5 research outputs found

    Asymptotic tail probability of the discounted aggregate claims under homogeneous, non-homogeneous and mixed poisson risk model

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    Abstract: In this paper, we derive a closed-form expression of the tail probability of the aggregate discounted claims under homogeneous, non-homogeneous and mixed Poisson risk models with constant force of interest by using a general dependence structure between the inter-occurrence time and the claim sizes. This dependence structure is relevant since it is well known that under catastrophic or extreme events the inter-occurrence time and the claim severities are dependent

    Ruin formulas for a delay renewal risk model with general dependence

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    Abstract: In this paper, we derive the explicit expressions and an upper bound of the ruin probability for the compound delayed renewal risk model taking into account the dependence within the inter-claim times, the claim sizes and between the claims and their inter-claim times. We use a specific mixture of exponential distributions to define the dependence structure between the inter-occurrence times and the claim sizes

    Ruin probability for stochastic flows of financial contract under phase-type distribution

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    Abstract:This paper examines the impact of the parameters of the distribution of the time at which a bank’s client defaults on their obligated payments, on the Lundberg adjustment coefficient, the upper and lower bounds of the ruin probability. We study the corresponding ruin probability on the assumption of (i) a phase-type distribution for the time at which default occurs and (ii) an embedding of the stochastic cash flow or the reserves of the bank to the Sparre Andersen model. The exact analytical expression for the ruin probability is not tractable under these assumptions so, Cramér Lundberg bounds types are obtained for the ruin probabilities with concomitant explicit equations for the calculation of the adjustment coefficient. To add some numerical flavour to our results, we provide some numerical illustrations

    A Note on Gerber–Shiu Function with Delayed Claim Reporting under Constant Force of Interest

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    In this paper, we analyze the Gerber–Shiu discounted penalty function for a constant interest rate in delayed claim reporting times. Using the Poisson claim arrival scenario, we derive the differential equation of the Laplace transform of the generalized Gerber–Shiu function and show that the differential equation can be transformed to a Volterra equation of the second kind with a degenerated kernel. In the case of an exponential claim distribution, a closed-expression for the Gerber–Shiu function is obtained via sequence expansion. This result allows us to calculate the absolute (relative) ruin probability. Additionally, we discuss a method of solving the Volterra equation numerically and provide an illustration of the ruin’s probability to support the finding

    Valuation of Equity-Linked Death Benefits on Two Lives with Dependence

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate equity-linked death benefits for joint alive and last survivor individuals. Utilizing Farlie–Gumbel–Morgenstern (FGM) type dependency modeling framework, we first analyze the joint distribution of the couple (joint alive and last survival density) when marginal distributions follow mixed exponentials and weighted exponentials distributions. Then, we derive the price of the guaranteed minimum death benefit (GMDB) product. In addition, we provide closed analytical expressions of the price of some financial contingent claim contracts (classical and exotic options). Furthermore, we present some numerical results to support our theoretical results. We show in our numerical example that it is important to model the dependency between two lives (couple) since the price changes as the copula parameter changes