10 research outputs found

    Primary glomangiosarcoma of the lung: A case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Glomus tumor is an uncommon neoplasm derived from cells of the neuromyoarterial glomus or glomus body. Most glomus tumours occur in the dermis and subcutaneous tissues. A case of a primary pulmonary glomus tumour originating in the right upper lobe is presented.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 74-yr-old male was admitted with siccus cough, dyspnea and right-sided chest pain. Computed tomography of the thorax revealed a 4 cm growth of the right upper lobe. Fiberoptic bronchoscopy demonstrated an endobronchial hypervascular mass causing obstruction of the apical segmental bronchus. Pathology report was consistent with pulmonary glomus tumor. The patient underwent a typical right upper lobectomy with mediastinal lymph node dissection. Twelve months later he is free of disease.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Occasionally glomus tumors can occur in extracutaneous sites such as the gastrointestinal tract, bone, genitourinary system and respiratory tract. Primary pulmonary glomus tumors are very rare (our case is the 19<sup>th </sup>one presented in the international literature) and are often confused with other solid neoplasms such as carcinoids, hemangiopericytomas and tumors belonging to the family of Ewing's sarcoma/primitive neuroectodermal tumours.</p

    Expression of deadenylases in small cell lung cancer

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    This study focuses the role of deadenylases in lung cancer, a fatal disease.We study their biological role in two malignant tissues and we find their levels in biopsies of uncured small lung cancer. These results are studied in comparison with the clinical characteristics of patients, like age and survival.Then, we compare our results with the study in squamous lung cancer. Our aim is to find a new prognostic marker in lung cancer, propably the deadenylase PARN.Η μελέτη ερευνά τη βιολογική σημασία των αποαδενυλασών στον καρκίνο του πνεύμονα και αναζητά έναν νέο προγνωστικό δείκτη αυτής της θανατηφόρου νόσου.Οι αποαδενυλάσες μελετώνται σε δύο καρκινικές σειρές και ανευρίσκονται τα επίπεδα τους σε δείγματα βιοψιών σε ασθενείς με αθεράπευτο μικροκυτταρικό καρκίνο πνεύμονα. Τα αποτελέσματα συσχετίζονται με τα κλινικά χαρακτηριστικά των ασθενών και την επιβίωσή τους. Παράλληλα,γίνεται σύγκριση των αποτελεσμάτων με αντίστοιχη μελέτη στο πλακώδες καρκίνωμα πνεύμονα που υπάρχει στη βιβλιογραφία.Η καλύτερα μελετημένη αποαδενυλάση, η PARN, ενδεχομένως, να δύναται να χρησιμοποιηθεί ως προγνωστικός δείκτης στο μικροκυτταρικό καρκίνο πνεύμονα

    Atrophic hepatocytes express keratin 7 in ischemia-associated liver lesions

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    Aim: To investigate atrophic parenchymal changes in ischemic liver conditions. Design: We studied 18 cases of hepatic lesions with atrophic changes due to altered blood flow (hepatic venous congestion n=15 including 4 cases with additional nodular regenerative hyperplasia-NRH, NRH n=1, and antiphospholipid syndrome with patchy parenchymal atrophy n=2). Metaplastic hepatocellular changes, hepatocyte proliferation, hepatic stellate cell (HSC) activation, and sinusoidal capillarization were examined immunohistochemically with antibodies to keratins (K) 7 and 19, Ki67, αSMA and CD34, respectively. Results: K7 was positive and K19 was negative in zone 3 atrophic hepatocytes in venous congestion and in areas of plate atrophy, as well as in congested or compressed sites in NRH. Sinusoidal CD34-positivity indicating capillarization accompanied K7 immunoexpression. Masson trichrome revealed sinusoidal fibrosis to be restricted in atrophic areas, usually mild and in 7 cases focally dense. αSMA expression expanded beyond K7- positive areas. Ki67 was negative in K7-positive hepatocytes. Conclusion: Ischemic parenchymal changes are characterized by hepatocyte K7 immunoexpression, sinusoidal capillarization, HSC activation and lack of cellular proliferation, indicating an early reaction of the major liver parenchyma cellular components creating a more resistant microenvironment. These phenotypic alterations may prove valuable in the discrimination of ischemic liver lesions

    Integrated Deadenylase Genetic Association Network and Transcriptome Analysis in Thoracic Carcinomas

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    The poly(A) tail at the 3&prime; end of mRNAs determines their stability, translational efficiency, and fate. The shortening of the poly(A) tail, and its efficient removal, triggers the degradation of mRNAs, thus, regulating gene expression. The process is catalyzed by a family of enzymes, known as deadenylases. As the dysregulation of gene expression is a hallmark of cancer, understanding the role of deadenylases has gained additional interest. Herein, the genetic association network shows that CNOT6 and CNOT7 are the most prevalent and most interconnected nodes in the equilibrated diagram. Subsequent silencing and transcriptomic analysis identifies transcripts possibly regulated by specific deadenylases. Furthermore, several gene ontologies are enriched by common deregulated genes. Given the potential concerted action and overlapping functions of deadenylases, we examined the effect of silencing a deadenylase on the remaining ones. Our results suggest that specific deadenylases target unique subsets of mRNAs, whilst at the same time, multiple deadenylases may affect the same mRNAs with overlapping functions