297 research outputs found

    B-mode polarization induced by gravitational waves from kinks on infinite cosmic strings

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    We investigate the effect of the stochastic gravitational wave (GW) background produced by kinks on infinite cosmic strings, whose spectrum was derived in our previous work, on the B-mode power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy. We find that the B-mode polarization due to kinks is comparable to that induced by the motion of the string network and hence the contribution of GWs from kinks is important for estimating the B-mode power spectrum originating from cosmic strings. If the tension of cosmic strings \mu is large enough i.e., G\mu >~ 10^{-8}, B-mode polarization induced by cosmic strings can be detected by future CMB experiments.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur

    Gravitational waves from kinks on infinite cosmic strings

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    Gravitational waves emitted by kinks on infinite strings are investigated using detailed estimations of the kink distribution on infinite strings. We find that gravitational waves from kinks can be detected by future pulsar timing experiments such as SKA for an appropriate value of the the string tension, if the typical size of string loops is much smaller than the horizon at their formation. Moreover, the gravitational wave spectrum depends on the thermal history of the Universe and hence it can be used as a probe into the early evolution of the Universe.Comment: 29 pages, 4figure


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    Thermotolerance in tsAF8 cells develops during incubation at 34℃ after heating at 45℃, while it is suppressed by the following incubation at a non-permissive temperature of 39.7℃ after the same heating. The incubation temperature after heating may affect the cell cycle and consequently thermotolerance. In the present study, a relationship between the thermotolerance and the cell cycle of tsAF8 was investigated. The cell cycle fractions and DNA synthesis were measured by flow cytometry using double staining with propidium iodide and bromodeoxyuridine. When the tsAF8 cells were heated at 45℃ for 20 min, and thereafter incubated at 34℃, bromodeoxyuridine uptake in the S phase cells (DNA synthesis) was recovered to 65.1% 6 h after the heating, and the cells showed gradual accumulation in the G(2)/M phase. When the cells were incubated at 39.7℃ after heating at 45℃ for 20 min, then showed inhibition of thermotolerance development, the DNA synthesis was recovered to 15.1% temporarily 6 h after the heating, but it became 0% after 12 h, and the cells did not remarkably accumulate in any phases of the cell cycle. This inhibition of DNA synthesis at 39.7℃ was considered to be the result of cell survival decreasing by a step-down heating. However, the relationship between the thermotolerance and the cell cycle was not found out in tsAF8 cells, because the cells did not accumulate in any phases of the cell cycle under the inhibitory condition of thermotolerance.tsAF8細胞は45℃の加温後34℃で培養すると温熱耐性が速やかに発現するが,加温後,制限温度である39.7℃で培養すると温熱耐性の発現が抑制される。加温後の培養温度が細胞周期に影響し,その結果として温熱耐性発現に影響を与えている可能性があることから,今回,Propidium Iodide(PI)とbromodeoxyuridine(BrdU)でtsAF8細胞を二重染色し,フローサイトメトリーによって温熱耐性と細胞周期の関係の有無について調べた。tsAF8細胞を45℃20分の加温後34℃で培養すると,6時間後にはG(1)期の細胞が減少し,12時間後にはG(2)/M期への蓄積が見られた。しかし,加温後39.7℃で培養した場合には細胞周期の進行がほとんど見られなかった。BrdU の取込みは,加温せずに39.7℃で培養した場合には活発に行われ,また,45℃20分加温後34℃で培養した場合には,6時間後にはBrdUの取り込みは65.1%まで回復した。しかし,温熱耐性発現の抑制が観察される45℃20分加温後39.7℃で培養した場合には,BrdUの取込み量は6時間後に一時的に15.1%に回復するが,12時間後には取込み量はゼロとなった。BrdUの取り込みが阻害されたのはstep-down heatingの現象による細胞生存率の減少が原因だと考えられたが,温熱耐性発現の抑制が観察される条件下では細胞周期の特定の時期への集積がなかったことから,温熱耐性と細胞周期との関係はtsAF8細胞においては見い出されなかった

    Non-Gaussian isocurvature perturbations in dark radiation

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    We study non-Gaussian properties of the isocurvature perturbations in the dark radiation, which consists of the active neutrinos and extra light species, if exist. We first derive expressions for the bispectra of primordial perturbations which are mixtures of curvature and dark radiation isocurvature perturbations. We also discuss CMB bispectra produced in our model and forecast CMB constraints on the nonlinearity parameters based on the Fisher matrix analysis. Some concrete particle physics motivated models are presented in which large isocurvature perturbations in extra light species and/or the neutrino density isocurvature perturbations as well as their non-Gaussianities may be generated. Thus detections of non-Gaussianity in the dark radiation isocurvature perturbation will give us an opportunity to identify the origin of extra light species and lepton asymmetry.Comment: 32 pages, 7 figure

    Rationalization of measures to protect the working environment in radiation controlled areas from the perspective of the relationship between surface and airborne contamination

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    放射線管理区域において業務従事者の放射線防護が正確に実施されていることを確認するために放射性同位元素の環境測定が行われている。しかし,実際の測定においては,濃度が低いなど実測困難な場合が多いこと,多くの人手と経費を要していることから,より合理的な測定の実施ができないかということについての検討が期待されている。このため本総説では,まず大学などの放射線管理区域における作業環境測定方法の現状についてまとめた。次に,放射線管理区域の床,作業台などにおける放射性同位元素の表面汚染と空気汚染に着目し,汚染粒子の移行など表面汚染と空気汚染の関係機構について,また,スミア法や直接測定法などの各種表面汚染測定法の汚染採取効率などを指標とした特性とこれら測定法の改良の試みについてまとめた。さらに,実際の作業場所において,作業内容,換気,表面材料などが表面汚染と空気汚染の関係に及ぼす影響について,その検討例を紹介した。得られた知見をまとめるとともに,測定箇所・測定頻度の適性化やそれぞれの測定箇所に適した測定法の選定など作業環境測定の一層の合理化に向けて,今後どのような検討が必要なのかについて提案した。In radiation controlled areas, measures have been taken to assess the radiation dose to workers, but these efforts are limited due to high labor and cost factors in extremely low dose radiation controlled areas. And so they have been expected to be rationalized. Therefore, we first reviewed the present conditions of these working environment measurement and elucidated the relationship between surface and airborne contamination in radiation controlled areas. Second, we reviewed the qualities of several surface contamination measurements such as smear test and possibilities for their improvement. As a result, we developed some future programs for rationalization of the working environment measurements, for example, an algorithm for selecting the proper surface contamination measurement for each measurement area based on the conditions specific to that area

    The electric field changes and UHF radiations caused by the triggered lightning in Japan

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    In the rocket triggered lightning experiment of fiscal 1989, researchers observed electromagnetic field changes and UHF electromagnetic radiation accompanying rocket triggered lightning. It was found that no rapid changes corresponding to the return stroke of natural lightning were observed in the electric field changes accompanying rocket triggered lightning. However, continuous currents were present. In the case of rocket triggered lightning to the tower, electromagnetic field changes corresponding to the initiation of triggered lightning showed a bipolar pulse of a relatively large amplitude. In contrast, the rocket triggered lightning to the ground did not have such a bipolar pulse. The UHF radiation accompanying the rocket triggered lightning preceded the waveform portions corresponding to the first changes in electromagnetic fields. The number of isolated pulses in the UHF radiation showed a correlation with the time duration from rocket launching up to triggered lightning. The time interval between consecutive isolated pulses tended to get shorter with the passage of time, just like the stepped leaders of natural lightning

    Isocurvature perturbations in extra radiation

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    Recent cosmological observations, including measurements of the CMB anisotropy and the primordial helium abundance, indicate the existence of an extra radiation component in the Universe beyond the standard three neutrino species. In this paper we explore the possibility that the extra radiation has isocurvatrue fluctuations. A general formalism to evaluate isocurvature perturbations in the extra radiation is provided in the mixed inflaton-curvaton system, where the extra radiation is produced by the decay of both scalar fields. We also derive constraints on the abundance of the extra radiation and the amount of its isocurvature perturbation. Current observational data favors the existence of an extra radiation component, but does not indicate its having isocurvature perturbation. These constraints are applied to some particle physics motivated models. If future observations detect isocurvature perturbations in the extra radiation, it will give us a hint to the origin of the extra radiation.Comment: 41 pages, 8 figures; version accepted for publication in JCA

    Fragment of an endogenous inhibitor produced in Escherichia coli for calcium-activated neutral protease (CANP) retains an inhibitory activity

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    AbstractA C-terminal fragment of an endogenous rabbit liver inhibitor for calcium-activated neutral protease (CANP) was produced in Escherichia coli and its inhibitory activity was examined after purification. The truncated inhibitor (373 amino acid residues), which contains two internal repeat structures, inhibits 2 mol CANP whereas the native liver inhibitor (639 residues), containing four internal repeat structures, inhibits 4 mol CANP. This supports the hypothesis that the repeating unit is the functional unit of inhibition. The results also indicate that post-translational modification of the inhibitor is not essential for inhibition