5,154 research outputs found

    Preparing multi-partite entanglement of photons and matter qubits

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    We show how to make event-ready multi-partite entanglement between qubits which may be encoded on photons or matter systems. Entangled states of matter systems, which can also act as single photon sources, can be generated using the entangling operation presented in quant-ph/0408040. We show how to entangle such sources with photon qubits, which may be encoded in the dual rail, polarization or time-bin degrees of freedom. We subsequently demonstrate how projective measurements of the matter qubits can be used to create entangled states of the photons alone. The state of the matter qubits is inherited by the generated photons. Since the entangling operation can be used to generate cluster states of matter qubits for quantum computing, our procedure enables us to create any (entangled) photonic quantum state that can be written as the outcome of a quantum computer.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures; to appear in Journal of Optics

    Transmission of pillar-based photonic crystal waveguides in InP technology

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    Waveguides based on line defects in pillar photonic crystals have been fabricated in InP/InGaAsP/InP technology. Transmission measurements of different line defects are reported. The results can be explained by comparison with two-dimensional band diagram simulations. The losses increase substantially at mode crossings and in the slow light regime. The agreement with the band diagrams implies a good control on the dimensions of the fabricated features, which is an important step in the actual application of these devices in photonic integrated circuit

    Information gap for classical and quantum communication in a Schwarzschild spacetime

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    Communication between a free-falling observer and an observer hovering above the Schwarzschild horizon of a black hole suffers from Unruh-Hawking noise, which degrades communication channels. Ignoring time dilation, which affects all channels equally, we show that for bosonic communication using single and dual rail encoding the classical channel capacity reaches a finite value and the quantum coherent information tends to zero. We conclude that classical correlations still exist at infinite acceleration, whereas the quantum coherence is fully removed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Triangle Diagram with Off-Shell Coulomb T-Matrix for (In-)Elastic Atomic and Nuclear Three-Body Processes

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    The driving terms in three-body theories of elastic and inelastic scattering of a charged particle off a bound state of two other charged particles contain the fully off-shell two-body Coulomb T-matrix describing the intermediate-state Coulomb scattering of the projectile with each of the charged target particles. Up to now the latter is usually replaced by the Coulomb potential, either when using the multiple-scattering approach or when solving three-body integral equations. General properties of the exact and the approximate on-shell driving terms are discussed, and the accuracy of this approximation is investigated numerically, both for atomic and nuclear processes including bound-state excitation, for energies below and above the corresponding three-body dissociation threshold, over the whole range of scattering angles.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figures, figures can be obtained upon request from the Authors, revte

    Efficient high-fidelity quantum computation using matter qubits and linear optics

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    We propose a practical, scalable, and efficient scheme for quantum computation using spatially separated matter qubits and single photon interference effects. The qubit systems can be NV-centers in diamond, Pauli-blockade quantum dots with an excess electron or trapped ions with optical transitions, which are each placed in a cavity and subsequently entangled using a double-heralded single-photon detection scheme. The fidelity of the resulting entanglement is extremely robust against the most important errors such as detector loss, spontaneous emission, and mismatch of cavity parameters. We demonstrate how this entangling operation can be used to efficiently generate cluster states of many qubits, which, together with single qubit operations and readout, can be used to implement universal quantum computation. Existing experimental parameters indicate that high fidelity clusters can be generated with a moderate constant overhead.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, broader introduction and improved scalability of cluster state generatio

    Conditional linear-optical measurement schemes generate effective photon nonlinearities

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    We provide a general approach for the analysis of optical state evolution under conditional measurement schemes, and identify the necessary and sufficient conditions for such schemes to simulate unitary evolution on the freely propagating modes. If such unitary evolution holds, an effective photon nonlinearity can be identified. Our analysis extends to conditional measurement schemes more general than those based solely on linear optics.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    How does land use affect the relative abundance of two mesopredators in the, Eastern Cape, South Africa?

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    Moderator: Wouter van Hoven.Presented at the 8th international congress for wildlife and livelihoods on private and communal lands: livestock, tourism, and spirit, that was held on September 7-12, 2014 in Estes Park, Colorado.Presenter: Armand Kok.Livestock pastoralism and game ranching are the two dominant land use types in the Eastern Cape, South Africa and conflict between humans and medium sized carnivores is widespread. In this study, we used 12 spatially explicit (3 x 3) trail camera grids (3600ha), to assess the relative abundance indices (RAI) of two common predators; black-backed jackals (Canis mesomelas) and caracals (Caracal caracal). Camera grids were equally distributed across the two land use types. Over 19121 trap nights, 726 photographs of black-backed jackals and 81 photographs of caracals were taken. The RAI of jackals was significantly higher on game ranches than livestock farms (U = 109; df = 1; p 0.05). While the two mesopredators are actively removed by managers on both land-use types, removal rates are higher on livestock farms than game ranches. Thus, monogamous, pair-bonded black-backed jackals may be more sensitive to the effects of predator control than solitary caracals. The merits of predator removal as a conflict mitigation strategy are discussed

    Electrostatics in wind-blown sand

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    Wind-blown sand, or "saltation," is an important geological process, and the primary source of atmospheric dust aerosols. Significant discrepancies exist between classical saltation theory and measurements. We show here that these discrepancies can be resolved by the inclusion of sand electrification in a physically based saltation model. Indeed, we find that electric forces enhance the concentration of saltating particles and cause them to travel closer to the surface, in agreement with measurements. Our results thus indicate that sand electrification plays an important role in saltation.Comment: 4 journal pages, 5 figures, and supplementary material. Article is in press at PR

    Flight-based chemical characterization of biomass burning aerosols within two prescribed burn smoke plumes

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    Biomass burning represents a major global source of aerosols impacting direct radiative forcing and cloud properties. Thus, the goal of a number of current studies involves developing a better understanding of how the chemical composition and mixing state of biomass burning aerosols evolve during atmospheric aging processes. During the Ice in Clouds Experiment-Layer Clouds (ICE-L) in the fall of 2007, smoke plumes from two small Wyoming Bureau of Land Management prescribed burns were measured by on-line aerosol instrumentation aboard a C-130 aircraft, providing a detailed chemical characterization of the particles. After ~2–4 min of aging, submicron smoke particles, produced primarily from sagebrush combustion, consisted predominantly of organics by mass, but were comprised primarily of internal mixtures of organic carbon, elemental carbon, potassium chloride, and potassium sulfate. Significantly, the fresh biomass burning particles contained minor mass fractions of nitrate and sulfate, suggesting that hygroscopic material is incorporated very near or at the point of emission. The mass fractions of ammonium, sulfate, and nitrate increased with aging up to ~81–88 min and resulted in acidic particles. Decreasing black carbon mass concentrations occurred due to dilution of the plume. Increases in the fraction of oxygenated organic carbon and the presence of dicarboxylic acids, in particular, were observed with aging. Cloud condensation nuclei measurements suggested all particles >100 nm were active at 0.5% water supersaturation in the smoke plumes, confirming the relatively high hygroscopicity of the freshly emitted particles. For immersion/condensation freezing, ice nuclei measurements at −32 °C suggested activation of ~0.03–0.07% of the particles with diameters greater than 500 nm