10 research outputs found

    Central place foragers select ocean surface convergent features despite differing foraging strategies

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    Discovering the predictors of foraging locations can be challenging, and is often the critical missing piece for interpreting the ecological significance of observed movement patterns of predators. This is especially true in dynamic coastal marine systems, where planktonic food resources are diffuse and must be either physically or biologically concentrated to support upper trophic levels. In the Western Antarctic Peninsula, recent climate change has created new foraging sympatry between Adélie (Pygoscelis adeliae) and gentoo (P. papua) penguins in a known biological hotspot near Palmer Deep canyon. We used this recent sympatry as an opportunity to investigate how dynamic local oceanographic features affect aspects of the foraging ecology of these two species. Simulated particle trajectories from measured surface currents were used to investigate the co-occurrence of convergent ocean features and penguin foraging locations. Adélie penguin diving activity was restricted to the upper mixed layer, while gentoo penguins often foraged much deeper than the mixed layer, suggesting that Adélie penguins may be more responsive to dynamic surface convergent features compared to gentoo penguins. We found that, despite large differences in diving and foraging behavior, both shallow-diving Adélie and deeper-diving gentoo penguins strongly selected for surface convergent features. Furthermore, there was no difference in selectivity for shallow- versus deep-diving gentoo penguins. Our results suggest that these two mesopredators are selecting surface convergent features, however, how these surface signals are related to subsurface prey fields is unknown

    Sub-inertial characteristics of the surface flow field over the shelf of the central Mid-Atlantic Bight

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    Observations of surface velocity data from August 2002 to February 2004 were collected by a series of four long-range high-frequency (HF) radars along the coast of New Jersey. The shelf observations of the central Mid-Atlantic Bight (MAB) were compared to historical observations of surface flow characteristics in the area. The time-averaged spatial mean velocity of 4 cm/s in the down-shelf along-shelf direction and 3 cm/s in the offshore across-shelf direction compared very well to historical surface measurements in the study region. However, as the spatial resolution of the data set revealed, this simple measure masked significant spatial variations in the overall and seasonal mean flow structures. Three regions-the south bank of the Hudson Shelf Valley, the southern New Jersey inner shelf (LEO-15) region, and the region offshore of the Delaware Baymouth (southwest corner) - had mean flows that favor offshore transport of surface water. In terms of temporal variability, maps of the principle axes showed that the across-shelf (minor) axis contribution was not in significant in the surface layer ranging from 0.3 to 0.9 of along-shelf (major) axis and that there were seasonal differences in orientation and ellipticity. Analysis of the spatial changes in the temporal and spatial correlation scales over the shelf showed that shelf position, in addition to site separation, contributed to the differences in these properties. Furthermore, observations over the Hudson Shelf Valley region suggested that this was a region of transition in which the orientation of along- and across-shelf components begin to change. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Seasonal differences in wind-driven across-shelf forcing and response relationships in the shelf surface layer of the central Mid-Atlantic Bight

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    National Atmospheric and Oceanographic Administration [NA17EC2449]; NASA-Space [NNG05GO92H]; NOAA-SG [NA09OAR4170070]; NASA [NNG05GO92H, NNX08AW02A, NNX09AF33G]Observations of surface currents, wind stress, and adjusted sea level from August 2002 to January 2004 were used to study across-shelf forcing and response relationships in the central Mid-Atlantic Bight (MAB). A commonly observed shelf wide offshore flow pattern was associated with distinctly different wind stress magnitudes and directions during mixed and stratified seasons. During the stratified period, the offshore current flow pattern was associated with relatively weak winds out of the Southwest (upwelling favorable), while the mixed period events were associated with relatively strong across-shelf winds from the Northwest. To quantify these observations, time series of the spatial mean surface current, wind stress, and coastal sea level were analyzed using several types of correlation analyses. Seasonal vector correlations between the surface current and wind stress revealed very high correlations but distinctly different phase angles and transfer coefficients. The stratified (mixed) period current veered to the right of the wind by 30-40 degrees (6-8 degrees) and had a higher (lower) transfer coefficient. Scalar correlations between across-shelf wind stress and across-shelf current showed higher r values than with the along-shelf wind stress during the mixed period. While this pattern did not hold between wind stress and sea level, the correlations did show a stronger (weaker) relationship with across-shelf (along-shelf) wind stress than what was observed in the stratified season. However, conditional sampling of shelf wide events during the weaker stratified periods did show stronger relationships between both across-shelf wind/across-shelf current and across-shelf wind/sea level than with the along-shelf wind stress

    Bioinformatic Approaches For Objective Detection of Water Masses on Continental Shelves

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    As part of the 2001 Hyper Spectral Coupled Ocean Dynamics Experiment, sea surface temperature and ocean color satellite imagery were collected for the continental shelf of the Mid-Atlantic Bight. These images were used to develop a water mass analysis and classification scheme that objectively describes the locations of water masses and their boundary locations. This technique combines multivariate cluster analysis with a newly developed genetic expression algorithm to objectively determine the number of water types in the region on the basis of ocean color and sea surface temperature measurements. Then, through boundary analysis of the water types identified, the boundaries of the major water types were mapped and the differences between them were quantified using predictor space distances. Results suggest that this approach can track the development and transport of water masses. Because the analysis combines the information of multiple predictors to describe water masses, it is an effective tool in detecting water masses not readily recognizable with temperature or chlorophyll alone

    Trends and Change Points In Surface and Bottom Thermal Environments of the US Northeast Continental Shelf Ecosystem

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    Temperature is an important factor in defining the habitats of marine resource species. While satellite sensors operationally measure ocean surface temperatures, we depend on in situ measurements to characterize benthic habitats. Ship‐based measurements were interpolated to develop a time series of gridded spring and fall, surface and bottom temperature fields for the US Northeast Shelf. Surface and bottom temperatures have increased over the study period (1968–2018) at rates between 0.18–0.31°C per decade and over a shorter time period (2004–2018) at rates between 0.26–1.49°C per decade. A change point analysis suggests that a warming regime began in the surface waters in 2011 centered on Georges Bank and the Nantucket Shoals; in following years, most of the Northeast Shelf had experienced a shift in surface temperature. A similar analysis of bottom temperature suggests a warming regime began in 2008 in the eastern Gulf of Maine; in following years, change points in temperature occurred further to the west in the Gulf of Maine, finally reaching the Middle Atlantic Bight by 2010. The spatial pattern in bottom water warming is consistent with well‐known oceanographic patterns that advect warming North Atlantic waters into the Gulf of Maine. The varying spatial and temporal progression of warming in the two layers suggests they were actuated by different sets of forcing factors. We then compared these trends and change points to responses of lower and higher trophic level organisms and identified a number of coincident shifts in distribution and biomass of key forage and fisheries species

    Trends and change points in surface and bottom thermal environments of the US Northeast Continental Shelf Ecosystem

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    Temperature is an important factor in defining the habitats of marine resource species. While satellite sensors operationally measure ocean surface temperatures, we depend on in situ measurements to characterize benthic habitats. Ship‐based measurements were interpolated to develop a time series of gridded spring and fall, surface and bottom temperature fields for the US Northeast Shelf. Surface and bottom temperatures have increased over the study period (1968–2018) at rates between 0.18–0.31°C per decade and over a shorter time period (2004–2018) at rates between 0.26–1.49°C per decade. A change point analysis suggests that a warming regime began in the surface waters in 2011 centered on Georges Bank and the Nantucket Shoals; in following years, most of the Northeast Shelf had experienced a shift in surface temperature. A similar analysis of bottom temperature suggests a warming regime began in 2008 in the eastern Gulf of Maine; in following years, change points in temperature occurred further to the west in the Gulf of Maine, finally reaching the Middle Atlantic Bight by 2010. The spatial pattern in bottom water warming is consistent with well‐known oceanographic patterns that advect warming North Atlantic waters into the Gulf of Maine. The varying spatial and temporal progression of warming in the two layers suggests they were actuated by different sets of forcing factors. We then compared these trends and change points to responses of lower and higher trophic level organisms and identified a number of coincident shifts in distribution and biomass of key forage and fisheries species

    Mesoscale variability of the summer bloom over the northern Ross Sea shelf: A tale of two banks

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    Multi-year satellite records indicate an asymmetric spatial pattern in the summer bloom in the Northern Ross Sea, with the largest blooms over the shallows of Pennell Bank compared to Mawson Bank. In 2010–2011, high-resolution spatiotemporal in situ sampling focused on these two banks to better understand factors contributing to this pattern. Dissolved and particulate Fe profiles suggested similar surface water depletion of dissolved Fe on both banks. The surface sediments and velocity observations indicate a more energetic water column over Mawson Bank. Consequently, the surface mixed layer over Pennell Bank was more homogeneous and shallower. Over Mawson Bank we observed a thicker more homogeneous bottom boundary layer resulting from stronger tidal and sub-tidal currents. These stronger currents scour the seafloor resulting in sediments less likely to release additional sedimentary iron. Estimates of the quantum yield of photosynthesis and the initial slope of the photosynthesis-irradiance response were lower over Mawson Bank, indicating higher iron stress over Mawson Bank. Overall, the apparent additional sedimentary source of iron to, and longer surface residence time over Pennell Bank, as well as the reduced fluxes from the more isolated bottom mixed layer over Mawson Bank, sustain the observed asymmetric pattern across both banks

    Multiplatform, multidisciplinary investigations of the impacts of modified circumpolar deep water in the Ross Sea, Antarctica

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    In 2010-2011, three projects combined to characterize the temporal and spatial distributions of Modified Circumpolar Deep Water (MCDW) in the Ross Sea using icebreaker-based sampling, gliders, instrumented seals, and hindcasts from a numerical circulation model. The fieldwork clearly identified MCDW throughout the Ross Sea, and the data were used to determine its influence on potential heat and nutrient inputs and biotic distributions. Furthermore, the numerical simulations confirm its apparent trajectory and location. Substantial small-scale variability in oceanographic and biological distributions suggests that such variability may play an important role in biogeochemical cycles. Data from the three projects provide a view of hydrographic variability in the Ross Sea that is impossible to obtain using traditional sampling. Multiplatform investigations are promising approaches to future polar experiments where logistical considerations are of paramount importance. © 2014 by The Oceanography Society. All rights reserved

    Forward Progress? The Fall and Rise of an American Political Movement

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