234 research outputs found

    School Factors as Correlates of Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers’ Achievement in Southwestern Nigeria

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    Mathematics is bedrock for scientific and technological development. In recent times, the performance of pre-service mathematics teachers in the colleges of education in south western Nigeria has not been encouraging. This study, therefore, investigated availability of infrastructure, textual materials and instructional materials as correlates of pre-service mathematics teacher’s achievement in colleges of education in South-western Nigeria. This study is a survey design and Vygotsky’s social learning theory provided the framework. Five colleges of education were purposively selected. The college must be government-owned tertiary institution. Total enumeration was used to draw 511 final year pre-service mathematics teachers made up of 211 males and 300 females and 51 mathematics lecturers in the five colleges. Questionnaires were used to facilitate data collection and were analyzed using multiple regression analysis at 0.05 level of significance. There was significant joint contribution of the three variables on pre-service teachers’ achievement in Mathematics (F(3,507) = 6.66; R=0.20) accounting for 3.2% of its variance. Instructional (? = 0.18, t = 3.31) and textual (? = 0.13, t = 2.58) materials predicted pre-service teachers’ achievement in Mathematics. Relevant instructional and textual materials were determinants of learner’s achievement in Mathematics in colleges of education in Southwestern Nigeria

    Academic Librarians ICT Competency and Skills Towards Efective Library Service in Ekiti State, Nigeria.

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    The study investigated the academic librarians ICT competency and skills towards effective library services in Ekiti State, Nigeria. Sample for the study comprised about 100 librarians who were randomly selected through simple random sampling. The type of ICT skills possessed by the librarian, level of their ICT competency, sources of ICT skills acquisition and the Challenges Librarians face when using ICT in delivering Library services in their respective libraries were the instruments used to collect relevant data for the study. Findings from the study indicated that librarians have both basic and intermediate ICT skill in the area of their specialization. Results showed that respondents acquire skills from rightful sources which can help them to perform their duties has librarian effectively. Study recommended more availability of ICT equipment in the library, stable electricity is needed, staff motivation, employ ICT expert to train others staff regularly and increment in library budge

    Outcome of intensive care management of acute chest syndrome in a Nigerian Teaching Hospital: A preliminary report

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    Objectives: Acute chest syndrome (ACS) is a common complication of vaso-occlusive crisis in sickle cell disease patients. It causes respiratory failure which may require mechanical ventilation in the intensive care unit, but outcome of such intervention has been sparingly reported in our environment. This study highlights the intensive care management and outcomes of acute chest syndrome in our centre. Design: This was a retrospective descriptive study Setting: This study was carried out at the intensive care unit of a tertiary hospital in Nigeria Subjects or participants: These were 27 sickle cell disease patients with acute chest syndrome managed in our intensive care unit from January 2013 to December 2017. Methods: We reviewed the medical records of all the 27 sickle cell disease patients managed in our intensive care unit on account of acute chest syndrome in the last 5 years. Relevant information on supplemental oxygen administration, modes of ventilation, transfusion, length of stay in the ICU and mortality rate was also extracted.Main outcome measure: The main outcome measure was the number of patients who survived and discharged from the intensive care unit.Results: Nine (50%) out of the 18 patients with acute chest syndrome, complicated by severe respiratory insufficiency, ventilated mechanically survived. The median length of ICU stay was 6 (12) days.Conclusion: Mechanical ventilation of patients and adequate pain control can help reduce the mortality and enhance the quality of life of sickle cell disease patients with acute chest syndrome

    Effect Of Heating On Vitamin C Content Of Some Selected Vegetables

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    ABSTRACT: The effect of heating on the vitamin C content of five choice vegetables was determined by redox titration with potassium iodate in the presence of potassium iodide. The results obtained in raw vegetables showed that pepper (61.56mg/100ml) has the highest vitamin C content while the least was in carrot (21.72mg/100ml). The vitamin C content of the vegetables analyzed were found to be in the order: Pepper> Green peas> Spinach> Pumpkin> Carrot. It was also observed that the heating time has significant effect on the vitamin C content of all the vegetables, as the heating time increases, the percentage loss of vitamin C increases too. The percentage loss of vitamin C in the vegetables ranged between (9.94-16.57%), (29.94-37.43%) and (49.91- 64.71%) at 5, 15 and 30 mins respectively. Of all the vegetables assayed pepper gave the highest percentage loss of 64.71 % at 30 mins. Vitamin C is easily destroyed by excessive heat and water, as well as exposure to air. For retention of vitamin C in cooked foods, it is recommended that foods containing vitamin C be cooked as fast as possible with less heat and small amount of water

    Aflatoxin contamination of maize vended in Ondo state, Nigeria, and health risk assessment

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    Aflatoxin contamination of maize is a serious food safety problem worldwide. Despite the widespread consumption of maize in Nigeria, there is limited data on aflatoxin contents of maize vended in open markets in Ondo state, Nigeria. A total of 140 maize samples randomly purchased from major markets in four locations in Ondo state, were screened for total aflatoxins using an ELISA method. Exposure and health risk assessments were performed for the maize consumers by the deterministic and Margin of exposure (MOE) approaches, respectively. About 99% of the maize were contaminated with total aflatoxins (range: 0.65–265 µg/kg; mean: 125.9 µg/kg). Aflatoxin levels exceeding the 4 µg/kg set by the European Union for total aflatoxins were found in 88% of the maize whilst more than one half contained at least 100 µg/kg aflatoxins. The average probable daily intake values were 830, 332 and 138 ng/kg bw/day for the average children, adolescent and adult populations, respectively. Consequently, MOEs for the respective populations were 0.20, 0.51 and 1.23, suggesting a high level of health risk for consumers of maize vended in open markets in Ondo state due to high aflatoxin levels. Maize farmers and households in Ondo state need urgent aflatoxin mitigation interventions

    Studies on the Mechanical and Sorption Properties of Anacardium Occidentale L. Exudate and Polypropylene Blends

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    This research work employed the use of purified cashew gum (PCG) as a blender for polypropylene (PP). The blended samples were subjected to tensile, hardness, impact and sorption tests. There was a general decrease in tensile strength and percentage elongation with increasing PCG composition. An improvement in Young's Modulus was recorded at PCG concentration of 10%. Also, the hardness properties of the samples increased to a maximum value of 61 HRF corresponding to PCG concentration of 40%. A general decrease in impact strength with increasing PCG concentration was observed. Sorption test results indicate that blended samples with PCG compositions in the range of 50% and above gave very high values of degree of swelling (DS). Thus blended samples in this composition range are more prone to hydrolytic degradation as a result of swelling behaviour in aqueous media.  The blending of PP with PCG has resulted in lowering the production cost of the blended samples. It also induced biodegradation in these plastics thus serving as a means of controlling environmental pollution. Keywords: Purified Cashew Gum, Polypropylene, Blended sample

    Geotechnical and Geochemical Properties of Lateritic Profile on Migmatite-Gneiss along Ogbomosho-Ilorin Highway, Southwestern Nigeria

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    Lateritic soils are very important in the construction industries and activities as construction material and foundation support for engineering structures in the tropical regions. This research tends to focus on the influence of position of horizon within the laterite soil profile and the resultant geotechnical and geochemical properties of soils developed over migmatite gneiss rock and also examine their suitability as construction and /or foundation material. A total of twenty three (23) soil samples and two rock samples were obtained from 8 different locations along Ogbomosho – Ilorin Highway, Southwestern Nigeria and considered under this study. The area is underlain by Basement Complex rock and migmatite gneiss is the most widely spread rock type. The laboratory test carried out includes specific gravity, grain size analysis, Atterberg limits (liquid limit, plastic limit, plasticity index and linear shrinkage), Standard proctor test, California Bearing Ratio (CBR), and Shear test. Geochemical analysis for major oxides and thin sectioning of rocks for petrological analysis was also carried out. The oxides are SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, K2O, Na2O, TiO2, CaO and MnO while SiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3 constitute about 70-80 % of the soils chemical composition. Petrology reveal strongly foliated rock that composed of mafic mineral such as biotite, hornblende, and felsic mineral consisting of quartz and feldspar. Quartz, biotite and feldspar constitute about 77% of the minerals with quartz having 40% of the total mineral composition. The position of the horizon within the soil profile was found to have varying influence on the plasticity, moisture density relationship, CBR, and shear strength. This study showed that the influence of the parent rock on engineering properties and the position of the horizon within the lateritic profile determine the engineering properties and behaviour of residual soils. Keywords: Assessment, Laterite Soil, Migmatite-gneiss, Ogbomosho-Ilorin Highway, Southwestern Nigeri

    Early Growth Response of Azanza garckeana (Exell & Hillc) as Influenced by Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers

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    Thespesia garckeana (also known by its synonym Azanza garckeana) is a tree in the family Malvaceae, found throughout the warmer parts of Southern Africa. The use of organic and inorganic fertilizer is a way of providing adequate nutrition to growing seedlings, while improving their quality, resistance and adaptation. The study was carried out at the screen house and laboratory of the Department of Soils and Tree Nutrition of the Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria Ibadan (FRIN). The experiment was a completely randomized design (CRD), with sixteen (16) treatments and replicated 4 times. The data collected include; stem girth (mm), plant height (cm) and number of leaves at interval of 2 weeks for a period of 16 weeks, while plant dry matter were obtained at the 16th week. Data collected were subjected to statistical analysis of variance (ANOVA) using GenStat 9th Edition, while significant different means were separated using the Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at 5% probability level. The result showed that the experimental soil was loamy sand with low nutrient status, while the combination of compost and NPK 15:15:15 at ratio 1:2 (T13) in the soil showed a significantly higher mean height at the end of the study. Treatment T6 (NPK 15:15:15 at 125kgNha-1) maintained the widest stem diameter of 7.33mm among all the treatments and was significantly wider than that of T14 (NPK 15:15:15 at 33.3kgNha-1 + AC at 66.6kgNha-1) with 5.24mm stem diameter, which was the least. The dry matter yield for the plant’s stem showed a significant higher influence from treatment T13 (NPK 15:15:15 at 66.6kgNha-1 + AC at 33.3kgNha-1) with 1.84g, while treatment T6 significantly influenced root production (6.80g) compared to those of treatments T14 and T16 (0.39 and 0.12g respectively) with a combination of  both organic and inorganic fertilizers. As shown in this study, a combination of NPK 15:15:15 at 66.6kgNha-1 + AC at 33.3kgNha-1 (T13) significantly increased plant height and stem dry matter yield compared to all other treatment combinations. Likewise, higher rate of inorganic fertilizer as seen in treatment T6 also significantly increased plant’s stem growth and root dry matter yield, while NPK 15:15:15 at 50 kgNha-1 + AC at 50kgNha-1 also increased plant leaves dry matter yield. Therefore, for a productive early growth response of Azanza garckeana, the use of the combinations of NPK 15:15:15 and Aleshinloye compost is recommended

    Screening for diabetes mellitus in a Nigerian family practice population

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    Background Diabetes mellitus is a non-communicable disease with a rising prevalence worldwide. Most of the increase in prevalence is projected to be in the developing countries. As it is recognised that the onset of the disease and its complications predate the symptoms, it is expedient that screening procedures are undertaken to diagnose the disease in the individual as early as possible to minimise the risk of complications. Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease necessitating life-long therapy, usually with drugs. This creates a life-long financial burden on the family, especially in low socio-economic communities in West Africa, where the majority of the population still lives on less than one dollar a day. This affects the wellbeing of the entire family, hence the need for early detection, prompt and adequate management of the disease and avoidance of its complications. Methods The study is an incidental screening to determine the prevalence of diabetes mellitus, its risk factors and the clinical characteristics of diabetics in a Nigerian family practice population. Four hundred and twenty subjects aged 15 years or older were recruited by systematic random sampling in a family practice in South West Nigeria over a three-month period. Data collected include the subjects\' socio-demographic data, family history of diabetes mellitus and hypertension, and history of tobacco and alcohol use. The subjects\' weight and height were measured and their body mass index (BMI) calculated. Each subject was examined for peripheral neuropathy, lens opacity and hypertension. Fasting blood glucose was measured using a glucometer and urine was tested for albumin. Those with a fasting blood glucose of greater than 6.1 had a fasting blood glucose determination by the standard spectrophotometric method. Results Ten (2.38%) subjects were known diabetics, while 57 (13.6%) were known hypertensives. Ten (2.38%) new diabetics were identified, and 7.5% of the females compared to 5.8% of the males were diabetic. Alcohol intake, obesity, age above 44 years and a positive parental history of diabetes were the significant risk factors (p < 0.01) for diabetes in the study. Proteinuria and peripheral neuropathy were the significant complications (p < 0.01). Conclusions It is concluded that diabetes is a common problem in our practice, with a prevalence of 4.76%, half of which was previously undiagnosed. Alcohol intake, obesity, positive parental history and age over 44 years were the identified risk factors. Peripheral neuropathy, proteinuria and high blood pressure were the identified complications. It is recommended that routine screening of people at high risk of diabetes mellitus in family practice be commenced. The glucometer, a relatively cheap item of equipment in the practice, is a highly useful, sensitive and specific tool for this purpose. South African Family Practice Vol. 49 (8) 2007: pp. 1
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