442 research outputs found

    Evaluation of an offshore wind farm computational fluid dynamics model against operational site data

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    Modelling wind turbine wake effects at a range of wind speeds and directions with actuator disk (AD) models can provide insight but also be challenging. With any model it is important to quantify the level of error, but this can also present a challenge when comparing a steady-state model to measurement data with scatter. This paper models wind flow in a wind farm at a range of wind speeds and directions using an AD implementation. The results from these models are compared to data collected from the actual farm being modelled. An extensive comparison is conducted, constituted from 35 cases where two turbulence models, the standard k-ε and k-ω SST are evaluated. The steps taken in building the models as well as processes for comparing the AD computational fluid dynamics (CFD) results to real-world data using the regression models of ensemble bagging and Gaussian process are outlined. Turbine performance data and boundary conditions are determined using the site data. Modifications to an existing opensource AD code are shown so that the predetermined turbine performance can be implemented into the CFD model. Steady state solutions are obtained with the OpenFOAM CFD solver. Results are compared in terms of velocity deficit at the measurement locations. Using the standard k-ε model, a mean absolute error for all cases together of roughly 8% can be achieved, but this error changes for different directions and methods of evaluating it


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    Η περιοχή της Αλεξάνδρειας βρίσκεται στη Λεκάνη Θεσσαλονίκης, η οποία έχει πληρωθεί με ιζήματα πάχους άνω των 4 km. To 1980, κατασκευάσθηκε βόρεια της πόλης της Αλεξάνδρειας η γεώτρηση έρευνας υδρογονανθράκων AL-1, βάθους 1705 m, στην οποία καταγράφηκαν οι θερμοκρασίες των 39 και 65oC σε βάθη 700 και 1705 m αντίστοιχα. Μεταξύ 1996 και 2000, ανορύχθηκαν δύο γεωθερμικές ερευνητικές γεωτρήσεις, βάθους 532 και 620 m, οι οποίες διέτρησαν Τεταρτογενή και Πλειοκαινικά ιζήματα και στις οποίες μετρήθηκαν θερμοκρασίες 30.1 και 33.4oC σε βάθη 500 και 611 m αντίστοιχα. Η προκαταρκτική γεωθερμική έρευνα οδήγησε την κατασκευή της πρώτης παραγωγικής γεώτρησης (ΓΝ-1Π). Ανορύχθηκε μέχρι βάθος 805 m διατρύοντας αργίλους, άμμους, τόφφους, μάργες, αργιλο-μάργες, μαργαϊκούς ασβεστόλιθους, χάλικες, ψαμμίτες και κροκαλοπαγή. Η γεώτρηση σωληνώθηκε μέχρι τα 805 m και φίλτρα τοποθετήθηκαν σε διάφορα βάθη κάτω από τα 607 m. Τιμές θερμοκρασίας και ηλεκτρικής αγωγιμότητας 35.1-37.2oC και 5100-8200 μS/cmαντίστοιχα καταγράφηκαν σε βάθη 607-800 m. Η γεώτρηση παρουσιάζει αρτεσιανή ροή με 30-40 m3/h νερών των 34.1oC και παρέχει με άντληση 130 m3/h νερών θερμοκρασίας 35.5oC. Το παραγόμενο γεωθερμικό νερό με ΣΔΑ 2.18 g/l είναι του τύπου Na-Cl και διαφοροποιείται από τα ρηχά νερά. Η θερμική ισχύς της γεώτρησης ΓΝ-1Π υπολογίζεται σε 1.65 MWt.The area of Alexandria is located in the Thessaloniki basin that has been filled with more than 4 km of sediments. In 1980, oil exploration borehole AL-1, 1,705 m deep, was drilled north of the town of Alexandria and the temperatures of 39 and 65oC were recorded at depths of 700 and 1,705 m respectively. During 1996-2000, two geothermal exploration boreholes were drilled at depths of 532 and 620 m penetrating Quaternary and Pliocene sediments and the temperatures of 30.1 and 33.4oC were measured at 500 and 611 m respectively. The preliminary geothermal investigation resulted in the construction of the first production well (GN-1P). It was drilled to a depth of 805 m penetrating clays, sands, tuffs, marls, clayey marls, marly limestones, gravels, sandstones and conglomerates. The borehole was cased down to 805 m and screens were placed at various depths below 607 m. Temperature and electrical conductivity values of 35.1-37.2oC and 5,100-8,200 μS/cm respectively were recorded at depths of 607-800 m. This well discharges 30-40 m3/h waters at 34.1oC with artesian flow and provides 130 m3/h waters at 35.5oC with pumping. The produced geothermal water with TDS of 2.18 g/l belongs to the Na-Cl type differentiated from the shallow waters. The thermal capacity of well GN-1P is calculated to be 1.65 MWt


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    Η παρούσα εργασία περιγράφει τα αποτελέσματα της προκαταρκτικής γεωθερμικής έρευνας που διενεργήθηκε από το ΙΓΜΕ στην λεκάνη της Κατερίνης (Β. Ελλάδα). Οι ερευνητικές εργασίες κατά κύριο λόγο περιελάμβαναν θερμομετρήσεις στην κεφαλή 73 υπαρχουσών υδρογεωτρήσεων, μέτρηση της θερμοκρασίας σε συνάρτηση με το βάθος στο εσωτερικό πέντε (5) γεωτρήσεων και χημικές αναλύσεις 18 δειγμάτων από επιλεγμένες θέσεις. Με βάση τα στοιχεία που προέκυψαν από την κατανομή των θερμοκρασιών, διακρίνονται τρεις επιμέρους περιοχές γεωθερμικού ενδιαφέροντος. Ως σημαντικότερη κρίνεται αυτή του Κάτω Αγίου Ιωάννη (νότια τμήμα της λεκάνης), όπου μετρήθηκαν θερμοκρασίες της τάξης των 27oC σε βάθος 340m. Εν τούτοις, για τη λεπτομερή διερεύνηση των γεωθερμικών συνθηκών στη λεκάνη Κατερίνης, απαιτείται περαιτέρω συστηματική έρευνα και κατασκευή τουλάχιστον μίας ερευνητικής γεωθερμικής γεώτρησης μεγάλου βάθους.This paper describes the results of the preliminary surface geothermal exploration conducted by IGME in the basin of Katerini (Northern Greece). It mainly regards temperature measurements at the wellhead of 73 wells and in the interior of five boreholes, as well as sampling and chemical analyses from 18 selected sites. Based on the collected data, three sub-regions of geothermal interest can be distinguished, the most important of which is the area of Kato Agios Ioannis (to the south of the basin), with temperatures around 27oC at the depth of 340m. Nonetheless, the detailed geothermal investigation of this basin requires further systematic research as well as the drilling of at least one deep geothermal exploration borehole

    New reduction factor for Cracked Square hollow section K-joints

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    Cracks are commonly observed at the hot spot stress location of tubular joints and it can be due to fatigue, accidental damage or corrosion. As a consequence, the plastic collapse load (Pc) of the tubular joints is reduced, and hence it is necessary to produce design guidance which can safely be used to estimate the static residual strength of cracked tubular structures in practice. This paper proposes a new expression for determining the reduction factor (FAR) of cracked square hollow section (SHS) K-joints. A completely new and robust finite element mesh generator which is validated using the full scale experimental test results is used for the parametric study to propose the new FAR expressions for cracked SHS K-joints. The crack area and the brace to chord width ratio (β) are shown to have the most profound effect on the Pc load of cracked SHS K-joints. For a given value of crack area, the variation of the FAR values is up to 3.6% for different values of β. Furthermore, the FAR values calculated using the existing equation given in the latest BS 7910:2013 + A1:2015 for circular hollow section (CHS) joints are revealed to be conservative up to 23.5%

    Applicability of machine learning approaches for structural damage detection of offshore wind jacket structures based on low resolution data

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    Structural damage in offshore wind jacket support structures are relatively unlikely due to the precautions taken in design but it could imply dramatic consequences if undetected. This work explores the possibilities of damage detection when using low resolution data, which are available with lower costs compared to dedicated high-resolution structural health monitoring. Machine learning approaches showed to be generally feasible for detecting a structural damage based on SCADA data collected in a simulation environment. Focus is here given to investigate model uncertainties, to assess the applicability of machine learning approaches for reality. Two jacket models are utilised representing the as-designed and the as-installed system, respectively. Extensive semi-coupled simulations representing different operating load cases are conducted to generate a database of low-resolution signals serving the machine learning training and testing. The analysis shows the challenges of classification approaches, i.e. supervised learning aiming to separate healthy and damage status, in coping with the uncertainty in system dynamics. Contrarily, an unsupervised novelty detection approach shows promising results when trained with data from both, the as-designed and the as-installed system. The findings highlight the importance of investigating model uncertainties and careful selection of training data

    A generic framework for reliability assessment of offshore wind turbine monopiles

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    In this work, a generic framework for reliability assessment of OWT (Offshore Wind Turbine) monopiles is developed. The framework starts with defining limit states, and four types of limit states are considered, i.e. ultimate, fatigue, deflection and buckling. A 3D (Three-Dimensional) parametric FEA (Finite Element Analysis) model of OWT monopiles is developed, taking account of soilsolid interaction and stochastic variables (i.e. soil properties, wind, wave and current loads). Multivariate regression is used to post-process the results of stochastic FEA simulations to derive limit-state performance functions expressed in terms of stochastic variables. Having obtained the performance functions, the FORM (First Order Reliability Method) is used to calculate the reliability index for each limit state. The proposed framework is applied to a 30 m-length OWT monopile to assess its reliability. The results indicate that the fatigue reliability is dominant in the design of OWT monopiles

    Geothermal exploration in the Sani-Afytos area of the Kassandra peninsula (Chalkidiki peninsula, Northern Greece)

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    Η περιοχή Σάνης - Αφύτου της Χερσονήσου Κασσάνδρας (Χα).κιδική) απετέλεσε περιοχή συστηματικής γεωθερμικής έρευνας. Από την αξιολόγηση των δεδομένων βαθιών γεωτρήσεων έρευνας υδρογονανθράκων διαπιστώθηκε το σημαντικό πάχος (μέχρι περίπου 3600 m) των Παλαιογενών, Νεογενών και Τεταρτογενών ιζημάτων που καλύπτουν το μεταμορφωμένο Μεσοζωικό (κυρίως ανθρακικό) υπόβαθρο της περιοχής. Η συστηματική θερμομετρική έρευνα κατέδειξε την παρουσία υπόθερμων; νερών (20-28°C) σε βάθη μέχρι 300 m και την χωρική κατανομή της θερμοκρασίας σε βάθη 150 και 200 m σύμφωνα με τις κύριες τεκτονικές δομές ΒΔ-ΝΑ και ΒΑ-ΝΔ διεύθυνσης της περιοχής. Με την ανόρυξη γεωθερμικών γεωτρήσεων (ερευνητικών και παραγωγής) βάθους 422-583 m εντοπίσθηκαν νερά 31,7-36°C στα Ανω-Μειοκανικά ιζήματα. Η μέση τιμή της γεωθερμικής βαθμίδας υπολογίστηκε σε 3-4°C/100 m. Παραγωγική γεώτρηση βάθους 520 m δίνει νερά 34°C με δυνατότητα παροχής περίπου 50 m3/h. Τα γεωθερμικά νερά είναι Na-HCO} και Na-CI με Σ.Δ.Α. 0,89-2,03 g/l. Με τη βοήθεια χημικών γεωθερμομέτρων εκτιμάται ότι η θερμοκρασία του βαθιού γεωθερμικού ρευστού είναι της τάξης των 80- 100°C. Η παρουσία αέριας φάσης (77% κ.ό. CH4, 21,8% κ.ό. Ν2) διαπιστώθηκε σε μία από τις ερευνητικές γεωτρήσεις. Αποτέλεσμα της γεωθερμικής έρευνας ήταν ο χαρακτηρισμός της περιοχής ως «γεωθερμικό πεδίο Σάνης - Αφύτου» (Φ.Ε.Κ. 1012/τ.Β/19-7-2005) και οι προοπτικές ανάπτυξης με χρήση των γεωθερμικών ρευστών στον τουρισμό και σε άλλες δραστηριότητες.The Sani-Afytos area in the Kassandra Peninsula (Chalkidiki) was the area of systematic geothermal exploration. Based on deep oil borehole data, the Paleogene, Neogene and Quaternary sediments show significant thickness reaching 3600 m and cover the metamorphosed Mesozoic, mainly carbonate, basement. The detailed water temperature investigation proved the presence of sub-thermal waters (20-28°C) at depths up to 300 m and the spatial distribution of the isothermal curves at depths of 150 and 200 m according to the main NW-SE and SE-NW tectonic structures of the area. Through the construction of geothermal exploration and production wells at depths of 422-583 m, thermal waters of 31.7-36°C were detected within the Upper Miocene sediments. The average value of the geothermal gradient was calculated to be 3-4°CI 100 m. One production well of 520 m depth provides waters of 34°C while its potential flow rate is approximately 50 m /h. The geothermal waters were classified in Na-HCOi and Na-CI types of waters with TD. S 0.89-2.03 g/l. With the aid of chemical geothermometers the deep temperature was estimated to be 80-100°C. In one exploration well, the presence of gas phase (77% v/v CH4, 21.8% v/v N2) was detected. The geothermal exploration resulted in the characterization of the area as the "geothermal field of Sani-Afytos" and in the prospective development using the geothermal fluids in the tourism and other activities