghatározó jellemzőit. E faktorok közé tartoznak a tanulmányok közlési módjának különbözőségei, az érintett népesség demográfiai, epidemiológiai, gazdasági, társadalmi és kulturális tényezői, valamint az egészségügyi szolgáltatás minőségében tapasztalt eltérések. Az amputációs kockázat értelmezhető egyfajta élettartam-kockázatként, ami a különböző kockázati faktorok időben változó mintázatának eredménye. Ebben az értelemben a hatékony megelőző stratégiai tervezés összetett intézkedési lépéseket igényel, ami több tudományág kooperációját, időben elkezdett megelőző intézkedések kezdeményezését, valamint központosított érbetegellátás kialakítását feltételezi. Az alsó végtagi amputációkkal kapcsolatban a kutatás-fejlesztés egyértelmű prioritás, ami segíthet ennek a rendkívül összetett, kiemelt népegészségügyi jelentőséggel bíró kérdésnek a pontosabb megértésében. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(32), 1266–1274. | Abstract Lower limb amputation as one of the most devastating consequences of peripheral arterial disease and diabetes mellitus needs peculiar attention. This review aims at comparing Hungarian and international amputation data. Realizing the great variability of the global amputation incidence and trends data, the main determinants of this variety are assessed. These factors involve methodological differences in reporting, demographic, epidemiological, economic, societal and cultural variation of the affected populations and differences in the health care service. The amputation hazard can be considered as an example of lifetime risk that can be characterized by complex interaction of contionuously changing risk factor pattern. In that sense an effective preventive strategy planning needs complex measure implementations that associate with multidisciplinary approach, timely complex preventive interventions and centralized vascular care. Research and development on amputation field shows clear priority that can contribute to the better understanding of this extremely complex scenario with significant public health consequences. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(32), 1266–1274

    Konformációs viszonyok és elektronszerkezet-változások vizsgálata fehérjékben = Investigation of conformational fluctuations and electronic structure variations in proteins

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    Feltérképeztük a foszfoglicerát kináz molekuláris felismerési folyamataiban szerepet játszó konformációs változásokat. Elvégeztük a foszfoinozitol kináz 3 alfa izoformájánnak 3D szerkezetpredikcióját, azonban a ligandumkötődés vizsgálatára a kooperáló partner elállása miatt nem került sor. Felderítettük a tetrahidribiopterin (BH4) kofaktor szerepe a nitrogén monoxid szintetáz (NOS) aktiválódásában. Meghatároztuk a NO kötőhelyét a nitroforin 4 (NP4) fehérje aktív helyén. Low-mode (LMOD) keresésen alapuló platfromfüggetlen konformerkereső és dokkoló eljárást dolgoztunk ki, amely az AMBER programcsomagban is hozzáférhető. Elvégeztük a kifejlesztett eljárás több konformerkereső módszerrel történő összehasonlító vizsgálatát. Eljárást dolgoztunk ki humán P450 2C9 ligandumok azonosítására és az izoforma specificitás vizsgálatára a 2C családban. Felderítettük a NADH kofaktor és NO kölcsönhatás szerepét a P450 NO-reduktáz fehérjében. A támogatott időszak alatt megkezdett hisztamin receptorok kutatását érintő vizsgálataink alapján új lipofil zsebet találtunk a H1 receptorban, ligandum információkkal segített homológiamodellezéssel előállítottuk a H4 receptor első atomi felbontású modelljét és eljárást dolgoztunk ki új H4 ligandunok azonosítására. Utóbbi eljárást az eddig ismert legkiterjedtebb szerkezet alapú szűrővizsgálatban alkalmazva új, kísérletileg is megerősített H4 ligandumokat azonosítottunk. | Conformational motions responsible for the substrate recognition in phosphoglycerate kinase have been explored. Homology model for phosphoinositol 3 kinase alpha isoform has been developed, however docking studies were suspended due to the changed interest of the partner (ComGenex Inc). The role of tetrahydrobiopterin cofactor in nitric oxide synthase has been clarified. The putative nitric oxide binding site in nitrophorin 4 has been identified. A platform-independent LMOD conformational search method has been developed and integrated to AMBER package at UCSF. The performance of this method has been evaluated and compared to other algorithms. A new virtual screening protocol has been developed for the identification of CYP 2C9 ligands. The protocol was useful for isofom specificity studies in the 2C family. The role of NADH-nitric oxide interaction in P450-No reductase has been investigated. A new lipophilic binding pocket in human histamine H1 receptor has been identified. The first atom-level model of human histamine H4 receptor has been constructed by ligand supported homology modelling. that was used to develop an effective virtual screening protocol. The protocol allowed us to perform the largest structure based virtual screening experiment using a screening database of more than 8 million compounds. Identified new chemical scaffolds showed submicromolar binding affinity towards the human histamine H4 receptor as revealed by experimental studies

    Cardiac Computed Tomography Radiomics: A Comprehensive Review on Radiomic Techniques

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    Radiologic images are vast three-dimensional data sets in which each voxel of the underlying volume represents distinct physical measurements of a tissue-dependent characteristic. Advances in technology allow radiologists to image pathologies with unforeseen detail, thereby further increasing the amount of information to be processed. Even though the imaging modalities have advanced greatly, our interpretation of the images has remained essentially unchanged for decades. We have arrived in the era of precision medicine where even slight differences in disease manifestation are seen as potential target points for new intervention strategies. There is a pressing need to improve and expand the interpretation of radiologic images if we wish to keep up with the progress in other diagnostic areas. Radiomics is the process of extracting numerous quantitative features from a given region of interest to create large data sets in which each abnormality is described by hundreds of parameters. From these parameters datamining is used to explore and establish new, meaningful correlations between the variables and the clinical data. Predictive models can be built on the basis of the results, which may broaden our knowledge of diseases and assist clinical decision making. Radiomics is a complex subject that involves the interaction of different disciplines; our objective is to explain commonly used radiomic techniques and review current applications in cardiac computed tomography imaging.This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives License 4.0 (CCBY-NC-ND), where it is permissible to download and share the work provided it is properly cited. The work cannot be changed in any way or used commercially without permission from the journal. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/