71 research outputs found

    Personalize, participate, predict, and prevent: 4Ps in inflammatory bowel disease

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    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which includes Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC), is a complex, immune-mediated, disorder which leads to several gastrointestinal and systemic manifestations determining a poor quality of life, disability, and other negative health outcomes. Our knowledge of this condition has greatly improved over the last few decades, and a comprehensive management should take into account both biological (i.e., disease-related, patient-related) and non-biological (i.e., socioeconomic, cultural, environmental, behavioral) factors which contribute to the disease phenotype. From this point of view, the so called 4P medicine framework, including personalization, prediction, prevention, and participation could be useful for tailoring ad hoc interventions in IBD patients. In this review, we discuss the cutting-edge issues regarding personalization in special settings (i.e., pregnancy, oncology, infectious diseases), patient participation (i.e., how to communicate, disability, tackling stigma and resilience, quality of care), disease prediction (i.e., faecal markers, response to treatments), and prevention (i.e., dysplasia through endoscopy, infections through vaccinations, and post-surgical recurrence). Finally, we provide an outlook discussing the unmet needs for implementing this conceptual framework in clinical practice

    Local Resistance in Early Medieval Chinese Historiography and the Problem of Religious Overinterpretation

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    Official Chinese historiography is a treasure trove of information on local resistance to the centralised empire in early medieval China (third to sixth century). Sinologists specialised in the study of Chinese religions commonly reconstruct the religious history of the era by interpreting some of these data. In the process, however, the primary purpose of the historiography of local resistance is often overlooked, and historical interpretation easily becomes ‘overinterpretation’—that is, ‘fabricating false intensity’ and ‘seeing intensity everywhere’, as French historian Paul Veyne proposed to define the term. Focusing on a cluster of historical anecdotes collected in the standard histories of the four centuries under consideration, this study discusses the supposedly ‘religious’ nature of some of the data they contain

    Jan DeMeyer, Wu Yun’s Way. Life and Works of an Eighth-Century Daoist Master, (Sinica Leidensia LXXII) 2006

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    Kohn Livia. Jan DeMeyer, Wu Yun’s Way. Life and Works of an Eighth-Century Daoist Master, (Sinica Leidensia LXXII) 2006. In: Études chinoises, n°25, 2006. pp. 337-342


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    Isabelle Robinet, Histoire du taoĂŻsme des origines au XIVe siĂšcle. 1991. (Patrimoines)

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    Kohn Livia. Isabelle Robinet, Histoire du taoïsme des origines au XIVe siùcle. 1991. (Patrimoines). In: Études chinoises, vol. 11, n°2, Automne 1992. pp. 211-212

    Taoism in Japan: Positions and Evaluations

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    ConsidĂ©rant globalement les Ă©tudes taoĂŻstes au Japon, on peut classer les matĂ©riaux dits "taoĂŻstes", ainsi que leurs interprĂ©tations, en trois catĂ©gories. Parmi ce qui est considĂ©rĂ© comme taoĂŻste, citons : 1) des aspects gĂ©nĂ©riques de la culture chinoise (Yijing, philosophie du yin-yang, calendriers); 2) les premiers matĂ©riaux taoĂŻstes (philosophie de Laozi et Zhuangzi, croyance dans l'immortalitĂ©, techniques de longĂ©vitĂ© et mĂ©decine) ; 3) des concepts et pratiques du taoĂŻsme religieux (divinitĂ©s et cosmologie, rituels et symboles, talismans et charmes). Trois tendances se dessinent parmi les interprĂ©tations des spĂ©cialistes japonais selon la relation du spĂ©cialiste vis-Ă -vis du kokugaku et du shintƍ officiel : traditionnelle, iconoclaste et neutre. Les trois tendances se distinguent par des mĂ©thodes diffĂ©rentes de travail et abordent le taoĂŻsme dans des domaines bien particuliers de la culture japonaise. Les reprĂ©sentants de la tendance neutre restent en dehors du dĂ©bat sur le shintƍ et se concentrent sur le taoĂŻsme intĂ©grĂ© dans les sectes bouddhiques, la mĂ©decine traditionnelle et d'autres domaines peu controversĂ©s de la culture japonaise. Les chercheurs traditionalistes perpĂ©tuent la tradition du kokugaku et se contentent le plus souvent d'une simple Ă©tude philologique sur les Ă©lĂ©ments taoĂŻstes dans les textes de l'ancienne aristocratie japonaise et les documents impĂ©riaux. Les iconoclastes, enfin, Ă©minemment reprĂ©sentĂ©s par les trĂšs nombreux travaux de Fukunaga Mitsuji, rassemblent leurs matĂ©riaux dans l'archĂ©ologie et le rituel et utilisent des mĂ©thodes plus anthropologiques que philologiques. Si leur analyse est critique, leur dĂ©marche tend Ă  prouver que la plus grande part du shintƍ ancien revient au taoĂŻsme, au sens le plus large. Quelle que soit la tendance, les travaux japonais sur le taoĂŻsme reflĂštent le plus souvent une forte influence du milieu culturel de leurs auteurs.Kohn Livia. Taoism in Japan: Positions and Evaluations. In: Cahiers d'ExtrĂȘme-Asie, vol. 8, 1995. MĂ©morial Anna Seidel. Religions traditionnelles d'Asie orientale. Tome I. pp. 389-412
