9 research outputs found


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    This empirical research is titled Yahoo Yahoo Practice: A sociological commentary on the acceptability and celebrity of the actors in Nigeria. The main objective of the study is to unravel why yahoo yahoo practitioners have becomes celebrities and why the practice is widely accepted by the stakeholders. This study was carried out in Ado-Ekiti because yahoo practice is an unchecked wide fire rampant in the town. This descriptive study sourced both primary and secondary data. The primary data was collected via semi-structured questionnaire while the secondary data was obtained through online materials, text books, journals, Nigerian daily newspapers etc. A total of 400 respondents were sampled in Ado-Ekiti using convenience sampling technique simply because yahoo practice as a social vice has become an household debate. The quantitative data was analyzed using SPSS and data were presented in frequencies and percentages, charts were used where they were needed. The results showed that (30.5%) maintained that poverty is cause of yahoo practice while (3.0%) of the respondents said absence of parental care birthed yahoo practice. In respect to acceptability and celebration of yahoo boys and its practice, majority of the respondents (68.5%) said Yes, yahoo practice accommodate anybody while only (36.0%) of the respondents said No that yahoo people were not celebrated and accepted by their families. On how responsive yahoo guys are to their families, (38.5%) said that yahoo people make sure they extricated their family from poverty while (43.0%) of the respondents don’t know if yahoo people made sure their family is not put in shame. In reverence to the perception of yahoo guys, most of the respondents (50.5%) said No, yahoo people are not respected in the general public while (77.5%) of the respondents said Yes, the general public do not have commendatory perception about yahoo people. To supporting yahoo practice and the actors, (42.0%) of the respondents who strongly agree are parents of the yahoo people who share the same mentality about ill wealth while (25.0%) of the respondents strongly agree that yahoo child or people are jealously guided by their parents. The study concluded that it is indeed terribly bad to observe that because of penury, parents would assent their child or children to actively indulge in this clandestine act (yahoo practice). This study recommends that the society should rise to the restoration and sustainability of its moral and core cultural value for checks and balances in order to root out this menace that has eaten deep into our fabric


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    This research focuses on the demographic variables as the determinant of home chores among married couples in selected towns in Ekiti state. The main objective of the study is to primarily investigate if demographic characteristics of couples are strong enough to determine carrying out home chores among the people of Ekiti. This study is exploratory in nature and was carried out purposively in selected urban areas like Ado-Ekiti, Ikere, Aramoko and Igede. A total number of 400 respondents were drawn. However, only 394 (98.5%) of the questionnaires were dully filled and it was analyzed using IBM SPSS version 20. The quantitative data was presented in tables, frequency and percentages. The results showed that most of the respondents (29.9%) were between the age of 37-47 years, (50.3%) were female, (45.2%) had B.Sc/HND, (32.0%) were civil servants, (55.8%) earn between N20,000-N60,000 monthly, (44.2%) of the respondents had family size of 4-6 members, (74.1%) of the couples were monogamy while (49.2%) had between 3-4 children. On home chores respondents were familiar with, laundry work which was mostly known (69.5%) while (39.6%) respondents had little familiarity with babysitting. In respect to home chores statistics shows that (71.6%) respondents basically arrange and organize home while (48.2%) rarely babysit. In respect to whether demographic variables of the respondents determine a set of home chores which married couples engage in, there was a thin line between the responses provided by the respondents. About 45.7% of the respondents said yes while 45.2% said no to the above assertion. This research recommends that married couples should help themselves in doing or carrying out any form of home chores irrespective of their religion or cultural differences. This would invariably foster and sustain peace among the couples. The study concluded that socio-demographic variables do not determine the type, set and volume of home chores couples in Ekiti state engage in at any point in time

    Millennium Development Goals (MDGS) in Nigeria: Issues and Problems

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    Development is a key factor in every given society Although the concept of development and its understanding differs from society to society That is each society has ways of developing itself passing through the necessary developmental stages The success of these stages is a function of many key factors such as the environment interaction with other societies within and outside leadership and its style management culture individual and collective goal s of the people and of the community and the people themselves The MDGs is meant for Africa as a continent with a bench mark of 2015 what is the situation of realization of these goals in spite of the financial resources committed to this course What are measures put in place by Nigeria as a country or to what extent have we gone in realizing these MDGs Hence this article to investigate the issues and problems of MDGs in Nigeria The secondary method of data collection was thoroughly explored in this article The article noticed that Nigeria as the GIANT of Africa might not attain the MDGs even if smaller nations Ghana Cameroon and Botswana etc in Africa doe

    The Role of Intensive ICT Adoption and Use on Industrial Development and the Attainment of Millennium Development Goals in Nigeria

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    The imperative diffusion and use of ICT in organizations whether service or manufacturing is not negotiable. In as much as organizations sees relevant ICT facilities as driven force to fortify  work performance and productivity in order to attain organizational goals. It exploited the Socio-Technical management theory to explain the work; four (4) manufacturing industries that adopt and use ICT facilities in the city of Ibadan were selected for this research. About 336 workers were administered with questionnaire for this study. The quantitate data was analysed using SPSS and ZY index ahile the qualitative data was analysed using content analysis. This paper further showed the connections between industrial sector and the use of ICT facilities and attainment of MDGs in Nigeria. The inventory of ICT facilities in the organizations was investigated. It was discovered that most of organizations especially indigenous manufacturing industries adopt low level of ICT facilities. The paper identified some of the problems organizations in developing nations encountered which undermine rapid industrial development and may mar the attainment of MDGs in Nigeria such as: lack of effective internet connection, high capital investment on ICT facilities, low level of economic development, and ineffectiveness of NITEL and epileptic power supply and poor knowledge, lack of refresher course and poor attitude towards ICT adoption and use. The paper concluded that there should hence be an urgent and sharp paradigm shift from the local approach to work processes that characterized almost all indigenous companies in Nigeria by adopting and using relevant ICT facilities. Hence, the MDGs and the 7-points agenda of the Federal Government will be a tall dream and the vision 20-2020 may not see the light of the day. Therefore, there is the urgent need for some international organizations to assist local or indigenous organizations both service and manufacturing to get access to and afford the application and use of necessary ICT facilities in order to facilitate rapid industrial development and quick attainment of the MDGs. Keywords: ICT, Vision 20-2020, Intensive and Non-Intensive ICT Users and MDGs


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    This research focuses on the demographic variables as the determinant of home chores among married couples in selected towns in Ekiti state. The main objective of the study is to primarily investigate if demographic characteristics of couples are strong enough to determine carrying out home chores among the people of Ekiti. This study is exploratory in nature and was carried out purposively in selected urban areas like Ado-Ekiti, Ikere, Aramoko and Igede. A total number of 400 respondents were drawn. However, only 394 (98.5%) of the questionnaires were dully filled and it was analyzed using IBM SPSS version 20. The quantitative data was presented in tables, frequency and percentages. The results showed that most of the respondents (29.9%) were between the age of 37-47 years, (50.3%) were female, (45.2%) had B.Sc/HND, (32.0%) were civil servants, (55.8%) earn between N20,000-N60,000 monthly, (44.2%) of the respondents had family size of 4-6 members, (74.1%) of the couples were monogamy while (49.2%) had between 3-4 children. On home chores respondents were familiar with, laundry work which was mostly known (69.5%) while (39.6%) respondents had little familiarity with babysitting. In respect to home chores statistics shows that (71.6%) respondents basically arrange and organize home while (48.2%) rarely babysit. In respect to whether demographic variables of the respondents determine a set of home chores which married couples engage in, there was a thin line between the responses provided by the respondents. About 45.7% of the respondents said yes while 45.2% said no to the above assertion. This research recommends that married couples should help themselves in doing or carrying out any form of home chores irrespective of their religion or cultural differences. This would invariably foster and sustain peace among the couples. The study concluded that socio-demographic variables do not determine the type, set and volume of home chores couples in Ekiti state engage in at any point in time

    Gender discrimination and the Nigerian scenario: a review

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    This paper explores sexism discrimination as a major factor that impoverishes the female sex in Nigeria. It is often observed that the female sex is usually discriminated and alienated in all areas of life in a patriarchal society like Nigeria, creating unbalanced property relations which affect economic growth and development in a masculine society. The secondary source of data collection was deeply explored. Table on gender representation in the Federal Civil Service from the office of Head of service, Abuja was also explored. The paper argued that customs, religion and culture are contributory factors to high rate of female discrimination or alienation in Nigeria. Findings disclosed that women are discriminated in all ramifications especially in terms of having access to economic and political resources and even decision-making status which often alienate and enslave them in the hands of their male counterparts thus resulting to a sex dominating the leadership platform in all sectors of the country, this automatically bring about unending poverty across board in the nation. The paper concluded that if the gender lacuna continues in Nigeria, it very possible that the MDGs especially those that centers around gender might not be attained. The paper recommended that women liberation, centering women and empowerment is inevitable and should be treated as a matter of urgency.Keywords: Gender, discrimination, Sex, Sex Role and Cultur

    Prevalence of sexting among students in selected secondary schools in Southwestern Nigeria

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    This study focused on the prevalence of sexting among secondary school students in southwestern Nigeria with the aim of measuring the extent of using mobile phone to send or receive sexy message or nude picture among themselves. The population for this study were mobile phone users among secondary school students. A total of 350 students were sample for this study using accidental sampling technique. Four secondary schools in Osun (Oduduwa College and Anglican Central Middle school) and Ekiti (Ayeigbaju Grammar school, Ayeigbaju and Oye Egbo High school, Oye-Ekiti) states were used for this study. The choice of the schools in the two States was simply because important information on the subject matter was also obtained. The descriptive study will use structured questionnaire to elicit data for this study. The quantitative data was analysed using descriptive analysis. Findings showed that 97.4% of the students were still using mobile phone and mostly for academic work, social media and interaction and pornography among others. The use of mobile phones for sending sexy messages and nude pictures among themselves should also be in the increase. Also, the use of mobile phones for sexting is expected to have some negative effects on the education of the students. The study concluded that secondary schools management and Parents Teachers Association (PTA) must do all things to ensure that students/children use mobile phones when they are more mature and it should be used for the purpose that will be beneficial to them.Keywords: Sexting, Mobile phone, ICT

    Point of sale (POS): customer's patronage before and after its application and use in Nigerian informal sector

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    This study explores the comparative analysis of customer’s patronage before and after the application and use of POS in Nigeria informal sector with the aim of measuring the rate and level of increase in sales and service delivery in the sector. The exploratory study used qualitative data via in-depth interview of 20 participants across Adebayo, Old Garage, Fayose Market and Ajilosun using snowball sampling technique to select the participants. The qualitative data was analysed using content analysis and verbatim quotation. Findings showed that most of the participants unraveled the fact that POS application and use is an electronic device/facility that boost sales and service delivery in SMs in Nigeria, the rate and level of sales and service delivery cannot be compare with what obtained in those days, sales was even quantified by some participants as 60%-70% or 60%-80%. This achievement recorded above was a function of customers’ constant patronage in the informal sector and strict adherence to the cashless policy introduced by CBN. It was concluded that the rate and level of sales and service delivery in the informal sector with the adoption and use of POS cannot be compare with what is obtainable before POS was invented. POS application and use is an electronic device and a catalyst that enhance better sales and service delivery in informal sector in Nigeria.Keywords: POS, informal sector, sales, delivery, electronic devic

    Constraints of small scale farmers’ access to agricultural credit in Osun State, Nigeria

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    Agriculture is crucial to food security, improved economy and reduction in unemployment. Despite this fact, it has not been given necessary attention. Paucity of funds has continued to militate against small scale farmers, which has significantly hampered their operational expansion for greater output. The study examined the constraints of access to farm loans by the small scale farmers in Ila local government of Osun State. Using the multi-stage random selection technique, two hundred farmers from selected communities across the local governments participated in the empirical study. It was revealed that owing to the lack of funds for the farmers through formal sources like government and financial institutions, majority of the farmers operate at the subsistence level, while relying on shylock local money lenders with exorbitant interest rates for the much needed credit. The constraints in accessing credit from formal sources include; bureaucratic bottlenecks, stringent demands for guarantors and collateral, high interest rates, late approval of loans, and unavailability of banks in the rural areas. It was recommended that government at all levels in conjunction with financial institutions should institute a functional agricultural micro-credit scheme that will ensure the timely provision of credit for the real farmers, create a policy that will compel high net-worth companies to dedicate a percentage of their profits to agricultural financing, as a well as a monitoring mechanism that will ensure judicious use of the loans by the beneficiaries.Keywords: Agriculture, constraints, farmers, government, loan