12 research outputs found

    Migrants as a resource of the precariat

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    The article is devoted to new socio-economic processes in the construction of labor relations and the formation of the workforce, as well as the socio-cultural and political consequences of these transformations. The precariat is considered as a socio-economic phenomenon, which objectively arises against the background of uncertainty and rapid changes of the modern era. The author focuses on the study of social characteristics and risks of the precariat. This particularly concerns migrants who join the ranks of a new social layer. The relationship between social anomie and the transgressive state of migrants and other fractions of the precariat is clarified. The influence of objective global processes and the situationality of everyday life on the active integration of new forms of employment into the socio-economic space is shown. It has been proven that solidarity is an effective strategy for adapting a person to the conditions of uncertainty in the life of migrants and the risks of the precariat way of being

    Розвідки культурного порубіжжя: border, boundary, frontier studies

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    У статті досліджується порубіжжя як соціокультурний феномен. Висвітлюється історія формування концептів межі, кордону і фронтиру. Розглянуто концептуалізацію феномену порубіжжя, визначено його соціокультурну специфіку та динаміку. Подано соціально-філософський аналіз вітчизняних і зарубіжних розвідок класифікації порубіжжя. Як базову типологію використано класифікацію, засновану на характері міжкультурних комунікативних процесів порубіжних територій. Установлено, що порубіжжя є певним регіоном із соціальною, культурною, економічною, політичною специфікою. З'ясовано, що поліваріантність порубіжжя визначається характером кордону. Відзначається значний інтегруючий потенціал порубіжжя як території міжкультурної взаємодії

    Simulacra and fakes in the information warfare

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    The article is devoted to the study of political communication, inscribed into the new sociocultural and political systems of relations, into the wartime conditions. It has been proven that information media and network communications not only in-fluence the behavior of social subjects, but can also destroy ideas about order, justice, and morality if they are exposed to the propaganda technologies of an aggressive state. In the structure of information influence, propaganda plays a de-cisive role, its task is to spread ideas and views, true or half-true facts, outright lies or rumors with the aim of manipulating public consciousness. The special rele-vance of this problem in the context of information support of the actions of the Russian authorities during Russia’s war against Ukraine is emphasized

    Socio-philosophical aspects of the problem of internationalization of higher education: the experience of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

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    The article studies the phenomenon of internationalization of higher education. It turns out that globalization is the background for the development of the internationalization of education. Problems of internationalization of education are analyzed, including the problem of multicultural education, strategies of internationalization of higher education, the problem of intercultural communication. It is emphasized that the phenomena of "encapsulation" and "dissolution" are risks in the way of internationalization of education. It is noted that the stu-dent environment is turning into a wide, global space for direct interaction of large masses of representatives of various cultural forms and traditions. The experience of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University in this direction of scientific and pedagogical activity is studied. The article is based on the program documents of the educational space of the European Union. It is sub-stantiated that the internationalization of higher education contributes to the formation of the "knowledge society". The problems and challenges of the process of internationalization of higher education in Ukrainian society are determined

    Polemological Paradigm of Hybrid War Research

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    This article is devoted to the methodological problems and manipulative mechanisms of hybrid warfare. Owing to the polemological (from πολέμιος — war and λόγος — study) approach the authors managed to systematize and summarize the theories of war and peace, clarify contemporary western concepts of warfare, outline the specifi cs of the Russian view on the hybrid war concept, assess the signifi cance of information and manipulation technologies for hybrid wars, analyze a number of geopolitical and socio-cultural dimensions of modern hybrid wars. The polemology is a branch of science, which studies the nature of armed confl icts and wars, their role in time and space, cycles, intensity, scope, scale, and causative relations and their classifi cation. Polemology deals with the wars and armed confl icts of the past, present and future. Novel hybrid wars take a respective place among them. They involve using all available warfare, regular and irregular, cyber and those allowing for the use of weapons of mass destruction, and also information, psychological and propaganda war using the latest information and media technologies. According to the classical approach, the state is the only subject of military actions, but today its role has changed dramatically under the infl uence of other political and economic supranational and trans-border factors. For the purpose of studying wars and armed confl icts from the polemological perspective it means the need to focus on social changes in all the areas of human life, on considering various elements of the political, economic or even technological context, which infl uence the war as a social phenomenon

    Communication: topology of metadiscourse of social interactions

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    The article focuses on the definition and analysis of communication as a metadiscourse of social interactions in terms of the topological methodology. Sociocultural transformations that shape the model of the global world and change the Ukrainian landscape, the intensification of cross-cultural contacts, international rela-tions, relations of social communities on different levels actualize the problem of com-municative interaction. Globalization processes, which involve representatives of differ-ent cultures in the general development of civilization, the challenges of military con-flicts, in particular the war of Ukrainian people against the Russian invasion, require an adequately constructed discourse. In such contexts, the concept of communication as a metadiscourse, that is, a discourse about the discourses of social interactions, acquires a new meaning


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    The purpose of the article is to study the legal nature of the franchise agreement in Germany. The research subject is the franchise agreement in Germany. The methodology of research. The study is based on the use of general scientific and special scientific methods and techniques of scientific cognition. The dialectical method allowed studying the definition of franchising agreement in Germany and its essentials. The comparative legal method was applied in order to compare doctrinal approaches to this issue. Interpretation of the content of laws and regulations of German legislation covering issues related to the conclusion of the franchising agreement in this country was carried out by means of the normative-dogmatic method. The system-structural method was used to study franchising agreement in Germany as a unitary whole (system) with coordinated functioning of all its elements. Methods of grouping and classification formed the basis for singling out a list of requirements needed to conclude franchising agreement in Germany, as well as provision to be included in this agreement. Methods of analysis and synthesis helped to investigate separate parts of such an agreement in order to formulate further conclusions. Practical implications. The positive experience of Germany in the regulation of issues related to the conclusion of the franchising agreement can be used for introducing corresponding changes in the legislation of Ukraine. Value/ originality. This scientific paper is the first study in Ukraine devoted not to general issues of regulation of franchising activity in Europe but specifically to franchising agreement in a separate country (in Germany)

    Топос як поняття соціальної топології

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    Статтю присвячено аналізу та визначенню топосу як філософського поняття. В античній логіці і риториці топос був артикульований як метафора для характеристики «місць», де дослідник міг знайти аргументи відповідно до теми. Показано, що формування думки з певної проблеми відбувається за допомогою топосів, які організовують мисленнєвий простір, підтверджуються соціальним досвідом і беруть участь у конструюванні соціального світу. Топос є елементом мисленнєвої схеми, яка організована в логіці просторового сприйняття світу. Топологічна стратегія дослідження соціальних явищ враховує не лише характеристики самих об’єктів аналізу, а й контексти і соціокультурне середовище, в яке вони вписані. У соціальній топології поняття «топос» постає конвенціональним і залежить від зміни умов, які формують і приймають діючі соціальні суб’єкти. Топос розглядається як межа, рамка об’єкта аналізу. Межі не є самодостатніми, а визначаються через відношення до іншого простору, як перехід з одного простору в інший

    Методологічний потенціал концепції доместикації

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    The article is devoted to the analysis of the methodological concept of domestication, its evolution, key stages and contribution to modern international scientific discourse. The home sphere is a meeting place of private and public, a separate socio-cultural space in which actors form or transform the values of social life and move into their personal space. Home space inspires scientists to develop theoretical and methodological concepts of analysis of the social world. British scientist R. Silverstone offered the concept of domestication at the end of the twentieth century. The origin of this concept is related to the Latin domesticus (owned by the home). The article gives a broad overview of contemporary English-speaking and Ukrainian studies in this field.Ukrainian linguists use this notion as a strategy for translating texts that take into account not only the linguistic form, but also cultural contexts. Linguistic domestics fits into the general lingua-cultural tendency that bikulturalism is more important for translation and intercultural understanding than bilingualism.Western discourse of the residence was continued in the themes of the complex of media repertoires, the development of computer technologies, political communication, culture and morality. The ways of working out the concept of domestication and its application in theoretical and practical sociocultural space are explored. The concept of «domestication» is important for understanding the severity of socio-technological changes. It offers a powerful analytical basis for countering models of technological determinism. The mechanism of domestication includes the processes of commodification, objectification, inclusion and transformation. These procedures play a significant role in the social application of new technologies - translating the unknown into the mastered. Domestication as the theoretical basis of the study provides an understanding of how to achieve the productive use of communicative technologies, as from the commodification to switch to their inclusion and conversion. This approach also applies to non-technological aspects of people's lives. The development of cultural phenomena by the method of domestication transforms them into a culturally mastered by moral way. The methodological operation of domestication can be aimed at achieving joint success in collective communication.Статья посвящена анализу методологического концепта доместикации, его эволюции, ключевых этапов и вклада в современном международном научном дискурсе. Исследованы способы разработки концепции доместикации и ее применение в теоретическом и практическом социокультурном пространстве. Концепция «доместикации» важна для понимания остроты социально-технологических изменений. Она предлагает мощную аналитическую основу для противодействия моделям технологического детерминизма. В механизм доместикации входят процессы коммодификации, объективации, включения и преобразования, которые играют роль в социальном применении новых технологий - перевод незнакомого в освоенное.Статтю присвячено аналізу методологічного концепту доместикації, його еволюції, ключових етапів та внеску в сучасному міжнародному науковому дискурсі. Досліджено способи розробки концепції доместикації і її застосування в теоретичному і практичному соціокультурному просторі. Концепція «доместикації» важлива для розуміння особливостей соціально-технологічних змін. Вона пропонує потужну аналітичну основу для протистояння моделям технологічного детермінізму. У механізм доместикації входять процеси комодифікації, об’єктивації, включення та перетворення. Ці процедури відіграють значну роль у соціальному застосуванні нових технологій - переведення невідомого в освоєне

    Methodological potential of concepts of domestication

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    The article is devoted to the analysis of the methodological concept of domestication, its evolution, key stages and contribution to modern international scientific discourse. The home sphere is a meeting place of private and public, a separate socio-cultural space in which actors form or transform the values of social life and move into their personal space. Home space inspires scientists to develop theoretical and methodological concepts of analysis of the social world. British scientist R. Silverstone offered the concept of domestication at the end of the twentieth century. The origin of this concept is related to the Latin domesticus (owned by the home). The article gives a broad overview of contemporary English-speaking and Ukrainian studies in this field. Ukrainian linguists use this notion as a strategy for translating texts that take into account not only the linguistic form, but also cultural contexts. Linguistic domestics fits into the general lingua-cultural tendency that bikulturalism is more important for translation and intercultural understanding than bilingualism. Western discourse of the residence was continued in the themes of the complex of media repertoires, the development of computer technologies, political communication, culture and morality. The ways of working out the concept of domestication and its application in theoretical and practical sociocultural space are explored. The concept of «domestication» is important for understanding the severity of socio-technological changes. It offers a powerful analytical basis for countering models of technological determinism. The mechanism of domestication includes the processes of commodification, objectification, inclusion and transformation. These procedures play a significant role in the social application of new technologies - translating the unknown into the mastered. Domestication as the theoretical basis of the study provides an understanding of how to achieve the productive use of communicative technologies, as from the commodification to switch to their inclusion and conversion. This approach also applies to non-technological aspects of people's lives. The development of cultural phenomena by the method of domestication transforms them into a culturally mastered by moral way. The methodological operation of domestication can be aimed at achieving joint success in collective communication