227 research outputs found

    Bleaching of sol-gel glass film with embedded gold nanoparticles by thermal poling

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    Gold clusters embedded in glass are expected to be hard to dissolve in the form of ions since gold is essentially a nonreactive metal. In spite of that, bleaching of Au-doped nanocomposite sol-gel glass film on a soda-lime glass substrate is demonstrated in which electric-field thermal poling is employed to effectively dissolve randomly distributed gold nanoparticles (15 nm in diameter) embedded in a low conductivity sol-gel glass film with a volume filling factor as small as 2.3%. The surface plasmon absorption band at 520 nm is suppressed in the region covered by the anodic electrode. The phenomenon is explained by the ionization of the gold nanoparticles and the redistribution of gold ions in the glass matrix due to the action of the extremely high electrostatic field locally developed during poling

    Third-order nonlinear optical properties of bismuth-borate glasses measured by conventional and thermally managed eclipse Z scan

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    Third-order nonlinearity one order of magnitude larger than silica is measured in bismuth-borate glasses presenting a fast response (<200 fs). The results for the sign and magnitude of the nonlinearity were obtained using a combination of the eclipse Z scan with thermal nonlinearity managed Z scan, whereas the Kerr shutter technique was employed to obtain the electronic time response of the nonlinearity, all performed with 76 MHz repetition rate 150 fs pulses at 800 nm. Conventional Z scans in the picosecond regime at 532 and 1064 nm were also independently performed, yielding the values of the third-order nonlinear susceptibilities at those wavelengths. The results obtained for the femtosecond response, enhanced third-order nonlinearity of this glass (with respect to silica), place this glass system as an important tool in the development of photonics devices. Electro-optical modulators, optical switches, and frequency converters are some of the applications using second-order nonlinear properties of the Bi-glass based on the rectification model

    Neuregulin 1 Type II-ErbB Signaling Promotes Cell Divisions Generating Neurons from Neural Progenitor Cells in the Developing Zebrafish Brain.

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    Post-mitotic neurons are generated from neural progenitor cells (NPCs) at the expense of their proliferation. Molecular and cellular mechanisms that regulate neuron production temporally and spatially should impact on the size and shape of the brain. While transcription factors such as neurogenin1 (neurog1) and neurod govern progression of neurogenesis as cell-intrinsic mechanisms, recent studies show regulatory roles of several cell-extrinsic or intercellular signaling molecules including Notch, FGF and Wnt in production of neurons/neural progenitor cells from neural stem cells/radial glial cells (NSCs/RGCs) in the ventricular zone (VZ). However, it remains elusive how production of post-mitotic neurons from neural progenitor cells is regulated in the sub-ventricular zone (SVZ). Here we show that newborn neurons accumulate in the basal-to-apical direction in the optic tectum (OT) of zebrafish embryos. While neural progenitor cells are amplified by mitoses in the apical ventricular zone, neurons are exclusively produced through mitoses of neural progenitor cells in the sub-basal zone, later in the sub-ventricular zone, and accumulate apically onto older neurons. This neurogenesis depends on Neuregulin 1 type II (NRG1-II)-ErbB signaling. Treatment with an ErbB inhibitor, AG1478 impairs mitoses in the sub-ventricular zone of the optic tectum. Removal of AG1478 resumes sub-ventricular mitoses without precedent mitoses in the apical ventricular zone prior to basal-to-apical accumulation of neurons, suggesting critical roles of ErbB signaling in mitoses for post-mitotic neuron production. Knockdown of NRG1-II impairs both mitoses in the sub-basal/sub-ventricular zone and the ventricular zone. Injection of soluble human NRG1 into the developing brain ameliorates neurogenesis of NRG1-II-knockdown embryos, suggesting a conserved role of NRG1 as a cell-extrinsic signal. From these results, we propose that NRG1-ErbB signaling stimulates cell divisions generating neurons from neural progenitor cells in the developing vertebrate brain

    Low-Cost High-Speed Imaging System for Observing Vocal Fold Vibration in Voice Disorders

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to establish a method to observe vocal fold vibration using a low-cost high-speed laryngeal imaging system. Procedures: We assembled a high-speed imaging system with a consumer digital camera and a rigid laryngeal endoscope. The camera can shoot digital images at a rate of 1,200 frames per second and be purchased for about USD 1,000 in Japan. Results: We examined the normal and pathological vocal folds of 215 subjects with our new system and analyzed the vocal fold vibration in these subjects by playback of a video and kymograph images. Conclusions: Our high-speed laryngeal imaging system is highly cost-effective and can be a useful tool for examining the vocal folds of patients with voice disorders

    Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells Activate Lymphoid-Specific Genetic Programs Irrespective of Their Cellular Origin

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    AbstractThe developmental origin of type I interferon (IFN)-producing plasmacytoid dendritic cells (PDCs) is controversial. In particular, the rearrangement of immunoglobulin heavy chain (IgH) genes in murine PDCs and the expression of pre-T cell receptor α (pTα) gene by human PDCs were proposed as evidence for their “lymphoid” origin. Here we demonstrate that PDCs capable of IFN production develop efficiently from both myeloid- and lymphoid-committed progenitors. Rearranged IgH genes as well as RAG transcripts were found in both myeloid- and lymphoid-derived PDCs. The human pTα transgenic reporter was activated in both myeloid- and lymphoid-derived PDCs at a level comparable to pre-T cells. PDCs were the only cell population that activated murine RAG1 knockin and human pTα transgenic reporters outside the lymphoid lineage. These results highlight a unique developmental program of PDCs that distinguishes them from other cell types including conventional dendritic cells

    A case of pulmonary pleomorphic carcinoma with malignant phenotypes induced by ZEB1-associated epithelial-mesenchymal transition

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    A 60-year-old man was admitted to our hospital with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Imaging and pathological studies revealed NSCLC, not otherwise specified (NOS), at clinical stage T3N1M0 stage IIIA. We started radiotherapy alone because of obstructive pneumonia and end-stage renal disease, but the tumors progressed rapidly and resulted in death due to air obstruction by pharyngeal metastasis. The cancer was diagnosed as pleomorphic carcinoma in an autopsy. Viable lung tumor cells, which were resistant to radiotherapy, and the pharyngeal metastasis had mesenchymal phenotypes and expressed ZEB1 but not SNAI1. These observations indicated that ZEB1-associated epithelial-mesenchymal transition has malignant features including resistance to radiotherapy and aggressive metastatic potential. ZEB1-associated EMT may be an important mechanism to understand the pathophysiology of pleomorphic carcinoma

    Tracheal reconstruction using s-shaped skin flaps and a conchal cartilage graft.

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    We have devised a technique of two-stage tracheal reconstruction using S-shaped skin flaps and an aural conchal cartilage graft. During the first operation, S-shaped skin flaps were elevated before resection of the trachea. A tracheocutaneous fistula was created at the tracheal defect using S-shaped skin flaps while placing the conchal cartilage graft underneath. During the second operation, a skin incision was made around the fistula to elevate the hinge flaps, including the cartilage. The edges of the hinge flaps were sutured to form the tracheal lumen, and the area of the skin defect was then closed with double-rotation skin flaps