17 research outputs found

    Reliable identification of protein-protein interactions by crosslinking mass spectrometry

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    Protein-protein interactions govern most cellular pathways and processes, and multiple technologies have emerged to systematically map them. Assessing the error of interaction networks has been a challenge. Crosslinking mass spectrometry is currently widening its scope from structural analyses of purified multi-protein complexes towards systems-wide analyses of protein-protein interactions (PPIs). Using a carefully controlled large-scale analysis of Escherichia coli cell lysate, we demonstrate that false-discovery rates (FDR) for PPIs identified by crosslinking mass spectrometry can be reliably estimated. We present an interaction network comprising 590 PPIs at 1% decoy-based PPI-FDR. The structural information included in this network localises the binding site of the hitherto uncharacterised protein YacL to near the DNA exit tunnel on the RNA polymerase.TU Berlin, Open-Access-Mittel – 2021DFG, 390540038, EXC 2008: Unifying Systems in Catalysis "UniSysCat"DFG, 392923329, GRK 2473: Bioaktive Peptide - Innovative Aspekte zur Synthese und BiosyntheseDFG, 426290502, Erfassung der strukturellen Organisation des Mycoplasma pneumoniae Proteoms mittels in-Zell Crosslinking-Massenspektrometri

    The Critical Image : Essays on Contemporary Photography

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    Defining photography as a process of signification, the authors address the production of photographic meaning through institutional, social and art historical discourses. Working from a variety of theoretical approaches, essays address photography in relation to censorship, criticism, surrealism, the media, the female gaze, fetishism and AIDS. Biographical notes on the authors. Circa 200 bibl. ref

    Assessment of wavelength-dependent parameters of photosynthetic electron transport with a new type of multi-color PAM chlorophyll fluorometer

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    Technical features of a novel multi-color pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) chlorophyll fluorometer as well as the applied methodology and some typical examples of its practical application with suspensions of Chlorella vulgaris and Synechocystis PCC 6803 are presented. The multi-color PAM provides six colors of pulse-modulated measuring light (peak-wavelengths at 400, 440, 480, 540, 590, and 625 nm) and six colors of actinic light (AL), peaking at 440, 480, 540, 590, 625 and 420–640 nm (white). The AL can be used for continuous illumination, maximal intensity single-turnover pulses, high intensity multiple-turnover pulses, and saturation pulses. In addition, far-red light (peaking at 725 nm) is provided for preferential excitation of PS I. Analysis of the fast fluorescence rise kinetics in saturating light allows determination of the wavelength- and sample-specific functional absorption cross section of PS II, Sigma(II)λ, with which the PS II turnover rate at a given incident photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) can be calculated. Sigma(II)λ is defined for a quasi-dark reference state, thus differing from σPSII used in limnology and oceanography. Vastly different light response curves for Chlorella are obtained with light of different colors, when the usual PAR-scale is used. Based on Sigma(II)λ the PAR, in units of μmol quanta/(m2 s), can be converted into PAR(II) (in units of PS II effective quanta/s) and a fluorescence-based electron transport rate ETR(II) = PAR(II) · Y(II)/Y(II)max can be defined. ETR(II) in contrast to rel.ETR qualifies for quantifying the absolute rate of electron transport in optically thin suspensions of unicellular algae and cyanobacteria. Plots of ETR(II) versus PAR(II) for Chlorella are almost identical using either 440 or 625 nm light. Photoinhibition data are presented suggesting that a lower value of ETR(II)max with 440 nm possibly reflects photodamage via absorption by the Mn-cluster of the oxygen-evolving complex