81 research outputs found

    Mission Not Accomplished: Christianity in the Kimberleys

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    A Nativistic and Millenarian Movement in North West Australia

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    Australian Aboriginal Ethnometeorology and Seasonal Calendars

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    This paper uses a cultural anthropological approach to investigate an indigenous Australian perspective on atmospheric phenomena and seasons, using data gained from historical records and ethnographic fieldwork. Aboriginal people believe that the forces driving the weather are derived from Creation Ancestors and spirits, asserting that short term changes are produced through ritual. By recognizing signals such as wind direction, rainfall, temperature change, celestial movements, animal behaviour and the flowering of plants, Aboriginal people are able to divide the year into seasons. Indigenous calendars vary widely across Australia and reflect annual changes within Aboriginal lifestyles

    Australian Aboriginal Ethnometeorology and Seasonal Calendars

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    Block of Flats

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    Předmětem této diplomové práce je projekt novostavby zděného, samostatně stojícího, bytového domu. Objekt je čtyřpodlažní, nepodsklepený, zastřešený plochou střechou. Práce obsahuje studijní a výkresovou dokumentaci.This master‘s thesis deals with the project of the new-building brick detached block of flats. The object is four floored, pent roofed with flat roof. New building hasn‘t cellar. The work includes study and design documentation.

    Family House

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    This bachelor thesis deals with the project of the new-building brick detached family house. The object is two floored, pent roofed with flat roof. New building hasn‘t cellar. The work includes study and design documentation. Moreover, the work contains also the elaborate dealing with the partial solution of the project

    Family House

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    This bachelor thesis deals with the project of the new-building brick detached family house. The object is two floored, pent roofed with flat roof. New building hasn‘t cellar. The work includes study and design documentation. Moreover, the work contains also the elaborate dealing with the partial solution of the project

    Kastom, cargo and the construction of Utopia on Santo, Vanuatu: the Nagriamel movement

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    SUMMARY In 1980, as the condominium of the New Hebrides was about to become the new, independent nation of Vanuatu, two major secession moves, one on the island of Tanna and another one on Espiritu Santo, occurred threatening to tear this island nation apart. In this paper the dominant political ideology involved in the secession attempt on Santo is discussed to point up its historical complexity and internal contradictions. Autochthonous traditionalism and its main political proponent on Santo, the Nagriamel movement, in using the concept of kastom in fact draw on many non-traditional contents. Far from having been the last hurrah of a conservative tribalism opposed to its incorporation into a modern western-type nation and imminent immersion into a faceless citizenry, the secession turns out to have, to a considerable extent, been inspired by a colonial ideological heritage, as rich as it is diverse and already considerably removed from pre-European cultural and ideological roots.RÉSUMÉ En 1980, alors que le condominium des Nouvelles-Hébrides était sur le point de devenir le nouvel état indépendant de Vanuatu, deux importants mouvements de sécession apparurent, l'un à Tanna, l'autre à Espiritu Santo, qui menacèrent de déchirer en morceaux cette nation insulaire. Cet article discute l'idéologie politique dominante liée à la tentative de sécession de Santo afin d'en souligner la complexité historique et les contradictions internes. Le traditionalisme autochtone et son principal porte-parole à Santo, le mouvement Nagriamel, en utilisant le concept de kastom firent appel, en réalité, à de nombreux éléments qui n'avaient rien de traditionnel. Loin d'être le chant du cygne d'un tribalisme conservateur s1 opposant à son intégration à une nation moderne de type occidental et à son immersion imminente dans une masse anonyme de citoyens, la sécession se révèle avoir reçu largement l'inspiration de l'héritage colonial aussi riche que divers et déjà fort éloigné des racines pré-européennes dans le domaine culturel et idéologique.Kolig Erich. Kastom, cargo and the construction of Utopia on Santo, Vanuatu: the Nagriamel movement. In: Journal de la Société des océanistes, 85, 1987-2. pp. 181-199