22 research outputs found

    Formalising type-logical grammars in Agda

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    Towards Races in Linear Logic

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    Process calculi based in logic, such as π\piDILL and CP, provide a foundation for deadlock-free concurrent programming, but exclude non-determinism and races. HCP is a reformulation of CP which addresses a fundamental shortcoming: the fundamental operator for parallel composition from the π\pi-calculus does not correspond to any rule of linear logic, and therefore not to any term construct in CP. We introduce non-deterministic HCP, which extends HCP with a novel account of non-determinism. Our approach draws on bounded linear logic to provide a strongly-typed account of standard process calculus expressions of non-determinism. We show that our extension is expressive enough to capture many uses of non-determinism in untyped calculi, such as non-deterministic choice, while preserving HCP's meta-theoretic properties, including deadlock freedom

    Prioritise the Best Variation

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    Binary session types guarantee communication safety and session fidelity, but alone they cannot rule out deadlocks arising from the interleaving of different sessions. In Classical Processes (CP) [53]—a process calculus based on classical linear logic—deadlock freedom is guaranteed by combining channel creation and parallel composition under the same logical cut rule. Similarly, in Good Variation (GV) [39, 54]—a linear concurrent λ-calculus—deadlock freedom is guaranteed by combining channel creation and thread spawning under the same operation, called fork. In both CP and GV, deadlock freedom is achieved at the expense of expressivity, as the only processes allowed are tree-structured. Dardha and Gay [19] define Priority CP (PCP), which allows cyclic-structured processes and restores deadlock freedom by using priorities, in line with Kobayashi and Padovani [34, 44]. Following PCP, we present Priority GV (PGV), a variant of GV which decouples channel creation from thread spawning. Consequently, we type cyclic-structured processes and restore deadlock freedom by using priorities. We show that our type system is sound by proving subject reduction and progress. We define an encoding from PCP to PGV and prove that the encoding preserves typing and is sound and complete with respect to the operational semantics

    Prioritise the Best Variation

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    Binary session types guarantee communication safety and session fidelity, but alone they cannot rule out deadlocks arising from the interleaving of different sessions. In Classical Processes (CP)−-a process calculus based on classical linear logic−-deadlock freedom is guaranteed by combining channel creation and parallel composition under the same logical cut rule. Similarly, in Good Variation (GV)−-a linear concurrent λ\lambda-calculus−-deadlock freedom is guaranteed by combining channel creation and thread spawning under the same operation, called fork. In both CP and GV, deadlock freedom is achieved at the expense of expressivity, as the only processes allowed are tree-structured. Dardha and Gay define Priority CP (PCP), which allows cyclic-structured processes and restores deadlock freedom by using priorities, in line with Kobayashi and Padovani. Following PCP, we present Priority GV (PGV), a variant of GV which decouples channel creation from thread spawning. Consequently, we type cyclic-structured processes and restore deadlock freedom by using priorities. We show that our type system is sound by proving subject reduction and progress. We define an encoding from PCP to PGV and prove that the encoding preserves typing and is sound and complete with respect to the operational semantics

    Deadlock-Free Session Types in Linear Haskell

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    Priority Sesh is a library for session-typed communication in Linear Haskell which offers strong compile-time correctness guarantees. Priority Sesh offers two deadlock-free APIs for session-typed communication. The first guarantees deadlock freedom by restricting the process structure to trees and forests. It is simple and composeable, but rules out cyclic structures. The second guarantees deadlock freedom via priorities, which allows the programmer to safely use cyclic structures as well. Our library relies on Linear Haskell to guarantee linearity, which leads to easy-to-write session types and more idiomatic code, and lets us avoid the complex encodings of linearity in the Haskell type system that made previous libraries difficult to use

    Towards Races in Linear Logic

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    Process calculi based in logic, such as π\piDILL and CP, provide a foundation for deadlock-free concurrent programming, but exclude non-determinism and races. HCP is a reformulation of CP which addresses a fundamental shortcoming: the fundamental operator for parallel composition from the π\pi-calculus does not correspond to any rule of linear logic, and therefore not to any term construct in CP. We introduce non-deterministic HCP, which extends HCP with a novel account of non-determinism. Our approach draws on bounded linear logic to provide a strongly-typed account of standard process calculus expressions of non-determinism. We show that our extension is expressive enough to capture many uses of non-determinism in untyped calculi, such as non-deterministic choice, while preserving HCP's meta-theoretic properties, including deadlock freedom

    Property-driven Training: All You (N)Ever Wanted to Know About

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    Neural networks are known for their ability to detect general patterns in noisy data. This makes them a popular tool for perception components in complex AI systems. Paradoxically, they are also known for being vulnerable to adversarial attacks. In response, various methods such as adversarial training, data-augmentation and Lipschitz robustness training have been proposed as means of improving their robustness. However, as this paper explores, these training methods each optimise for a different definition of robustness. We perform an in-depth comparison of these different definitions, including their relationship, assumptions, interpretability and verifiability after training. We also look at constraint-driven training, a general approach designed to encode arbitrary constraints, and show that not all of these definitions are directly encodable. Finally we perform experiments to compare the applicability and efficacy of the training methods at ensuring the network obeys these different definitions. These results highlight that even the encoding of such a simple piece of knowledge such as robustness in neural network training is fraught with difficult choices and pitfalls.Comment: 10 pages, under revie

    Separating Sessions Smoothly

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    This paper introduces Hypersequent GV (HGV), a modular and extensible core calculus for functional programming with session types that enjoys deadlock freedom, confluence, and strong normalisation. HGV exploits hyper-environments, which are collections of type environments, to ensure that structural congruence is type preserving. As a consequence we obtain an operational correspondence between HGV and HCP -- a process calculus based on hypersequents and in a propositions-as-types correspondence with classical linear logic (CLL). Our translations from HGV to HCP and vice-versa both preserve and reflect reduction. HGV scales smoothly to support Girard's Mix rule, a crucial ingredient for channel forwarding and exceptions