7 research outputs found

    Uusi suundi kasvajate energiametabolismi uuringutes

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    Genoomika kiire arengu käigus on selgunud, et selle valdkonna meetoditega ei ole võimalik erinevaid metabolismihäireid terviklikult kirjeldada ning täiendavalt on vaja kasutusele võtta teisi meetodeid rakuenergeetikast ning proteoomikast. Äärmiselt huvitavaks kujuneb selline süsteemsem käsitlus ulatuslike patoloogiliste muutustega maliigses koes. Eelmise sajandi alguses kirjeldas Otto Warburg efekti, kus tuumorirakkudes toimus eelistatult glükolüüs isegi normoksiatingimustes. Tema esmane arvamus, et just see asjaolu ongi raku maliigsuse allikas, lükati järgnevatel aastatel uute avastuste valguses ümber. Lisaks ulatuslikele rakuenergeetilistele ümberkorraldustele maliigse raku sees (nt kärbitud Krebsi-tsükkel, hingamisahela superkompleksid) on viimastel aastatel erinevate vähipaikmete juures korduvalt tõestatud ka kahe kompartmendi olemasolu, kus maliigne rakk allutab ümbritseva strooma enda jaoks vajalikke metaboliite tootma. Maliigsuse täpsem olemus, paremad ravimisihtmärgid ning -strateegiad võivad peituda just kasvajate süsteemsemate uuringute tulemustes. Eesti Arst 2013; 92(5):261–26

    Comparative analysis of the bioenergetics of human adenocarcinoma Caco-2 cell line and postoperative tissue samples from colorectal cancer patients

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    The aim of this work was to explore the key bioenergetic properties attributed to the mitochondrial respiration in widely used Caco-2 cell line and human colorectal cancer (HCC) postoperational tissue samples. Oxygraphy and Metabolic Control Analysis (MCA) were applied to estimate the function of oxidative phosphorylation in cultured Caco-2 cells and HCC tissue samples. The mitochondria of Caco-2 cells and HCC tissues displayed larger functional activity of respiratory complex (C)II compared to CI, whereas in normal colon tissue an inverse pattern in the ratio of CI to CII activity was observed. MCA showed that the respiration in Caco-2 and HCC tissue cells is regulated by different parts of electron transport chain. In HCC tissue, this control is performed essentially at the level of respiratory chain complexes I-IV, whereas in Caco-2 cells at the level of CIV (cytochrome c oxidase) and ATP synthasome. The revealed differences in the regulation of respiratory chain activity and glycose index could represent an adaptive response to distinct growth conditions; this means the importance of proper validation of results obtained from in vitro models before their extrapolation to the more complex in vivo systems.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author