10 research outputs found

    Czechoslovak Military Intelligence in 1942

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    Crisis facing Czechoslovak intelligence after the assasination of Reinhard Heydrich

    Munich Agreement and Czech Society

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    Article describes a response of the Munich Agreement in the Czech population and public opinion in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia

    Activities of UPVI NKVD on the territory of Carpathian Ruthenia and Eastern Slovakia in the years 1944-1945

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    Study is based on the documents from Russian archives and describes activities of UPVI NKVD organs on the territory of Carpathian Ruthenia and Eastern Slovakia in the years 1944-1945

    Prag in May 1945. History of a Rising

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    TITLE: Prag in May 1945. History of a Rising AUTHOR: Stanislav Kokoška DEPARTMENT: The History and History Didactics Department SUPERVISOR: doc. PhDr. Alena Míšková, Ph.D. ABSTRACT: This study takes a look at a unknown chapter in the Czech modern history: The uprising of the resistance movement under the leadership of the Czech National Council and Military Command of Great Prague - Bartoš against the German occupants on 5th May 1945. the publication describes precisely the uprising as well as the drama of the entire events, and embeds them in the contect of the German and Allied political and military strategy. In 1945 April, the territory of Protectorate itself became the theatre of war operations. The occupation power collapsed swiftly and the course of events speeded towards to a spontaneous uprising. Owing to unfavourable military-political constellation, its course was quite dramatic, involving considerable material damages and casualties.However, the Rising was of enormous moral significance for the Czech nationals of Prague. On the evening of May 8 the German troops left the city, and the next day early in the morning the first units of the Red army marched into Prague. KEYWORDS: World War II - Prague Rising - Czech Resistance Movemen

    Praha v květnu 1945. Příběh vzpoury

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    TITLE: Prag in May 1945. History of a Rising AUTHOR: Stanislav Kokoška DEPARTMENT: The History and History Didactics Department SUPERVISOR: doc. PhDr. Alena Míšková, Ph.D. ABSTRACT: This study takes a look at a unknown chapter in the Czech modern history: The uprising of the resistance movement under the leadership of the Czech National Council and Military Command of Great Prague - Bartoš against the German occupants on 5th May 1945. the publication describes precisely the uprising as well as the drama of the entire events, and embeds them in the contect of the German and Allied political and military strategy. In 1945 April, the territory of Protectorate itself became the theatre of war operations. The occupation power collapsed swiftly and the course of events speeded towards to a spontaneous uprising. Owing to unfavourable military-political constellation, its course was quite dramatic, involving considerable material damages and casualties.However, the Rising was of enormous moral significance for the Czech nationals of Prague. On the evening of May 8 the German troops left the city, and the next day early in the morning the first units of the Red army marched into Prague. KEYWORDS: World War II - Prague Rising - Czech Resistance MovementNÁZEV: Prag im Mai 1945, Die Geschichte eines Aufstandes AUTOR: Stanislav Kokoška KATEDRA (ÚSTAV) Katedra dějin a didaktiky dějepisu ŠKOLITEL: doc. PhDr. Alena Míšková, Ph.D. ABSTRAKT: Studie objasňuje relativně málo známou kapitolu českých moderních dějin: Povstání domácího hnutí odporu proti německým okupantům 5. května 1945, v jehož čele stála Česká národní rada a Vojenské velitelství Velké Prahy - Bartoš.. Publikace podrobně popisuje všechny dramatické události povstání a jejich výklad zasazuje do kontextu německé a spojenecké politiky a vojenské strategie. V dubnu 1945 se území protektorátu stalo dějištěm válečných operací. Okupační moc se rychle hroutila a vývoj směřoval k živelnému vypuknutí povstání. Díky nepříznivé vojenskopolitické situaci byl jeho průběh značně dramatický a vyžádal si i značné materiální škody a lidské oběti. Pro české obyvatele Prahy však mělo nesmírný morální význam. Večer 8. května německé jednotky opustily město a druhého dne časně ráno dorazila do Prahy první útvary Rudé armády. KLÍČOVÁ SLOVA: 2. světová válka - pražské povstání - české hnutí odporuOddělení pro vědeckou činnostPedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio

    Heydrich´s occupation policy in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia

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    The reform of the occupation administration played a major role in Heydrich´s occupation policy, which was based on the need to depoliticize Czech society, divide it up into individual social groups and link it to war production and gradual Germanisation according to racial considerations

    Prague Uprising in May 1945

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    Liberation of Czechoslovakia. Prague Uprising