7 research outputs found

    The role of sponsorship in sports

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    Sportsko sponzorstvo je oblik marketinške komunikacije koji je unazad dva desetljeća počelo drastično napredovati. Velik broj poduzeća ga je počeo primjenjivati zbog inovativnog i efikasnog načina privlačenja kupaca, jačanja vlastitog imidža i promoviranja proizvoda i usluga, a sportski subjekti prihvaćati zbog ogromnih novčanih iznosa. U radu je obuhvaćen teoretski dio sporta, njegove definicije, sponzorstva i sponzorstva u sportu, razlozi i privlačne strane sponzorstva, zatim pozitivni i negativni aspekti sportskog sponzorstva, sponzorski ugovori i na kraju nekoliko primjera i njihova analiza. Prikazan je i kritički osvrt na temu uloge sponzorstva, njegove dobre i zabrinjavajuće strane. Treba naglasiti da je i razvoj tehnologije puno pridonio jačanju marketinga, samim time i sponzorstva. Nezamislivo je da danas profesionalni sportaš/ica ili sportski klub nema online račun na društvenim mrežama, jer i tako se povezuju sa svojim fanovima i sponzorima koji ih financijski podupiru u tome. Na kraju je prikazan popriličan broj primjera iz života, broj sponzora, način sponzoriranja, pozicioniranje, pa čak ponašanje i zabrinutost sponzora, financijsko pokriće, suradnja sponzora i sportskog subjekta i zadovoljstvo kao najbitniji faktor.Sports sponsor ship is a form of marketing communication which experienced a drastic advance in last two decades. Great number of companies started to use it due to innovative and effective way of attracting customers, strengthening one's own image and promoting products and services as well as being accepted by sports subjects due to enormous financial gains.This paper includes theoretical part of sport, it's definition, sponsorship and sports sponsorship, reasons and attractions of sponsorship, subsequently positive and negative aspects of sports sponsorship, sponsorship contracts and finally a few examples and their analysis. A critical review on the subject of sponsorship roles, it's good and worrisome sides is also presented.It's worth mentioning that technology advances greatly contributed to strengthening of marketing and therefore sponsorship. It is inconceivable that in this time a professional athlete or sports organization does not have an online account on social media, because this is also how they connect with their fans and sponsors who financially support them.Finally, a number of life examples, number of sponsors, method of sponsorship, positioning and even sponsor behavior and concerns, financial coverage, mutual cooperation and satisfaction as the most important factor are presented

    Corporate identity analysis of the NEXE company

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    Korporativni identitet je osnovno sredstvo raspoznavanja, skup svih vizualnih i fizičkih karakteristika neke kompanije, koja se razlikuje od drugih poduzeća na tržištu. Stvara veliki utisak i bitan prvi dojam u mislima potrošača. Sve što nas usmjerava, podsjeća i po čemu je poduzeće prepoznatljivo je upravo korporativni identitet. Glavni cilj je da postane unikatna na tržištu, a na potencijalne kupce ostavi snažan i pozitivan utisak. Najvažnija funkcija je da poduzeće stekne konkurentsku prednost na tržištu u odnosu na druge i zadrži status vodećeg. Identitet poduzeća se očituje kroz znatan broj elemenata od kojih su najvažniji logotip, boja i tipografija. Danas, u svijetu modernog poslovanja bitno je identificirati se. Uloga korporativnog identiteta je u stvaranju prvog dojma što ga poduzeće ostavlja na potencijalne klijente, partnere i investitore, a odražava sve ono što poduzeće zapravo je, i ono što želi poručiti klijentima. Bez dobro osmišljenih, primjerenih i zvučnih elemenata korporativnog identiteta, tvrtka ne može biti konkurentna na tržištu. Priloženi rad se u prvu ruku bavi analizom korporativnog identiteta poduzeća Nexe. Glavni cilj bio je predočiti snagu i prepoznatljivost korporativnog identiteta kod analizirane kompanije, te tako približiti sve njene prednosti i nedostatke. Temeljem provedene analize, zaključuje se analizirano poduzeće ima dobro izgrađen korporativni identitet koja je jednim dijelom zaslužna za odlične poslovne rezultate i vođenjem ka ostvarivanju njihove vizije, to jest postati vodeći proizvođač građevinskih materijala.Corporate identity is main instrument of differentiation, a sum of all visual and physical characteristics of some company, which differs from other company's on the market. It creates a strong sensation and important first impression in the mind of a consumer. Everything that guides us, reminds us and everything that is recognizable of firm is corporate identity. The main goal is to become unique on the market, and to leave strong and positive impression on potential customers. The most important function is that the company gains competitive advantage on market and maintains it's leading status. Identity of a company is manifested through many elements, out of which the most important are logo, colour and typography. Today, in a world of modern business, it's very important to identify yourself. The role of corporate identity is in creating a first impression which company leaves on potential clients, partners and investors, and reflects everything company actually is, and what it is trying to 'say' to it's clients. Without good throughout, appropriate and sound elements of corporate identity, the firm can not be competitive on the market. This papers main objective is the analysis of corporate identity of Nexe company. The main goal was pointing out the power and recognizability of corporate identity of analyzed company, and by doing that getting to know theirs advantages and liabilities. Based on the conducted analysis, this paper concludes that analyzed company has good developed corporate identity, which is partly creditable to their great business results and leads to realisation of their vision – become a lead producer of construction materials

    The role of sponsorship in sports

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    Sportsko sponzorstvo je oblik marketinške komunikacije koji je unazad dva desetljeća počelo drastično napredovati. Velik broj poduzeća ga je počeo primjenjivati zbog inovativnog i efikasnog načina privlačenja kupaca, jačanja vlastitog imidža i promoviranja proizvoda i usluga, a sportski subjekti prihvaćati zbog ogromnih novčanih iznosa. U radu je obuhvaćen teoretski dio sporta, njegove definicije, sponzorstva i sponzorstva u sportu, razlozi i privlačne strane sponzorstva, zatim pozitivni i negativni aspekti sportskog sponzorstva, sponzorski ugovori i na kraju nekoliko primjera i njihova analiza. Prikazan je i kritički osvrt na temu uloge sponzorstva, njegove dobre i zabrinjavajuće strane. Treba naglasiti da je i razvoj tehnologije puno pridonio jačanju marketinga, samim time i sponzorstva. Nezamislivo je da danas profesionalni sportaš/ica ili sportski klub nema online račun na društvenim mrežama, jer i tako se povezuju sa svojim fanovima i sponzorima koji ih financijski podupiru u tome. Na kraju je prikazan popriličan broj primjera iz života, broj sponzora, način sponzoriranja, pozicioniranje, pa čak ponašanje i zabrinutost sponzora, financijsko pokriće, suradnja sponzora i sportskog subjekta i zadovoljstvo kao najbitniji faktor.Sports sponsor ship is a form of marketing communication which experienced a drastic advance in last two decades. Great number of companies started to use it due to innovative and effective way of attracting customers, strengthening one's own image and promoting products and services as well as being accepted by sports subjects due to enormous financial gains.This paper includes theoretical part of sport, it's definition, sponsorship and sports sponsorship, reasons and attractions of sponsorship, subsequently positive and negative aspects of sports sponsorship, sponsorship contracts and finally a few examples and their analysis. A critical review on the subject of sponsorship roles, it's good and worrisome sides is also presented.It's worth mentioning that technology advances greatly contributed to strengthening of marketing and therefore sponsorship. It is inconceivable that in this time a professional athlete or sports organization does not have an online account on social media, because this is also how they connect with their fans and sponsors who financially support them.Finally, a number of life examples, number of sponsors, method of sponsorship, positioning and even sponsor behavior and concerns, financial coverage, mutual cooperation and satisfaction as the most important factor are presented

    Corporate identity analysis of the NEXE company

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    Korporativni identitet je osnovno sredstvo raspoznavanja, skup svih vizualnih i fizičkih karakteristika neke kompanije, koja se razlikuje od drugih poduzeća na tržištu. Stvara veliki utisak i bitan prvi dojam u mislima potrošača. Sve što nas usmjerava, podsjeća i po čemu je poduzeće prepoznatljivo je upravo korporativni identitet. Glavni cilj je da postane unikatna na tržištu, a na potencijalne kupce ostavi snažan i pozitivan utisak. Najvažnija funkcija je da poduzeće stekne konkurentsku prednost na tržištu u odnosu na druge i zadrži status vodećeg. Identitet poduzeća se očituje kroz znatan broj elemenata od kojih su najvažniji logotip, boja i tipografija. Danas, u svijetu modernog poslovanja bitno je identificirati se. Uloga korporativnog identiteta je u stvaranju prvog dojma što ga poduzeće ostavlja na potencijalne klijente, partnere i investitore, a odražava sve ono što poduzeće zapravo je, i ono što želi poručiti klijentima. Bez dobro osmišljenih, primjerenih i zvučnih elemenata korporativnog identiteta, tvrtka ne može biti konkurentna na tržištu. Priloženi rad se u prvu ruku bavi analizom korporativnog identiteta poduzeća Nexe. Glavni cilj bio je predočiti snagu i prepoznatljivost korporativnog identiteta kod analizirane kompanije, te tako približiti sve njene prednosti i nedostatke. Temeljem provedene analize, zaključuje se analizirano poduzeće ima dobro izgrađen korporativni identitet koja je jednim dijelom zaslužna za odlične poslovne rezultate i vođenjem ka ostvarivanju njihove vizije, to jest postati vodeći proizvođač građevinskih materijala.Corporate identity is main instrument of differentiation, a sum of all visual and physical characteristics of some company, which differs from other company's on the market. It creates a strong sensation and important first impression in the mind of a consumer. Everything that guides us, reminds us and everything that is recognizable of firm is corporate identity. The main goal is to become unique on the market, and to leave strong and positive impression on potential customers. The most important function is that the company gains competitive advantage on market and maintains it's leading status. Identity of a company is manifested through many elements, out of which the most important are logo, colour and typography. Today, in a world of modern business, it's very important to identify yourself. The role of corporate identity is in creating a first impression which company leaves on potential clients, partners and investors, and reflects everything company actually is, and what it is trying to 'say' to it's clients. Without good throughout, appropriate and sound elements of corporate identity, the firm can not be competitive on the market. This papers main objective is the analysis of corporate identity of Nexe company. The main goal was pointing out the power and recognizability of corporate identity of analyzed company, and by doing that getting to know theirs advantages and liabilities. Based on the conducted analysis, this paper concludes that analyzed company has good developed corporate identity, which is partly creditable to their great business results and leads to realisation of their vision – become a lead producer of construction materials

    Preživljavanje Francisella novicida pri različitim temperaturama i uzgojnim uvjetima

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    Francisella tularensis je gram-negativna asporogena bakterija iz porodice Franciselaceae. Bakterije roda Francisella fakultativni su unutarstanični patogeni izolirani iz velikog broja različitih domaćina, uključujući i sisavce. F.tularensis subsp. tularensis uzročnik je akutne bolesti tularemije, a zbog ekstremne infektivnosti centar za kontrolu i prevenciju bolesti klasificirao ju je kao sredstvo bioterorizma kategorije A. Bolest kod ljudi s relativno niskom infektivnom dozom mogu izazvati i vrste F. philomiragia i F. holarctica. Podvrste F. noatunensis prilagođene su različitim tjelesnim temperaturama domaćina stoga F. noatunensis subsp. orientalis izaziva granulome u ribama toplih voda, a F. noatunensis subsp. noatunensis u ribama koje žive u hladnim vodama F. novicida visoko je virulentna za miševe i zamorce pa je vrlo dobar model istraživanja humane tularemije, ali može izazvati bolest kod imunokompromitiranih osoba. Ne postoje dokazi koji bi sugerirali prijenos F. novicida artropodnim vektorima ili životinjama te F. novicida nikada nije identificirana u divljim životinjama. Pretpostavlja se da je njen životni ciklus vezan za vodeni mikrookoliš jer je i sama bakterija izolirana iz slane vode. Apatogeni soj F. novicida U112, koji je korišten i u našem istraživanju, sve se češće koristi u svrhu laboratorijskih istraživanja zbog svoje niske virulencije i male mogućnosti razvoja bolesti kod ljudi. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je pratiti utjecaj različitih temperatura na preživljavanje F. novicida in vitro. Također, utvrditi jesu li uzgojni uvjeti bolji u inkubator-tresilici ili u samom inkubatoru bez tresilice. Bakterijski soj U112 podvrgnut je različitim temperaturnim uzgojnim uvjetima u razdoblju od 5 dana. Od ukupno pet, tri su uzorka inkubirana pri temperaturama od 25 ℃, 37 ℃ i 42 ℃, a dva uzorka pri temperaturama od 25 ℃ i 37 ℃ inkubirana su u inkubator-tresilici. Svakih 24 sata praćena je kinetika rasta te bakterijsko razmnožavanje. Naši rezultati pokazuju da bakterije F. Novicida nisu termofilne te pri temperaturi od 42 ℃ ugibaju već nakon dva dana inkubacije. Pri temperaturama od 37 ℃ i 25 ℃ bez trešnja bakterije svakim danom rastu znatnom brzinom te im odgovaraju takvi uvjeti uzgoja. Uvjeti, koje pruža tresilica, bolji su za rast i razvoj bakterije F. novicida od onih koje pruža sam inkubator. Bakterije se bez tresilice bolje razmnožavaju pri temperaturi od 25 ℃ nego na 37 ℃ jer su im životni ciklus i mehanizmi preživljavanja više vezani za okoliš s relativno nižom temperaturomFrancisella tularensis is a gram-negative asporogenous bacterium from the Franciselaceae family. The bacteria from the Francisella genus are facultative intracellular bacteria isolated from a large number of different hosts, including mammals. F. tularensis subsp. tularensis is the cause of the acute disease tularemia and is classified as a Category A biological agent by the CDC due to its extreme infectivity. The disease can also be caused by F. philomiragia and F. holarctica in humans with a relatively low infectious dose. Subspecies F. noatunensis are adapted to the different body temperatures of the host which is why F. noatunensis subsp. orientalis causes granuloma in warm water fish and F. noatunensis subsp. noatunensis does the same in cold water fish. F. novicida is highly virulent to mice and guinea pigs so it is a very good research model for human tularemia, but it can cause the disease in immunocompromised people. There is no evidence to suggest that the transmission of F. novicida by arthropod vectors or animals nor has it ever been identified in wild animals. It is presumed that its life cycle is tied to a water microenvironment because the very bacteria were isolated from salt water. The apathogenic strain F. novicida U112, which was also used in our research, is used more and more often in laboratory research due to its low virulence and small possibility of causing a disease in humans. The aim of this work was to study the effect of different temperatures on the survival of F. novicida in vitro, and to establish whether the growing conditions are better in an incubator with and without a shaker. The bacterial strain, U112, was subject to different temperature growing conditions through a period of 5 days. From a total of five, three samples were incubated at temperatures of 25 °C, 37 °C and 42 °C, and two samples at temperatures of 25 °C and 37 °C with shaking. The growth kinetics and bacterial reproduction were measured every 24 hours. Our results show that the F. novicida are not able to survive at 42 °C after two days of incubation. The bacteria grow at a considerable speed at 37 °C and 25 °C in an incubator without a shaker, these growing conditions benefit the bacteria. The conditions in shaker are more favorable to the F. novicida . The bacteria replicate better at 25 °C than at 37 °C because their lifecycles and survival mechanisms are more connected to an environment niche with a relatively lower temperature


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    Rod Francisella svrstava se u porodicu Franciselaceae, a dijeli se u pet različitih vrsta: F. philomiragia, F. noatunensis, F. hispaniensis, F. tularensis i F. novicida. Također, 3 su podvrste bakterije F. tularensis: tularensis (tip A), holartica (tip B) te mediasiatica. Tularemija, kao zoonozna bolest, najviše se pojavljuje na Sjevernoj zemljinoj polutci, a kao vodena bolest opisana je već 1930-te godine. Prijenos bolesti moguć je preko pitke, bočate i morske vode. Vrste F. novicida i F. philomiragia usko su povezane uz vodeni okoliš, a F. novicida izolirana je samo iz vodene niše kao jedinog rezervoara. Fakultativno-anaerobna, mezofilna Escherichia. coli, kao gram-negativna bakterija u obliku štapića, svrstana je u porodicu Enterobacteriaceae. Najznačajnija vrsta za humanu medicinu je E. coli koja se koristi kao indikator fekalnog zagađenja (FIB) u procjeni kakvoće vode i hrane, a normalno se nalazi u GI-sustavu ljudi i životinja. Cilj istraživanja bio je odrediti kako Escherichia coli utječe na preživljavanje i razmnožavanje Francisella novicida u vodenom okruženju, odnosno pratiti kinetiku rasta i uvidjeti razliku u kvantitativnoj analizi prilikom zajedničke kultivacije bakterija u slanoj i slatkoj vodi. Na preživljavanje bakterija utjecali su nedostatak hrane, temperatura te borba s autohtonom mikrobiotom u moru i jezeru, odnosno različiti biotski i abiotski faktori. Naši rezultati pokazuju da F. novicida preživljava bolje u sterilnom moru u odnosu na nesterilno, a ista je situacija i za slatkovodnu vodu iz jezera Potkoš. Uspoređujući slanu i slatku vodu, bilo u sterilnim ili nesterilnim uzorcima, F. novicida pokazala je da se bolje razmnožava i raste u moru, uzorkovanog iz Riječke luke. Još uvijek nije razjašnjeno preživljava li E. coli bolje u slanoj ili slatkoj vodi. Prema našim rezultatima bakterija bolje preživljava u nesterilnom jezeru u odnosu na nesterilno more, a isto tako bolje preživljava u sterilnim uzorcima u odnosu na nesterilne, što se poklapa i s prijašnjim istraživanjima. F. novicida i E. coli, inkubirane zajedno, i u sterilnom i u nesterilnom moru nemaju međusobni utjecaj na rast i razmnožavanje što može predstavljati različitu nutritivnu potrebu u različitim koncentracijama. F. novicida u sterilnom jezeru nije bilo moguće izbrojati nakon 3 dana inkubacije. Mogući razlozi su grube pogrješke tijekom eksperimentalnog rada ili nemogućnost uočavanja i kvantifikacije kolonija F. novicida zbog prerastanja istih od strane E. coli. Određene genetske malformacije i mehanizme koji bakterijama omogućuju da opstanu u okolišu bez domaćina, posebice u vodenom okruženju, gdje nema velikih zaliha hrane, potrebno je dodatno istražiti za detaljno objašnjenje situacije.The genus Francisella belongs to the family Franciselaceae and it is divided into five different species: F. philomiragia, F. noatunensis, F. hispaniensis, F. tularensis and F. novicida. In addition, there are 3 subspecies of F. tularensis: tularensis (type A), holarctica (type B) and mediasiatica. Tularemia, as a zoonotic disease, occurs the most in the Northern Earth's hemisphere, and was described as a waterborne disease in the early 1930s. The transmission of the disease is possible through fresh, brackish and seawater. F. novicida and F. philomiragia species are closely related to the aquatic environment, but F. novicida is isolated only from the water niche as the sole reservoir. Facultative-anaerobic, mesophilic Escherichia coli, as rod-shaped Gram-negative bacterium, is classified in the family of Enterobacteriaceae. The most important species for human medicine is E. coli, which is used as a fecal pollution indicator (FPI) in the assessment of water and food quality and is normally found in the GI system of humans and animals. The aim of the study was to determine how E. coli affects the survival and reproduction of F. novicida in an aquatic environment. In addition, the aim was to monitor growth kinetics and to see the difference in quantitative analysis between co-cultivating bacteria in salt and fresh water. Food shortages, temperatures and the fight against the indigenous microbiota in the sea and the lake, respectively various biotic and abiotic factors, influenced the survival of the bacteria. Our results show that F. novicida survives better in the sterile sea than non-sterile ones and it is the same for freshwater from Lake Potkoš. Comparing salt and freshwater, in either sterile or non-sterile samples, F. novicida showed that it reproduces and grows better in the sea, a sample from the port of Rijeka. It is still unclear whether E. coli survives better in salt or fresh water. According to our results, bacteria survive better in a non-sterile lake than a non-sterile sea but also survive better in sterile samples than non-sterile ones, which is consistent with previous research. F. novicida and E. coli, incubated together, in both sterile and non-sterile seas, do not interact on growth and reproduction, which may represent different nutritional needs at different concentrations. F. novicida in a sterile lake could not be counted after 3 days of incubation. Possible reasons are gross mistakes during experimental work or an inability to detect and quantify F. novicida colonies due to their outgrowth by E. coli. Certain genetic malformations and mechanisms that allow bacteria to survive in a host-free environment, especially in an aquatic environment where there is no large food supply, need to be further investigated to explain the situation in detail

    Optimisation of External Factors for the Growth of Francisella novicida within Dictyostelium discoideum

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    The amoeba has been used as a model organism to study host-pathogen interaction in many intracellular bacteria. is a Gram-negative, highly infectious bacterium that causes the zoonotic disease tularemia. The bacterium is able to replicate in different phagocytic and nonphagocytic cells including mammalian, amoebae, and arthropod cells. The aim of this study was to determine the optimal temperature and infection dose in the interaction of with in order to establish a model of infection in the social amoeba. The amoeba cells were infected with a different multiplicity of infection (5, 10, and 100) and incubated at different temperatures (22, 25, 27, 30, and 37°C). The number of intracellular bacteria within , as well as cytotoxicity, was determined at 2, 4, 24, 48, and 72 hours after infection. Our results showed that the optimal temperature for intracellular replication within amoeba is 30°C with the MOI of 10. We can conclude that this MOI and temperature induced the optimal growth of bacteria in with low cytotoxicity