24 research outputs found

    Burnout among kindergarten teachers and associated factors

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    Burnout among kindergarten teachers is a subject of great concern. Although burnout is reported to be significantly associated with turnover intention and work engagement, few studies have examined factors associated with burnout among these teachers. Therefore, in the present study, we performed a cross-sectional survey of burnout and associated factors among kindergarten teachers. We distributed 3363 questionnaires to all 205 authorized kindergartens and childcare institutions in Nagasaki Prefecture and received 1086 responses (response rate: 32.3%). The participants were limited to full-time female class teachers. After excluding survey forms with incomplete content, we ultimately examined valid responses from 442 participants. The survey examined burnout (Maslach Burnout Inventory, MBI), teacher stress (Nursery Teacher’s Stress Scale, NTSS), coping behaviors (Brief Scales for Coping Profile, BSCP), and social support (Social Support Scale, SSS). A multiple regression analysis revealed that all 3 MBI subscales were positively associated with “understanding of how to handle children” on the NTSS and negatively associated with “superiors” on the SSS. “Emotional exhaustion” was significantly associated with “interpersonal relations at work” and “lack of time” on the NTSS, and “avoidance and suppression” on the BSCP. “Depersonalization” was significantly associated with age, “disconnect in working conditions” on the NTSS, and “proactive problem solving” and “venting emotions to others” on the BSCP. “Diminished professional accomplishment” was significantly associated with age, “lack of time” on the NTSS, and “proactive problem solving” and “change in perspective” on the BSCP. These results suggest that support from superiors that enables teachers to better understand children and handle them appropriately is necessary to prevent burnout

    Calcium sparks enhance the tissue fluidity within epithelial layers and promote apical extrusion of transformed cells

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    In vertebrates, newly emerging transformed cells are often apically extruded from epithelial layers through cell competition with surrounding normal epithelial cells. However, the underlying molecular mechanism remains elusive. Here, using phospho-SILAC screening, we show that phosphorylation of AHNAK2 is elevated in normal cells neighboring RasV12 cells soon after the induction of RasV12 expression, which is mediated by calcium-dependent protein kinase C. In addition, transient upsurges of intracellular calcium, which we call calcium sparks, frequently occur in normal cells neighboring RasV12 cells, which are mediated by mechanosensitive calcium channel TRPC1 upon membrane stretching. Calcium sparks then enhance cell movements of both normal and RasV12 cells through phosphorylation of AHNAK2 and promote apical extrusion. Moreover, comparable calcium sparks positively regulate apical extrusion of RasV12-transformed cells in zebrafish larvae as well. Hence, calcium sparks play a crucial role in the elimination of transformed cells at the early phase of cell competition


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    金沢大学がん進展制御研究所本研究課題では、転移性脳腫瘍におけるグリア細胞の関与を検討するためのアッセイとして、グリア細胞同士の相互作用を保ったまま1ヶ月以上の長期間に渡り安定的に培養することが可能なMGS法(Mixed- glial culture on soft substrate)を開発した。この培養法を用いて、転移性脳腫瘍におけるグリア細胞に重要な因子を薬剤スクリーニングにより網羅的に探索した結果、脳転移微小環境におけるがん細胞の運命を制御するアストロサイトの膜タンパク質Xを同定することに成功した。In order to investigate the involvement of glial cells in brain metastasis, I successfully developed a simple and stable culture method MGS (Mixed- glial culture on soft substrate) for prolonged observation of astrocytes and microglia. By using this culture method, I performed drug screening to identify key molecules for brain metastasis-associated glial cells. As a result, I successfully identified a membrane protein X which is important for the cancer promotive phenotype of astrocytes.研究課題/領域番号:19K23911, 研究期間(年度):2019-08-30 – 2021-03-31出典:「がん脳転移関連アストロサイトの制御機構の解明」研究成果報告書 課題番号19K23911(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所)) (https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/report/KAKENHI-PROJECT-19K23911/19K23911seika/)を加工して作

    Study on Epithelial Homeostasis Mechanism at the Initial Stage of Carcinogenesis

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    ADAM-like Decysin-1 (ADAMDEC1) is a positive regulator of Epithelial Defense Against Cancer (EDAC) that promotes apical extrusion of RasV12-transformed cells

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    Recent studies have revealed that newly emerging transformed cells are often eliminated from epithelia via cell competition with the surrounding normal epithelial cells. However, it remains unknown whether and how soluble factors are involved in this cancer preventive phenomenon. By performing stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture (SILAC)-based quantitative mass spectrometric analyses, we have identified ADAM-like Decysin-1(ADAMDEC1) as a soluble protein whose expression is upregulated in the mix culture of normal and RasV12-transformed epithelial cells. Expression of ADAMDEC1 is elevated in normal epithelial cells co-cultured with RasV12 cells. Knockdown of ADAMDEC1 in the surrounding normal cells substantially suppresses apical extrusion of RasV12 cells, suggesting that ADAMDEC1 secreted by normal cells positively regulate the elimination of the neighboring transformed cells. In addition, we show that the metalloproteinase activity of ADAMDEC1 is dispensable for the regulation of apical extrusion. Furthermore, ADAMDEC1 facilitates the accumulation of filamin, a crucial regulator of Epithelial Defense Against Cancer (EDAC), in normal cells at the interface with RasV12 cells. This is the first report demonstrating that an epithelial intrinsic soluble factor is involved in cell competition in mammals

    Relationship between Sensitivity Tendency and Psychological Stress Reactivity in Healthy Students

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    This study examined the relationship between sensory processing sensitivity and psychological stress reactivity in 69 healthy Japanese university students. The Japanese version of the Highly Sensitive Person Scale and the Japanese version of the Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile were used for subjective assessment. The Galvanic skin response was measured as an objective measure of stress responses while the participants were completing the Stroop task. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test, the Spearman rank correlation coefficient, and the Mann–Whitney U test were conducted for data analysis. The results demonstrated that there was no significant correlation between the Japanese version of the Highly Sensitive Person Scale and Galvanic skin response. However, there was a marginal trend toward significance between low registration in the Japanese version of the Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile and Galvanic skin response (rs = 0.231, p < 0.10; rs = 0.219, p < 0.10), suggesting that self-rated sensitivity was not necessarily associated with objective measures. These results indicate that sensory processing sensitivity analyses require the consideration of the traits and characteristics of the participants and multifaceted evaluations using a sensitivity assessment scale other than the Japanese version of the Highly Sensitive Person Scale

    Cell Damage Mechanisms during Cryopreservation in a Zwitterion Solution and Its Alleviation by DMSO

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    Recently, zwitterions have been proposed as novel cryoprotectants. However, some cells are difficult to cryopreserve using aqueous zwitterion solutions alone. We investigated here the reason for cell damage in such cells, and it was the osmotic pressure after freeze concentration. Furthermore, the addition of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) has been reported to improve the cryoprotective effect in such cells: the zwitterion/DMSO aqueous solution shows a higher cryoprotective effect than the commercial cryoprotectant. This study also clarified the mechanisms underlying the improvement in a cryoprotective effect. The addition of cell-permeable DMSO alleviated the osmotic pressure after the freeze concentration. This alleviation was also found to be a key factor for cryopreserving cell spheroids, while there has been no insight into this phenomenon