3 research outputs found

    Service specific management and orchestration for a content delivery network

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    Any non-trivial network service requires service specific orchestration to meet its carrier-grade requirements regarding resiliency, availability, etc. How the network service components are mapped on the substrate, how VNFs get reconfigured after a monitored event or how they scale, only network service/function developers know how to execute such workflows to guarantee an optimal QoS. It is therefore of paramount importance that NFV Service Platforms allow developer specified input when performing such life cycle events, instead of defining generic workflows. Within the scope of the SONATA and SGTANGO projects, a mechanism was designed that allows developers to create and execute Service and Function Specific Managers. These managers are processes, created by the developer, that define service or function specific orchestration behaviour. The SONATA Service Platform executes these managers to overwrite generic Service Platform behaviour, creating developer customised life cycle workflows. We will demonstrate the development, testing and operational execution of these managers by using a Content Delivery Network which requires specific placement and scaling behaviour

    Empowering network service developers : enhanced NFV DevOps and programmable MANO

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    Although network functions virtualization redefined the role of the network service developer, existing concepts that are supposed to enable them are still limited, cumbersome, and time consuming in regard to the promised flexibility. This article describes how to move forward from these initial steps, identifies the challenges network service developers face during both development and runtime, and explains how to overcome them with our SCK and programmable MANO framework. We detail how our SCK facilitates the service creation process, resulting in two enhanced NFV DevOps cycles, test flexibility and quicker service development. We elaborate on our programmable MANO framework with both architectural considerations and a use case, to depict its customizability by network service developers, giving them fine-grained control over their service throughout its end-to-end operational life cycle

    SLA-controlled proxy service through customisable MANO supporting operator policies

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    Service Level Agreements are essential tools enabling clients and telco operators to specify required quality of service. The 5GTANGO NFV platform enables SLAs through policies and custom service lifecycle management components. This allows the operator to trigger certain lifecycle management events for a service, and the network service developer to define how to execute such events (e.g., how to scale). In this demo we will demonstrate this unique 5GTANGO concept using an elastic proxy service supported by a high availability SLA enforced through a range of traffic regimes