6 research outputs found

    Endothelial Dysfunction and Diabetes: Effects on Angiogenesis, Vascular Remodeling, and Wound Healing

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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by inappropriate hyperglycemia due to lack of or resistance to insulin. Patients with DM are frequently afflicted with ischemic vascular disease or wound healing defect. It is well known that type 2 DM causes amplification of the atherosclerotic process, endothelial cell dysfunction, glycosylation of extracellular matrix proteins, and vascular denervation. These complications ultimately lead to impairment of neovascularization and diabetic wound healing. Therapeutic angiogenesis remains an attractive treatment modality for chronic ischemic disorders including PAD and/or diabetic wound healing. Many experimental studies have identified better approaches for diabetic cardiovascular complications, however, successful clinical translation has been limited possibly due to the narrow therapeutic targets of these agents or the lack of rigorous evaluation of pathology and therapeutic mechanisms in experimental models of disease. This paper discusses the current body of evidence identifying endothelial dysfunction and impaired angiogenesis during diabetes

    Thalidomide attenuates nitric oxide mediated angiogenesis by blocking migration of endothelial cells

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    BACKGROUND: Thalidomide is an immunomodulatory agent, which arrests angiogenesis. The mechanism of anti-angiogenic activity of thalidomide is not fully understood. As nitric oxide is involved in angiogenesis, we speculate a cross-talk between thalidomide and nitric oxide signaling pathway to define angiogenesis. The aim of present study is to understand the mechanistic aspects of thalidomide-mediated attenuation of angiogenesis induced by nitric oxide at the cellular level. METHODS: To study the cellular mechanism of thalidomide-mediated blocking of angiogenesis triggered by nitric oxide, we used two endothelial cell based models: 1) wound healing and 2) tube formation using ECV 304, an endothelial cell line. These cell-based models reflect pro-angiogenic events in vivo. We also studied the effects of thalidomide on nitric oxide mediated egg yolk angiogenesis. Thalidomide could block the formation of blood vessels both in absence and presence of nitric oxide. Thalidomide effects on migration of, and actin polymerization in, ECV 304 cells were studied at the single cell level using live cell imaging techniques and probes to detect nitric oxide. RESULTS: Results demonstrate that thalidomide blocks nitric oxide-mediated angiogenesis in egg yolk model and also reduces the number of tubes formed in endothelial cell monolayers. We also observed that thalidomide arrests wound healing in presence and absence of nitric oxide in a dose-dependent fashion. Additionally, thalidomide promotes actin polymerization and antagonizes the formation of membrane extensions triggered by nitric oxide in endothelial cells. Experiments targeting single tube structure with thalidomide, followed by nitric oxide treatment, show that the tube structures are insensitive to thalidomide and nitric oxide. These observations suggest that thalidomide interferes with nitric oxide-induced migration of endothelial cells at the initial phase of angiogenesis before cells co-ordinate themselves to form organized tubes in endothelial cells and thereby inhibits angiogenesis. CONCLUSION: Thalidomide exerts inhibitory effects on nitric oxide-mediated angiogenesis by altering sub-cellular actin polymerization pattern, which leads to inhibition of endothelial cell migration

    Shear stress promotes nitric oxide production in endothelial cells by sub-cellular delocalization of eNOS: A basis for shear stress mediated angiogenesis

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    This study aims to investigate the role of shear stress in cellular remodeling and angiogenesis with relation to nitric oxide (NO). We observed a 2-fold increase in endothelial cell (EC) migration in relation to actin re-arrangements under 15 dyne/cm2 shear stress. Blocking NO production inhibited the migration and ring formation of ECs by 6-fold and 5-fold, respectively under shear stress. eNOS-siRNA knockdown technique also ascertained a 3-fold reduction in shear stress mediated ring formation. In ovo artery ligation model with a half and complete flow block for 30 min showed a reduction of angiogenesis by 50% and 70%, respectively. External stimulation with NO donor showed a 2-fold recovery in angiogenesis under both half and complete flow block conditions. NO intensity clustering studies by using Diaminofluorescein diacetate (DAF-2DA) probed endothelial monolayer depicted pattern-changes in NO distribution and cluster formation of ECs under shear stress. Immunofluorescence and live cell studies revealed an altered sub-cellular localization pattern of eNOS and phospho-eNOS under shear stress. In conclusion, shear-induced angiogenesis is mediated by nitric oxide dependent EC migration

    Secreted Frizzled-Related Protein 4: An Angiogenesis Inhibitor

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    Wnt signaling is involved in developmental processes, cell proliferation, and cell migration. Secreted frizzled-related protein 4 (sFRP4) has been demonstrated to be a Wnt antagonist; however, its effects on endothelial cell migration and angiogenesis have not yet been reported. Using various in vitro assays, we show that sFRP4 inhibits endothelial cell migration and the development of sprouts and pseudopodia as well as disrupts the stability of endothelial rings in addition to inhibiting proliferation. sFRP4 interfered with endothelial cell functions by antagonizing the canonical Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway and the Wnt/planar cell polarity pathway. Furthermore, sFRP4 blocked the effect of vascular endothelial growth factor on endothelial cells. sFRP4 also selectively induced apoptotic events in endothelial cells by increasing cellular levels of reactive oxygen species. In vivo assays demonstrated a reduction in vascularity after sFRP4 treatment. Most importantly, sFRP4 restricted tumor growth in mice by interfering with endothelial cell function. The data demonstrate sFRP4 to be a potent angiogenesis inhibitor that warrants further investigation as a therapeutic agent in the control of angiogenesis-associated pathology