126 research outputs found

    ダイ47ジ ナンキョク チイキ カンソクタイ エットウ ホウコク 2006-2007

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    第47次日本南極地域観測隊越冬隊は,隊員36名が昭和基地で越冬し,第期5カ年計画の最終年次にあたる定常観測,モニタリング研究観測を継続して行うとともに,宙空系,気水圏系,地学系,生物・医学系のプロジェクト研究観測を昭和基地とドームふじ基地において実施した.また設営関係では基地の運営を2006年2月1日から2007年1月31日まで担当し,電力,上下水道,燃料,通信,食料,医療といった生活基盤の維持管理に加え,車両整備,機械設備工事,LANの運用,野外観測支援など多くの作業を行った.野外観測では5月のブリザードによってオングル海峡の海氷の一部が流出,極夜の明けた7月から温存された海氷ルートの積極的な利用とさらなる延長を計画した.その後,8月以降から気水圏・地圏・生物圏関連の多くのリュツォ・ホルム湾沿岸調査旅行や内陸旅行を実施し,さらに夏期観測時に昭和基地外に集積した廃棄物などを海氷上を輸送して基地内へ持込み整理,処理した.2007年は日本の南極観測50周年にあたり,国内で行われた様々な関連事業を運用3年目にあたるインテルサット衛星通信設備を利用し,第45次及び第46次越冬隊の資料を参考にしながら昭和基地から支援した.The 47th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE-47) wintering party, consisting of 36 members, conducted the last year program of the VIth five-year plan of JARE at Syowa Station and inland Dome Fuji Station. The program included observations in meteorology, upper atmosphere physics, atmospheric sciences, glaciology, geophysics, biology and medical science, as well as logistic activities to support the observations and maintain the station from February 1, 2006 to January 31, 2007. A blizzard occurring in May blew some of sea ice around Syowa Station and Ongul Strait to open sea, and the aggressive field activities started in July, taking care of sea ice condition. Many field activities in the atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere and biosphere were carried out in the coastal area of east Lutzow-Holm Bay, as well as the inland plateau between Dome Fuji and Syowa Stations. Waste and stockpile, accumulated during the last summer season, were gathered and organized in Syowa Station during winter season over sea ice. The year 2007 marked the 50th anniversary of the Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition, and we supported related events held in the mother country through an Intelsat satellite connection which got more familiar after 2 years experience of late wintering parties (JARE-45 and JARE-46)

    Periodicities of palaeo-climatic records extracted from the Dome Fuji deep core

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    The Antarctic ice sheet preserves palaeo-climate information in the form of physical and chemical stratigraphy. A deep ice core was continuously drilled down to a depth of 2503m at Dome Fuji Station, East Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, during the 1993-97 JARE inland operations. A time scale for the Dome Fuji core is calculated from past accumulation rates and an ice flow model. A depth-age profile was obtained for the past 320kyr back in time. The obtained palaeo-temperature profile shows the past three glacial and interglacial periods. The power spectrum for oxygen isotope variation for 320kyr shows three dominant cycles of 107kyr, 40kyr and 21kyr. Each of these three cycles is similar to Milankovitch cycles. Moving-window spectrum analysis, using a 130kyr window stepped by 10kyr over the past 320kyr, found these main cycles in every age. Variations of other chemical concentrations were also recovered from the Dome Fuji ice core, and are inversely correlated to the temperature profile. Concentrations of terrestrial and marine origin substances are high in glacial periods, and low in interglacial periods. Over the past 320kyr, the dominant periodicities of temperature were also detected in almost all chemical records

    Linking Antarctic glaciochemical records to past climate conditions (scientific paper)

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    Deep Antarctic ice cores document the former states of the climatic system, the atmosphere, and the marine and terrestrial biospheres. However, questions do remain in the interpretation and the reliability of ice core chemical profiles in terms of atmospheric information. Data from the Dome C, Vostok, Dome F, and EPICA deep ice cores are used and compared in the discussions. First of all, the transfer functions of various gaseous and particulate compounds are not entirely understood and in the case of acid gases, strong post-deposition effects are observed at central Antarctic sites. It is emphasised that marine primary and secondary aerosol species may strongly interact during their long-range transport. Continental aerosol is important for the Antarctic impurity budget only in glacial environmental conditions. Its composition, as derived from Antarctic ice core glaciochemistry is discussed. As for the case of marine aerosol, the reaction of primary and gas-derived aerosol has to be considered. Finally, the possible impact of continental dust on marine biogenic activity shortly is discussed in the light of glaciochemical results

    Wiki ヲ モチイタ ショウワキチ ナイ ジョウホウ キョウユウ システム ノ シケン ウンヨウ ダイ47ジ ナンキョク チイキ カンソクタイ エットウ デノ ジレイ

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    第47次南極地域観測隊では,昭和基地に整備されたLAN及びインテルサット衛星回線を活用して,Wiki(ウィキ)とよばれるシステムを試験的に導入・運用し,基地運営における情報共有システムを構築した.観測隊では本システムの下で基地情報を整理し,各隊員が互いに協調しながら基地の運営に携わった.運用の過程で日常の業務形態に合わせてWikiのカスタマイズを繰り返し,昭和基地運営に関する情報を隊員個人個人が容易に参照し,また入力可能なように最適化を進め,最終的には国立極地研究所のローカルネットワークにも公開した.スケジュール管理,野外行動予定と実行経過の周知,通信記録の参照,リアルタイムな気象情報提供などをWiki上のWebページ上で実施するとともに,外部のWebページにリンクを貼り,第47次観測隊昭和基地の情報ポータルとして位置づけた.このような情報共有システムを用いた基地運営マネージメントが有効であると感じた隊員も多く,特に夏期に情報の流れが複雑になった時など,隊員間や基地-国内間の情報共有体系に非常に有用であることが確認できた.A web-based knowledge sharing system was experimentally developed on the LAN using the INTERSAT communication system, at Syowa Station during the wintering period of the 47th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE47, 2005-2007). The system works on "wiki", which is a collaborative technology for organizing information on web sites. Wiki allows users to catch up on information produced by various activities at the station to date, linking and tracing among a large number of pages. A number of wiki systems have been developed under the GNU General Public License. JARE47 experimentally introduced a "PukiWiki" system in which all data are stored in hypertext format, and binary files can be attached to any pages. PukiWiki is able to extend its functions by using plug-ins, which allow users to modify the system. The wiki at Syowa Station was started on a small scale and expanded to permit storage of data entered by individual members, and to permit sharing of information up to date among all members, becoming a portal site for wintering members. During the complicated operations in summer season when many groups pursued the individual field activities, wiki played an important role for reconfirming and modifying procedures among members, as the key station around the Syowa area