22 research outputs found

    Licensed Shared Access Evolution to Provide Exclusive and Dynamic Shared Spectrum Access for Novel 5G Use Cases

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    This chapter studies the Licensed Shared Access (LSA) concept, which was initially developed to enable the use of the vacant spectrum resources in 2.3–2.4 GHz band for mobile broadband (MBB) through long-term static licenses. The LSA system was developed to guarantee LSA licensees a predictable quality of service (QoS) and exclusive access to shared spectrum resources. This chapter describes the development and architecture of LSA for 2.3–2.4 GHz band and compares the LSA briefly to the Spectrum Access System (SAS) concept developed in the USA. 5G and its new use cases require a more dynamic approach to access shared spectrum resources than the LSA system developed for 2.3–2.4 GHz band can provide. Thus, a concept called LSA evolution is currently under development. The novel concepts introduced in LSA evolution include spectrum sensing, short-term license periods, possibility to allocate spectrum locally, and support for co-primary sharing, which can guarantee the quality of service (QoS) from spectrum perspective. The chapter also describes a demonstration of LSA evolution system with spectrum user prioritization, which was created for Programme Making and Special Events (PMSE) use case

    Demonstrating Immersive Media Delivery on 5G Broadcast and Multicast Testing Networks

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    This work presents eight demonstrators and one showcase developed within the 5G-Xcast project. They experimentally demonstrate and validate key technical enablers for the future of media delivery, associated with multicast and broadcast communication capabilities in 5th Generation (5G). In 5G-Xcast, three existing testbeds: IRT in Munich (Germany), 5GIC in Surrey (UK), and TUAS in Turku (Finland), have been developed into 5G broadcast and multicast testing networks, which enables us to demonstrate our vision of a converged 5G infrastructure with fixed and mobile accesses and terrestrial broadcast, delivering immersive audio-visual media content. Built upon the improved testing networks, the demonstrators and showcase developed in 5G-Xcast show the impact of the technology developed in the project. Our demonstrations predominantly cover use cases belonging to two verticals: Media & Entertainment and Public Warning, which are future 5G scenarios relevant to multicast and broadcast delivery. In this paper, we present the development of these demonstrators, the showcase, and the testbeds. We also provide key findings from the experiments and demonstrations, which not only validate the technical solutions developed in the project, but also illustrate the potential technical impact of these solutions for broadcasters, content providers, operators, and other industries interested in the future immersive media delivery.Comment: 16 pages, 22 figures, IEEE Trans. Broadcastin

    Tekijänoikeudellinen jälkimaksujärjestelmä digitaaliselle musiikille: monitieteellinen tutkielma

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    This dissertation describes a post-payment copyright service for digital music. A challenge in the digital music industry is illegal copying, which is often called piracy. It decreases the revenue in the music industry and increases illegal digital music files on user devices. The post-payment service helps the users to legalize their illegally copied files by allowing the users to pay the copyright fees to the rights holders. This dissertation studies the post-payment from a technical, legal, business, and social perspective. The goal is to understand its impact on the rights holders’ revenue and the amount of illegal files in the users’ possession. The research is conducted in a multidisciplinary way that is typical for service research. The applied methods include prototyping the service, evaluating user interest with a questionnaire, forensics analysis on how to recognize the illegal files on the user device, positioning the service in the Finnish copyright legislation, technoeconomic and privacy comparison with the existing systems, and the mathematical modeling of the number of illegal files and the amount of rights holder revenue. The prototype phase confirms the technical viability of the post-payment concept. In the questionnaire study, the users express their interest in the post-payment service. The forensics research supports the prototype by discussing the method used to recognize the illegal files on the user device. The legal analysis shows that the current legal framework is flexible enough to allow this service to be implemented. The techno-economic comparison with the online store states that the post-payment system is a competitive business compared with existing online stores, but the most viable business of all is to provide a bundle of both services. Technical methods must be applied to protect privacy, and they have to be clearly communicated to the users. The mathematical analysis reveals that the post-payment boosts the impact of the rights holders’ anti-piracy actions by decreasing the number of illegal files and increasing the revenue of the rights holders. The post-payment copyright system is one of the new business proposals in the digital music industry. Its unique characteristics are that it brings revenue from the content that is otherwise outside the business –content that has been copied in the past, and it helps the rights holders in their anti-piracy actions to use a positive approach.Tämä väitöskirja esittelee tekijänoikeudellisen jälkimaksujärjestelmän, jota käytetään laittomasti kopioidun digitaalisen musiikin laillistamiseen. Laiton kopioiminen on haaste digitaalisen musiikin teollisuudessa. Se vähentää musiikkiteollisuuden liikevaihtoa ja lisää laittomien musiikkitiedostojen määrää käyttäjien laitteilla. Palvelu auttaa käyttäjiä maksamaan tekijänoikeuskorvaukset oikeuden omistajille ja laillistamaan päätelaitteillaan olevat laittomat musiikkitiedostot. Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkitaan jälkimaksujärjestelmää tekniseltä, lailliselta, taloudelliselta ja sosiaaliselta kannalta. Tavoitteena on ymmärtää sen vaikutus teollisuuden liikevaihtoon ja käyttäjien laittomien tiedostojen määrään. Tutkimus on toteutettu monitieteellisesti, mikä on tyypillistä palvelututkimukselle. Sovelletut menetelmät käsittävät palveluprototyypin, käyttäjien kiinnostuksen arvioimisen kyselytutkimuksella, rikosteknisen menetelmäkehityksen siitä, kuinka tunnistaa laittomat tiedostot kuluttajan päätelaitteella, palvelun aseman suomalaisessa tekijänoikeuslainsäädännössä, teknistaloudellisen ja yksityisyydensuojan vertailun olemassa oleviin järjestelmiin ja matemaattisen mallin laittomista tiedostoista ja oikeudenomistajien liikevaihdosta. Prototyyppivaihe osoittaa jälkimaksujärjestelmän teknisen soveltuvuuden. Kyselytutkimuksen perusteella käyttäjät ovat kiinnostuneita palvelusta. Rikostekninen tutkimus selvittää menetelmiä, joilla voidaan tunnistaa laittomat musiikkitiedostot käyttäjän päätelaitteella. Teknistaloudellinen vertailu musiikkiverkkokauppaan osoittaa, että jälkimaksujärjestelmä on kilpailukykyinen liiketoimintamalli. Lisäksi verkkokaupan ja jälkimaksun yhdistäminen vahvistaa molempia liiketoimia. Järjestelmässä on käytettävä teknisiä keinoja yksityisyyden suojaamiseksi ja ne on viestittävä selkeästi käyttäjille. Matemaattisen analyysin perusteella jälkimaksujärjestelmä vahvistaa oikeudenomistajien piratismin vastatoimia vähentämällä laittomien kappaleiden määrää ja lisäämällä oikeudenomistajien liikevaihtoa. Jälkimaksujärjestelmä on eräs uusista liiketoimintamalleista digitaalisen musiikin teollisuudessa. Ainutlaatuisina ominaisuuksina se voi luoda liiketoimintaa jo aiemmin kopioiduista tiedostoista ja auttaa oikeudenomistajia piratismin vastatoimissa myönteisellä tavalla

    Post-Payment Copyright System versus Online Music Shop: Business Model and Privacy

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    A post-payment copyright system is used to legalize copyrighted music files which a user has obtained illegally. We compare a post-payment copyright system to an online music shop by analyzing three scenarios using both qualitative business and quantitative techno-economic modeling. We analyze the privacy challenges and solutions related to the post-payment copyright system. According to our quantitative analysis, the post-payment copyright system is potentially a more profitable business than an online shop when no media replacement is required. Our qualitative analysis suggests benefits in bundling post-payment copyright system with online music shop and customer sensitivity to the marketing message. The privacy threat analysis and the list of suggested solutions show that privacy is a key factor in the system success, but it is possible to develop adequate protection for the user privacy. Our research is a continuation to the trend of studies suggesting peer-to-peer networks as a part of a viable business model for media distribution

    Mobile web application development stack

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    We will demonstrate how a common mainstream web application development stack, the so-called AMP stack, can be installed on a mobile phone and used for creating a mobile website that utilize the unique characteristics of a mobile personal device. By providing a widely used web application development environment also on the mobile phone, we foresee that the threshold for developing mobile Web sites effectively can be removed

    Mobile search - Social network search using mobile devices

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    Drupal content management system on mobile phone

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    Rapidly deployable network system for critical communications in remote locations

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    This paper presents a transportable and rapidly deployable network system, which can be used to provide local voice, video and data connectivity for critical communications in remote locations and Internet connectivity through commercial mobile network, if available. The network is a stand-alone system, which is independent of external electricity and Internet. It is built with commercial off-the-shelf equipment and software. This paper presents trials of a local tactical voice service, a TETRA-compatible push to talk application, and Licensed Shared Access evolution spectrum manager along with radio signal measurements on 700 MHz and 2300 MHz frequency bands