19 research outputs found

    Study and evaluation of the technical analysis method in the case of stocks of shipping and sea transportation companies listed in international stock markets

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    161 σ.Η διπλωματική αυτή εργασία έχει σαν στόχο να παρουσιάσει την μέθοδο της τεχνικής ανάλυσης ως τρόπο προσέγγισης της αγοράς. Θα παρουσιαστούν τα κυριότερα στοιχεία της θεωρίας, αυτά δηλαδή που αποτελούν τις βάσεις πάνω στις οποίες στηρίζονται όλοι σχεδόν οι τεχνικοί αναλυτές στην προσπάθειά τους να ερμηνεύσουν και να προβλέψουν την αγορά. Σκοπός της εργασίας είναι να εκτιμήσει την αποτελεσματικότητα των τεχνικών κανόνων εμπορικών συναλλαγών με το να αξιολογήσει την ικανότητά τους να ξεπεράσουν την αφελή στρατηγική της διακράτησης- αγοράζω και κατέχω στρατηγική εμπορικών συναλλαγών. Η επενδυτική στρατηγική που θα παρουσιάσουμε είναι η ίδια και για όλη τη βάση δεδομένων μας. Βασίζεται στην απλούστερη μορφή της τεχνικής ανάλυσης και μάλιστα του δείκτη του κινητού μέσου όρου. Εφαρμόζουμε τη μέθοδο της τομής των κινητών μέσων όρων πάνω σε τιμές κλεισίματος μετοχών ναυτιλιακών και μεταφορικών εταιρείων, οι οποίες είναι εισηγμένες στα χρηματιστήρια του Λονδίνου και του Χονγκ Κονγκ. Η αποδοτικότητα των τεχνικών κανόνων ενισχύεται περαιτέρω με μια συνδυασμένη προσέγγιση σημάτων αγοράς και πώλησης. Προσεγγίζοντας σημαντικές πληροφορίες θεωριών που έχουν βραβευτεί κατά καιρούς στις χρηματιστηριακές αγορές από καταξιωμένους οικονομολόγους, καθώς και μέσα από πρακτικές, θα παρουσιαστεί το φαινόμενο της μεθοδολογικής προσέγγισης της τεχνικής ανάλυσης. Με την χρήση της τεχνικής ανάλυσης μπορούμε να εντοπίσουμε σήματα αγοράς και πώλησης. Με την πιστή εφαρμογή της ανάλυσης ουσιαστικά είμαστε μέσα στην αγορά οποιαδήποτε χρονική στιγμή ακολουθώντας τα σημεία (σήματα) αγοράς και πώλησης, εισόδου και εξόδου δηλαδή, που μας παρουσιάζουν τα εργαλεία της τεχνικής ανάλυσης. Αναλύοντας λοιπόν τα προηγούμενα διαγράμματα μπορούμε να έχουμε μια εικόνα για το πως κινήθηκαν οι μετοχές- δείκτες και πως αντέδρασαν σε κάθε χρονική στιγμή οι επενδυτές σε παλαιότερες περιόδους και δεδομένου ότι η ιστορία επαναλαμβάνεται (κύκλος ζωής) πιθανότατα, οι επενδυτές να έχουν τις ίδιες αντιδράσεις, που σύμφωνα πάντα με την τεχνική ανάλυση, ενσωματώνονται στην τιμή της εκάστοτε μετοχής. Έτσι, μπορούμε να έχουμε μία εικόνα για τις πιθανές κινήσεις της μετοχής και να κινηθούμε παίρνοντας θέση στα πιθανά σενάρια. Αυτό βέβαια προϋποθέτει πέρα από γνώση της τεχνικής ανάλυσης, αφοσίωση και πίστη στις ενδείξεις.The purpose of this thesis is to appreciate the effectiveness of technical rules and evaluate their ability to exceed the buy and hold strategy. The investment strategies that are being presented, are the same for all the data base being used. It is based on the simpler form of technical analysis and in particular on the indicator of the moving average rule. We apply the method of the simple moving average, on the adjusted closing prices of shipping and sea transportation companies, that are listed in the stock exchanges of London (LSE) and Hong Kong (HKSEx). Furthermore, the efficiency of these technical rules is strengthened with a combined approach of buy and sell signals of the market. Approaching important information of theories that have been rewarded occasionally in the Stock Exchange markets by economists, as well as through practices, we will present the phenomenon of methodological approach of technical analysis. With the use of technical analysis we can locate buy and sell signals. With the precise application of the analysis, substantially, we are in the market any time, following the buy and sell signals, entry and exit that is to say, that are being shown to us by the tools of technical analysis. Therefore, analyzing the previous diagrams we can have an idea of how stocks- indexes moved, and what was the reaction, each time, of the investors in older periods, and since the history is repeated (circle of life), very probably, the investors will have the same reactions, that accordingly to the technical analysis, are always incorporated in the price of each action. Thus, we can have a picture of the future movements of the stocks and make decisions based on them. This of course presupposes beyond the knowledge of technical analysis, devotion and faith in the data.Μαρία-Αγγελική Π. Κολιαράκ

    The Anatomy in Greek Iatrosophia during the Ottoman domination era

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    The knowledge of Anatomy during the Ottoman domination in Greece has not been widely studied. Medical knowledge of the time can be retrieved from folk and erudite books called Iatrosophia. The majority of these books focused on empirical diagnostics and therapeutics. However, a small quota of these Iatrosophia includes important information about anatomy. The interest in anatomy appears only after the Neohellenic Enlightenment (1750-1821) and has been associated to the scholarly background of the 1821 revolution against the Ottomans. At the same time, anatomy has been discussed by various authors in diverse contexts. All in all, it appears that a consensus on the importance of anatomy has been established among Greek scholars in the late 18th century, leading to the translation of current anatomical knowledge to the contemporary language and literature. © 2021 Zerbinis Publications. All rights reserved

    Oral Bacteria and Intestinal Dysbiosis in Colorectal Cancer

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    The human organism coexists with its microbiota in a symbiotic relationship. These polymicrobial communities are involved in many crucial functions, such as immunity, protection against pathogens, and metabolism of dietary compounds, thus maintaining homeostasis. The oral cavity and the colon, although distant anatomic regions, are both highly colonized by distinct microbiotas. However, studies indicate that oral bacteria are able to disseminate into the colon. This is mostly evident in conditions such as periodontitis, where specific bacteria, namely Fusobacterium nucrelatum and Porphyromonas gingivalis project a pathogenic profile. In the colon these bacteria can alter the composition of the residual microbiota, in the context of complex biofilms, resulting in intestinal dysbiosis. This orally-driven disruption promotes aberrant immune and inflammatory responses, eventually leading to colorectal cancer (CRC) tumorigenesis. Understanding the exact mechanisms of these interactions will yield future opportunities regarding prevention and treatment of CRC

    Microbiome distinctions between the CRC carcinogenic pathways

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer, the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths, and has been on the rise among young adults in the United States. Research has established that the colonic microbiome is different in patients with CRC compared to healthy controls, but few studies have investigated if and how the microbiome may relate to CRC progression through the serrated pathway versus the adenoma-carcinoma sequence. Our view is that progress in CRC microbiome research requires consideration of how the microbiome may contribute to CRC carcinogenesis through the distinct pathways that lead to CRC, which could enable the creation of novel and tailored prevention, screening, and therapeutic interventions. We first highlight the limitations in existing CRC microbiome research and offer corresponding solutions for investigating the microbiome’s role in the adenoma-carcinoma sequence and serrated pathway. We then summarize the findings in the select human studies that included data points related to the two major carcinogenic pathways. These studies investigate the microbiome in CRC carcinogenesis and 1) utilize mucosal samples and 2) compare polyps or tumors by histopathologic type, molecular/genetic type, or location in the colon. Key findings from these studies include: 1) Fusobacterium is associated with right-sided, more advanced, and serrated lesions; 2) the colons of people with CRC have bacteria typically associated with normal oral flora; and 3) colons from people with CRC have more biofilms, and these biofilms are predominantly located in the proximal colon (single study)

    Intestinal Microbiota in Colorectal Cancer Surgery

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    The intestinal microbiota consists of numerous microbial species that collectively interact with the host, playing a crucial role in health and disease. Colorectal cancer is well-known to be related to dysbiotic alterations in intestinal microbiota. It is evident that the microbiota is significantly affected by colorectal surgery in combination with the various perioperative interventions, mainly mechanical bowel preparation and antibiotic prophylaxis. The altered postoperative composition of intestinal microbiota could lead to an enhanced virulence, proliferation of pathogens, and diminishment of beneficial microorganisms resulting in severe complications including anastomotic leakage and surgical site infections. Moreover, the intestinal microbiota could be utilized as a possible biomarker in predicting long-term outcomes after surgical CRC treatment. Understanding the underlying mechanisms of these interactions will further support the establishment of genomic mapping of intestinal microbiota in the management of patients undergoing CRC surgery

    Intestinal microbiota in colorectal cancer surgery

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    The intestinal microbiota consists of numerous microbial species that collectively interact with the host, playing a crucial role in health and disease. Colorectal cancer is well-known to be related to dysbiotic alterations in intestinal microbiota. It is evident that the microbiota is significantly affected by colorectal surgery in combination with the various perioperative interventions, mainly mechanical bowel preparation and antibiotic prophylaxis. The altered postoperative composition of intestinal microbiota could lead to an enhanced virulence, proliferation of pathogens, and diminishment of beneficial microorganisms resulting in severe complications including anastomotic leakage and surgical site infections. Moreover, the intestinal microbiota could be utilized as a possible biomarker in predicting long-term outcomes after surgical CRC treatment. Understanding the underlying mechanisms of these interactions will further support the establishment of genomic mapping of intestinal microbiota in the management of patients undergoing CRC surgery. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Intestinal microbiota in colorectal cancer surgery

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    The intestinal microbiota consists of numerous microbial species that collectively interact with the host, playing a crucial role in health and disease. Colorectal cancer is well-known to be related to dysbiotic alterations in intestinal microbiota. It is evident that the microbiota is significantly affected by colorectal surgery in combination with the various perioperative interventions, mainly mechanical bowel preparation and antibiotic prophylaxis. The altered postoperative composition of intestinal microbiota could lead to an enhanced virulence, proliferation of pathogens, and diminishment of beneficial microorganisms resulting in severe complications including anastomotic leakage and surgical site infections. Moreover, the intestinal microbiota could be utilized as a possible biomarker in predicting long-term outcomes after surgical CRC treatment. Understanding the underlying mechanisms of these interactions will further support the establishment of genomic mapping of intestinal microbiota in the management of patients undergoing CRC surgery. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Intestinal microbiota and colorectal cancer: A new aspect of research

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    Colon holds a complex microbial community, which is crucial for maintaining homeostasis and regulating metabolic functions, supporting the intestinal barrier and controlling immune responses. Previous studies have supported a link between intestinal microbiota and colorectal cancer (CRC). Based on these findings, the present review analyzed the numerous interactions that occur between microbiota and CRC, starting from the role of intestinal microbiota in colonic homoeostasis. Intestinal microbiota is a cause of CRC and involves various mechanisms such as chronic inflammation, the production of genotoxins causing DNA impairment and/or the biosynthesis of toxic compounds. Moreover, basic metabolic factors such as short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) and bile acids are included in CRC pathogenesis. Different pathogenic pathways have been reported among different CRC regions (proximal or distal). Variations in the microbial populations are reported between the CRC from these colonic sites, possibly reflecting the bacterial dysbiosis and biofilm distribution. Bowel preparation is essential prior to colonoscopy and surgery; there is, however, minor consensus on the effects of this procedure on intestinal microbiota, notably with regard to the long-term outcomes. With regard to the therapeutic strategy in CRC, the intestinal microbiota is further involved in the modulation of the host response to chemotherapeutic agents (5-fluorouracil and irinotecan) by the interference with drug efficacy and by adverse effects and associated toxicity. In addition, the newly emerged research on CRC immunotherapy reveals an important interplay between intestinal microbiota and the immune system, which includes the possibility of targeting microbiota for the enhancement of anticancer treatment. Additional studies will further clarify the interaction between microbiota and CRC, resulting in the development of alternative therapeutic strategies by manipulating microbiota composition. © 2018 Zerbinis Publications. All Rights Reserved