29 research outputs found

    Determination of birch pollen allergens in different aerosol sizes

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    Allergens in fine particles may cause symptoms inallergic asthmatics. In order to assess the exposureof susceptible persons, a method to measure theallergen load in fine and coarse particles wasdeveloped. Aerosols are collected with a high-volume air samplerby multistage impaction. They are separated into fivesize classes, ranging from >10 μm to 10 μm). In smallersized fractions, the allergen load is often close tothe detection limit. When clearly detectable amountsof allergen are present, in the fine size fraction theallergen load shows only a weak correlation to thepollen counts and the allergen concentrations in thecoarse particle fractio

    Comparison of airborne spore concentrations and fungal allergen content

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    The exposure to spores causing health effects is usually assessed by determining the concentration of viable spores per cubic meter of air (CFU/m3).Since allergens might also be present in dead spores or smaller particles, the objective of this study was to investigate the correlation between the viable spores of Alternaria and Cladosporium at different indoor and outdoor sites and the corresponding allergen concentration detected with a specially developed ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay). In outdoor air, the results show a strong correlation between the different sampling techniques applied for viable spores (Slit-Sampler and Multistage Liquid Impinger) and between the viable spores and the allergen concentrations detected in the liquid samples of the impingers. Indoors, the number of viable spores and the allergen concentration do not correlate and the allergen load is underestimated if colony counting methods are use

    Flattening of the cornea after collagen crosslinking for keratoconus

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    PURPOSE: To identify preoperative parameters that may predict flattening of the keratoconic cornea after collagen crosslinking (CXL). SETTING: Institut f€ur Refraktive und Ophthalmo-Chirurgie (IROC), Zurich, Switzerland. DESIGN: Cohort study. METHODS: Patients with verified progressive primary keratectasia received standard corneal CXL. Factors such as corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) and Scheimpflug tomography (Pentacam) were used to follow the evolution from preoperatively to 12 months after CXL. Statistical analysis included U tests and Spearman rank correlation tests to detect risk factors for flattening of the keratoconus. RESULTS: The study enrolled 151 eyes of 151 patients; more than 80% completed the 12-month follow-up. The flattening rate (flattening of the maximum curvature &gt;1.00 diopter [D]) was 37.7%. A preoperative maximum keratometry (K) reading of more than 54.00 D was identified as the only significant risk factor for this effect (odds ratio, 1.88; 95% confidence interval, 1.01-3.51). A restriction to corneas with a maximum K value greater than 54.00 D would have resulted in a significant flattening in 51% of the cases. CONCLUSIONS: Statistically significant flattening occurred during 1 year after CXL in more than 50% of cases when the preoperative maximum K reading was more than 54.00 D. None of the other preoperative parameters evaluated (eg, age, sex, diagnosis, CDVA, corneal shape factors) had a statistically significant impact on corneal flattening after CXL. </p

    Prognóstico visual de 'crosslinking' para ceratocone com base em tomografia de córnea pré-operatória

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    Objetivo: Verificar índices tomográficos do pré-operatório de pacientes com ceratocone submetidos à crosslinking corneano (CXL) como fatores preditivos para a melhora na acuidade visual corrigidas (AVc) após um ano. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo que incluiu 63 olhos de 53 pacientes com ceratocone progressivo submetidos à CXL segundo o protocolo de Dresden: deseptelização corneana, riboflavina 0,1% por 30 minutos e luz ultra-violeta A (UVA) a uma irradiância de 3mW/cm2 por 30 minutos. Foram avaliados exames de tomografia corneana com sistema de Scheimpflug rotacional (Pentacam, Oculus) antes do CXL e a acuidade visual corrigida antes e após a cirurgia. A análise estatística foi feita com o teste de Kolmorov-Smirnov, teste t de student e curvas de característica operador-receptor (ROC). Resultados: Houve diferença estatisticamente significante (p<0,05) entre os pacientes que obtiveram melhora de AVc em um ano e os que não experimentaram melhora na AVc nesse período nos índices tomográficos pré-operatórios relacionados com espessura e volume corneano. Entre os pacientes que obtiveram melhora na AVc todos possuíam volume corneano em 6,0mm maior que 14,55mm3 e 97,2% deles possuíam volume corneano em 6,5mm maior que 17,76mm3. Assim como, 94,29% desses pacientes apresentavam paquimetria média em 4,0mm maior que 487 μm e 82,86% paquimetria no ponto mais fino maior de 421 μm. Conclusão: Pacientes com ceratocone menos avançado (volume e espessura da córnea maiores) no período pré-operatório obtiveram mais chances de ter melhora da AVc um ano após CXL. Estudos prospectivos envolvendo outras variáveis relacionadas com a aberrometria total e o estudo biomecânico da córnea são relevantes para se aumentar a capacidade prognóstica do resultado após CXL