722 research outputs found
Squeezed-light source for the superresolving microscopy
We propose a source of multimode squeezed light that can be used for the
superresolving microscopy beyond the standard quantum limit. This source is an
optical parametric amplifier with a properly chosen diaphragm on its output and
a Fourier lens. We demonstrate that such an arrangement produces squeezed
prolate spheroidal waves which are the eigen modes of the optical imaging
scheme used in microscopy. The degree of squeezing and the number of spatial
modes in illuminating light, necessary for the effective object field
reconstruction, are evaluatedComment: 6 pages, 1 figure, RevTeX4. Shortened version will appear in Optics
Quantum teleportation of optical images with frequency conversion
We describe a new version of continuous variables quantum holographic
teleportation of optical images. Unlike the previously proposed scheme, it is
based on the continuous variables quantum entanglement between the light fields
of different frequencies and allows for the wavelength conversion between the
original and the teleported images. The frequency tunable holographic
teleportation protocol can be used as a part of light-matter interface in
parallel quantum information processing and parallel quantum memoryComment: 4 pages, 3 Postscript figures, RevTeX
A. V. Zhigulin on the role of the magazine "Novy Mir" in the spiritual revival of the country
The article analyzes materials of the personal archive of the eminent poet and novelist Anatoly Vladimirovich Zhigulin (1930-2000), concerning the activities of the most popular in the 60s of the last century the magazine "Novy Mir" and its editor Aleksandr Trifonovich Tvardovsky (1910-1971). According to the poet, the ascetic activity of A. T. Tvardovsky, the uncompromising position he had contributed greatly to the spiritual and moral revival of society and represents one of the brightest pages of history of Russian journalism in the post-Stalin era.В статье анализируются материалы личного архива выдающегося поэта и прозаика Анатолия Владимировича Жигулина (1930–2000), касающиеся деятельности самого популярного в 60-е годы минувшего века журнала «Новый мир» и его главного редактора Александра Трифоновича Твардовского (1910–1971). По мнению поэта, подвижническая деятельность А. Т. Твардовского, бескомпромиссная позиция руководимого им журнала во многом способствовали духовно-нравственному пробуждению общества и представляют собой одну из ярких страниц истории отечественной журналистики послесталинской эпохи
«Workbooks» A. T. Tvardovsky and Diary A. V. Zhigulina in the Context of Domestic Journalism
The paper first examines and compares diary entries of the famous poet, prose writer, native of the Voronezh region Anatoly Vladimirovich Zhigulin (1930–2000) and «workbooks» Aleksandr Trifonovich Tvardovsky (1910–1971), relating to the history of the most popular in the period of «thaw» «thick» literary magazine «New world». Analysis of the texts shows apparent similarity and often a complete identity of views of A. T. Tvardovsky and A. V. Zhigulina on key issues of literary and public life, in spite of a significant difference in age, biographical and creative experience. The introduction into the scientific turn of materials of archive of A. V. Zhigulina, according to the author, will allow us to expand the knowledge about the history of domestic journalism and the magazine «New world» Tvardovsky in particular.Впервые исследуются и сопоставляются дневниковые записи выдающегося поэта, прозаика, уроженца Воронежского края Анатолия Владимировича Жигулина (1930–2000) и «Рабочие тетради» Александра Трифоновича Твардовского (1910–1971), касающиеся истории самого популярного в годы «оттепели» «толстого» литературного журнала «Новый мир». Анализ текстов свидетельствует об очевидной схожести и зачастую полной идентичности взглядов А. Т. Твардовского и А. В. Жигулина по ключевым вопросам литературной и общественной жизни, несмотря на существенную разницу в возрасте, отличия в биографическом и творческом опыте. Введение в научный оборот материалов архива А. В. Жигулина, по мнению автора, позволит расширить знания об истории отечественной журналистики и журнала «Новый мир» А. Т. Твардовского, в частности
Quantum parallel dense coding of optical images
We propose quantum dense coding protocol for optical images. This protocol
extends the earlier proposed dense coding scheme for continuous variables
[S.L.Braunstein and H.J.Kimble, Phys.Rev.A 61, 042302 (2000)] to an essentially
multimode in space and time optical quantum communication channel. This new
scheme allows, in particular, for parallel dense coding of non-stationary
optical images. Similar to some other quantum dense coding protocols, our
scheme exploits the possibility of sending a classical message through only one
of the two entangled spatially-multimode beams, using the other one as a
reference system. We evaluate the Shannon mutual information for our protocol
and find that it is superior to the standard quantum limit. Finally, we show
how to optimize the performance of our scheme as a function of the
spatio-temporal parameters of the multimode entangled light and of the input
images.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, RevTeX4. Submitted to the Special Issue on
Quantum Imaging in Journal of Modern Optic
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